When she moved to New York, she would be leaving behind her best friend. Just thinking about it pained her, but she was also happy for Zoe.
She was pursuing her master’s in psychology, and she had a great boyfriend. Alyssa hoped that they stayed in contact when she left.
She also hoped that she didn’t lose Elias too. Losing them both would be too painful. They were the only family that she had left.
Medical school would be the hardest chapter of her life so far, and she wasn’t sure if she would be able to get through it alone.
“That sounds really fun,” Alyssa said with a nod. If they were all going to be together one more time for a long while, they might as well go out with a bang. “Let us know if you need any help.”
“Really? That’d be great! You can help me decorate,” Zoe said as she reached out to shake Alyssa’s shoulder.
“I can cook something,” Elias offered with a sheepish smile.
“Make that cheese dip you did that one time,” Cole said. “That stuff was amazing.”
“Yeah! You should do that,” Alyssa agreed as she turned to smile at Elias. She gave his hand a squeeze. “My chef.”
Elias chuckled as he shook his head at her.
“I’m not a chef,” he clarified. “I can just follow a recipe.”
“Compared to me, you’re like Gordon Ramsey,” Alyssa pointed out. She had no idea how to cook.
Granted, she lived in a dorm and didn’t have that much access to a kitchen so that she could practice.
She couldn’t wait to live in an actual apartment. Hopefully, she would be sharing it with Elias.
If they didn’t share a place, she would have to live on campus again or take out loans for housing.
All of that was such a hassle, but she hoped that she wouldn’t have to deal with it. It would be so much easier to apply for an apartment with Elias.
Plus, they could cook together. He could teach her some tricks. They could wake up to each other and fall asleep with each other every morning and night.
They could decorate together. There were so many things that they could do, and she wanted to share her New York experience with the love of her life.
Elias glanced up at the rearview mirror to look at Cole.
“What are you doing after graduation? Are you staying around the university?” he asked.
Cole nodded as he smiled at Zoe.
“Yeah, I have a good chance at a job at the local news station. They need a weather boy,” he chuckled. “What about you?”
Alyssa looked over at Elias, feeling her heart jolt slightly as she waited for his answer. Maybe he would answer the questions that she had been too nervous to ask him.
Elias kept his eyes on the road.
“I’m still thinking some things over,” he merely said.
Alyssa’s heart sank into her stomach. That was it? There were only a few months left until graduation, and he was still thinking things over. What was he so conflicted about? She wished that he would talk to her.
“Cutting it pretty close,” Zoe said with a weak laugh.
Alyssa knew that Zoe was saying that for her. She knew that Alyssa was waiting for Elias to finally give her an answer about their future because she was the only soul on the planet who knew about Alyssa’s predicament. Unfortunately, that didn’t work either.
“It’ll be fine. Besides, we’re on vacation. Let’s focus on the fun stuff!” Elias replied as he glanced around with a smile.
“Yeah, I’m tired of talking about school,” Cole agreed. “I can’t wait to see Circus Society’s set.”
Alyssa lowered her eyes to stare into her lap. She noticed that Zoe grew a bit quiet too as the boys talked.
She didn’t get the answer that she was hoping to get at all. It was like he was dodging around the discussion, but why was he doing that?
She decided to drop this for now. She didn’t want to ruin the mood for the trip, and it was a private discussion.
As hard as it was to let it go, it was even harder to ignore Zoe’s infectious laughter, Cole’s optimism, and Elias’ jokes. She soon slipped back into the conversation, focusing on the week ahead but not beyond it.
Alyssa stared up at the hotel that they would be staying at in the city with wide eyes. Where they came from was fairly small.
Going to an actual city with tall buildings and attractions was a whole new thing, and she loved it. Soon, she would live in one of the greatest cities in the world.
She followed everyone inside the Ivy Hotel and Suites, feeling a blast of air conditioning flow over her as they walked into the lobby to get checked in.
They got two rooms across the hall from each other so that each couple had some privacy. She was excited to have some time with Elias.
“I’m beat. How about we rest for a few hours and then we can grab dinner?” Elias suggested as everyone walked to the elevator.
“Sounds good to me!” Zoe quipped before Cole also nodded. She turned to Alyssa. “Text me if you need anything.”
Alyssa knew that look. Zoe was basically asking her if she needed to talk. She did want to talk but at a later time.
She was supposed to be relaxing and having fun on this trip. When they all returned, things were going to speed on by until graduation. She needed this break.
“Okay. I should be fine for now,” she replied, giving Zoe a look to tell her that she was okay.
Zoe nodded before they all boarded the elevator to go up to the fourth floor.
Alyssa couldn’t remember the last time that she stayed in a hotel. Or if she even had before. Her parents didn’t exactly make it a habit to take her on any trips.
She hadn’t been able to afford them during her first few years of college. Now, she was finally at a point where this wouldn’t kill her bank account.
She had a way better job now than she did back in her sophomore year. Though, she did miss the simplicity and easiness of that job.