The Ancients World Novel

Chapter 67 - The Journey To Zenith City V

I’ve been moving at a good pace all night, the sun is just starting to rise here in Ancients World. That means its also morning in the real world. Players will be logging on and starting their daily grind, while the newer players from the discounted gaming pods start their journeys as well. Once I’m done with my tier up quest and start my divine mana aura quest I’ll need to take a detour to upgrade my armor. This armor was handy in the beginning, but with so many powerful skills I don’t need to focus on defense. I can get a specialized armor, specialized armors are special in the fact that they raise unique stats that you cant invest in. I have knowledge of a good set that will last me till I’m level 135, but as I am now I’m not strong enough to get it.

Despite my great stats and gear, there are creatures that will stomp me into the ground. Its common knowledge that if you fight something to high of a tier than you, no amount of great gear or skills will save you. Wilmer has 14 billion health, but he is a human mage. If I were to see the stats of another boss or elite creature with the same level he had their health would be exponentially larger. I shouldn’t fight anything over tier 2 until I have my mana aura, I still run the risk of losing out on it if I fail so I should stop talking like I already have it. I’m brought out of my thoughts as the sun is beginning to peak over the rolling hills in front of me.

Instead of worrying about my future obstacles I find some high ground and watch a beautiful morning come over Ancients World, the season is early winter here. The continent that I spawned on is much warmer during the winter. It never gets to cold here and that’s something that I like. Other continents have snow and cold weather by now, I’m sure the players on the EU continent are freezing, the Russian continent is probably in the middle of multiple blizzards. The oceans and sky are the only ways to get to other continents, teleporters don’t have the insane range that is needed to cross ocean distances. Thinking about it, once I have my wings I’ll be able to go to another continent if I want.

I shouldn’t speak to soon though, I’m sure there is a requirement to use the wings, I bet it will slowly drain my mana. I could be wrong though, having something like angel wings to attack, defend, and fly seems to go to be true without some prerequisite. In a few hours mom and dad will be getting on with Hailey and Marcus after the ZZR’s are set up. I’m still a little over a day away from Nelmorp, but I should get there ahead of schedule. If I was bold enough to ask Fenrir for a lift I would be there by now, but that’s a serious abuse of power and I’m not the type to abuse power like that. It just isn’t my personality type, I prefer solitude and tranquility then what attention and power brings.

A lot of peoples problems would be solved if you didn’t involve unnecessary people. I’m sure that I cant have solitude forever, but I will enjoy it while I still have it. I sit down instead of stand to enjoy the amazing view, I wonder what others are doing in the cities now that more and more players are spawning in. The beginner cities have capacities that reach into the 10s of millions, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it became to full in some places. The NPC’s are sure to be put into a foul mood with all the players that are arriving, they still call us new people though. I heard that some players explained what we really are and the NPC’s called us idiots, its safe to say that they refuse the concept of our origins.

As Cera watches the sunrise for a little longer before continuing his journey many of said upset NPC’s are on the verge of anger induced murder, especially the guards who patrol the cities the players frequent. In the capital city Zenith there is a private conversation happening, and this conversation is about is the son. The one speaking is the exiled blind priest Sam, he is currently being interrogated by the church of the dark ones followers. I cant believe they think I know the sons identity, I’m blind for gods sake even if I did know who he was I wouldn’t have any useful information.

My captors are talking amongst themselves about what to do with me. I’ve come across valuable information though, one of their dark priest was told that the son is coming to Zenith for me. While I’m honored I doubt that I’ll live long enough to meet him. Who I assume is the ring leader here approaches me. “Since you haven’t met the son yet that means he hasn’t arrived. You have 2 options old man. You can either help us capture him, or you can die now while we wait for him to come to us.” I’m about to refuse and accept death, but I’m stopped as I sense a change in the environment it feels like everything has misplaced its self.

If only I could see I wouldn’t have a problem, I voice out and try to see of my captures are still here. “Are you lowlifes still there?” No response, all I hear is nothing absolutely nothing. I start to hear heavy footsteps and the slight clinking of armor. “Who’s there?” I cant help feeling fear at the strength this person is giving off. The footsteps stop and I hear the faint flapping of wings as my binding is undone. I try to feel around and now that I can no longer hear the flapping of wings, sound returns around me. I hear birds chirping and feel the wing blow against my face. I cant stop my confusion at what is going on.

I’m brought out of my confusion by a voice I haven’t heard in a long time. “Big brother? If you were stopping by you should have said so!!” I hear the voice of my little brother and I know that my little brother is one of the farmers here in Zenith. I was no where near him when I was captured. “Here, let me help you inside. Vella is making a roast and I’m sure the kids would love your visit.” Instead of worrying how I got here I should just enjoy the fact that I’m safe and with family. Thank you Almighty Father for protecting me. If your grandson is to find me I will surely be ready.

While Sam is finding comfort in the safety of his family, the captors have no idea what happened. Sam was in front of them 1 second and then he wasn’t. However no one is as confused as Cera. He is currently on him way to Nelmorp. Why did everything freeze, the leaves blowing in the wind and the birds flying all just stopped. It was like time froze or something, I’ve never seen such a thing in my life. There is also no notification from the system about what just happened. It didn’t feel like someone used magic on me, and I would’ve sensed an enemy. Talk about weird, maybe it was a glitch in the system.

Since its already passed no sense in worrying about it, but I should be smart about this and be on the cautious side. I’ll be extra vigilant in case I do have a problem that I don’t know about. I continue making my way to Nelmorp going over valuable information in my head. I have a long travel and refreshing my information is probably a good idea to get through the monotony. I travel all day and soon night begins to approach, I should be about 10 hours away from Nelmorp at this point. I’m very hungry so I get to a safe place on some high ground and set up camp. I log off and hop out of my gaming pod. Unknown to Cera, a world announcement goes off a few minutes after he leaves.

[World-wide Announcement: The orc armies and their allies have begun to move! The first city on their list is the closest kingdom of Alsoma! All humanoid races have joined into an alliance and are preparing for the coming war! Once players reach level 50 tier 1 they can participate!]

Players all across Ancients World cheer at the idea of getting to fight in a war of this scale, and even the new players who are just starting are motivated to level up so they don’t miss out on the experience and items that will potentially drop. The NPC’s on the other hand are dreading this coming war, they aren’t immortal like the players are after all.

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