The King of the Iron Kingdom, great Edward V, one of the richest men on the continent. He had fourteen wives. And yet, it wasn’t enough. Thus, he took one hundred concubines in his harem. He took interest in Veronica when he read a report from Major General Orion.
In his eyes, women were pieces of decorations to decorate men’s harem. For a woman to rescue fifty healers from the enemy camp was something he couldn’t even dream of.
When he saw her face to face, he got fixed with her unique eyes and silver hair. She had an innocent face and a bold attitude. It was refreshingly charming. He decided to grant her wish so that she would have a good impression of him.
At night, he had a good time with his newest consort, and then he went back to his office. The Prime Minister was waiting for him there.
He sat on his chair and poured himself a glass of red wine. He asked meanwhile, “What do you think of that girl, Veronica?”
The Prime Minister fixed his glasses with the index finger and responded respectfully, “I think she is just a naïve girl who got some false fame.”
King Edward V frowned and stated, “You mean someone or some people assisted her to get the healers back from the Riverhill camp. Why didn’t they show up then? Why did they let her take the credit for everything?”
He had aged but his brain was as sharp as ever. His family discovered iron and he extended their territory over the lands and oceans since he was young. There was nothing he couldn’t notice.
The Prime Minister answered, “From what we have found, Major General Orion didn’t lie. Even the abducted rules said that Miss Veronica went to the tent and found them tied up. She fought against the soldiers and brought them back.”
“Did she look like she could fight?” King Edward V placed an elbow on the table and balanced his face on his arm. With his free hand, he played with the glass of red wine.
The Prime Minister immediately answered, “Not at all, Your Majesty.”
The King of Iron Kingdom narrowed his eyes. “Are you suggesting that all of the healers were lying?”
The Prime Minister carefully replied, “I don’t want to suggest that but it may be the case. Also, the report said that one healer saw a person taking the magic ball. The healer who said that didn’t know the identity of that man.”
“What about his looks?” the king inquired.
The young Prime Minister replied, “The healer couldn’t remember.”
“So useless!” King Edward V slapped the table. “Anyway, this girl is very mysterious. Unlike other consorts and concubines, she is much more interesting. I’m thinking of taking her as my wife.”
The eyebrows of the Prime Minister twitched. It was unnoticed by the king because his eyebrows were hidden behind his bangs. “If that’s what you wish for, Your Majesty, I will proceed forward,” saying that he respectfully bowed.
After the Prime Minister left, King Edward V leaned against his chair and sipped the red wine. Then, he licked his lips thinking about Veronica’s beautiful face and body. ‘Will she taste like the finest red wine? I wonder,’ he chuckled as he thought that.
And, according to his plan, he announced the name of the candidate who was going to be his fifteenth wife. It was a great honor for a woman to be able to have a husband who was the richest in Synetian and one of the richest men in the whole continent – that’s what he thought. He excitedly waited for Veronica to come forth and accept his offer.
However, ten seconds passed… Twenty seconds passed… One minute passed. Veronica was nowhere in sight.
The color of King Edward V’s face started to change. There was one thing he didn’t like and that was ‘waiting’.
Where was she?
After Arthur left Veronica on the balcony, she was looking at the sky. Just then, she heard some footsteps. She turned around and saw a familiar face. She smiled and said, “You are here. I have been looking for you.”
The person slowly stepped closer. “Nice evening, isn’t it?”
Veronica agreed, “Yes, the air is also freshening.”
“You look pretty,” the person praised her.
Veronica bashfully smiled. “Thank you. You look gorgeous as well. Right after coming to the ball, I was so nervous. I was looking for anyone I knew of but it was so hard to find someone. I’m glad you came to find me.”
The person cocked their head. “Were you truly looking for us? Were you really nervous?” The question didn’t sound friendly.
Veronica thought she heard something wrong. “What?”
The person crossed arms and stated, “It looked to me that you were busy seeking attention.”
“What are you talking about?” Veronica didn’t know what was going on. She was clueless about what the person in front of her meant.
The person rebuked her, “Don’t you understand? How dumb can you be? Or maybe it is the way you do this, don’t you? You act innocently and get men all over.”
As the person moved forward, Veronica stepped back. “You have started to scare me. Why are you accusing me unreasonably?”
The person chuckled disdainfully. “So, you still don’t understand. You were with Arthur but it wasn’t enough for you. You seduced Major General Orion and made him buy you dresses and jewelry. You got everyone’s attention wearing all that. You danced with him and then you made Arthur dance with you. You even made Remus kneel before you. Taking all men to yourself. Just how low can you be?”
Veronica looked at the person in front of her. Her voice choked as she said, “I don’t understand why some people’s actions toward me are my fault. I’m not their master and I didn’t tell them to dance with me or buy me clothes. In which logic are you blaming me for their actions?”
The person sneered and mumbled, “Speak all you want but I figured out everything.”
Veronica was feeling a twisting pain in her chest. She wanted to leave as soon as possible. She took a deep breath and said, “It breaks my heart that you think that way. I’ve done nothing wrong. Please clear your mind. I’ll leave you be.”
The person spoke in a chilling voice, “You have to be punished for what you have done.”
After that, everything had turned dark. Veronica lost consciousness. When she woke up, everything she began to see was nothing more than a nightmare.