He would live for a very long time because demonsim slowed the aging process. He could probably live for another couple hundred years if he took care of himself, but Alyssa was human. She only had so many years left.
“What’s wrong?” Alyssa asked him as she pulled them out of the spray.
Elias realized that they hadn’t had this talk yet. He hadn’t brought it up earlier because their relationship had been so fresh in college, and then they just got back together not too long ago. It was a heavy topic, but he was ready to bring it up.
“It’s just… you know that vampires and demons can live for hundreds of years, right?” he asked her.
Alyssa nodded.
“I figured. Why?” she asked him.
Elias took her hands and shrugged.
“I just wondered how that would affect us. I want to be with you for as long as possible,” he told her.
He didn’t want to pressure her into anything, but he wanted her to know that he was in this forever.
Her lifespan didn’t feel like long enough for him. Even his own wasn’t long enough, but it would give him more time with her.
Alyssa’s eyes widened slightly when she realized what he was talking about.
“Oh, because I’ll die sooner than you,” she said. She looked away from him, thinking to herself.
“I’m not pushing you to do anything. I just think it’s something that we should talk about,” Elias told her. If she chose to live the rest of her life as a human, he would support that and make the most out of the years that they had left.
Alyssa nodded before giving him a small smile.
“I’ve never really thought about being a vampire. You don’t even really talk about it much, so I don’t know much about it,” she pointed out.
Elias realized that she had a good point. If becoming a vampire was a possible option for her, she had to be informed. He was the best person to inform her since he was a demon and knew much about vampires.
“I’ll show you the ropes tomorrow. I have to show Melina my powers tomorrow anyway,” he pointed out. Two birds, one stone.
Alyssa looked a little nervous, but she kept her smile on her face and nodded.
“Sounds like a plan,” she said.
Elias placed his hand on the small of her back and pulled her closer to him, pressing his lips against her forehead.
He knew what he wanted her to choose, but he wasn’t going to voice that. The decision was hers, and he would always be happy with her, no matter how much time they had left together.
“We should head to bed,” he told her. He didn’t want to fall asleep just yet, but he wanted to hold her close under the warmth of the covers.
Alyssa nodded and moved to shut the water off. She watched him reach past the shower curtain to grab a towel and hand it to her.
She smiled at him warmly and wrapped the towel around herself, drying herself off as he grabbed himself a towel.
“When you picture our future, what do you see?” she asked him curiously.
Elias glanced over at her, feeling a little surprised by her question.
“The picture isn’t too clear because things are always changing, but I know that we’ll be happy together.
We’ll have a beautiful house. We’ll be successful in our jobs. We’ll spend our free time doing things that relax us or excite us,” he said as he dried off his body with his towel.
He imagined a lot of different things for them, but there wasn’t one clear image in mind.
Plus, the age thing did play a factor in that. She would age far quicker than him, which would alter their future. He didn’t bring that up, though.
That would only put more pressure on her. He would be happy with her no matter what, but he did want as many years together as possible because he loved her. Losing her would be absolute hell.
“How about pets? Or… kids?” Alyssa asked. The last question came out far quieter than the first one. She lowered her eyes, seeming shy as she dried off her hair.
Elias smiled a little as he peered at her. He realized they hadn’t had that conversation yet. He didn’t blame them for that either.
They just recently got back together, and they had been so young back in college. They hadn’t been ready for that talk. Maybe it was time to mention it.
“I’d be happy with both,” he told her.
He would love to have kids with her, but there were dangers to a human mother carrying a hybrid child. He didn’t want her to get hurt, so it was something that they had to consider.
There were risks, but the reward was huge. They would have a child of their own, and they would finally have a family.
Alyssa looked up at him and smiled brightly.
“Of course, I don’t mean right now. I’m still so deep in my career, but I just wanted to see your take on it,” she explained to him.
“I’m in the same boat,” Elias replied as he nodded. He had so much going on in his life. He wouldn’t plan to have a child until the world was at least safer than it was now.
He couldn’t imagine the pain that they would feel if they lost their child. He wasn’t ready for that possibility. He would never be ready for that.
“Good. I’m glad we’re on the same page,” Alyssa said as he opened the shower curtain. She stepped out of the shower, hanging her towel up and leaving her body bare.
She flashed a playful wink at him over her shoulder before heading to the bedroom.
Heat stirred inside of Elias as he watched her go, admiring the smooth sway of her perfect hips.
If he wasn’t so tired, he would make use of the bed for something besides sleeping. He hung his towel up and followed her, crawling into bed with her.
“Aren’t you missing something?” he asked her as he cocked an eyebrow at her.
“What?” Alyssa questioned him sweetly as she snuggled under the covers.
“Clothes,” Elias smirked as he got under the covers with her, pulling her bare body against his.
He honestly didn’t mind this at all. He enjoyed feeling her warm skin against his. She was so soft, so perfect to the touch.
“Are they necessary?” Alyssa asked him as she laid on her side to face him, placing her hand on his bicep.
“Certainly not,” Elias replied as he let his hand glide up her side, appreciating her curves. He would take her any way because he loved her for who she was.
He had fallen in love with her when they were younger, and he somehow loved her even more all of these years later.
Their love grew with them, even if it hadn’t exactly been actively expressed. It had always been there.
Alyssa gazed at him adoringly.
“I love you,” she told him. “We’re going to make it through this.”
“I know. I love you too,” Elias replied, letting his pessimism go for the time being. He couldn’t promise to always keep it away, but it was gone for now.
He felt perfect with her in his arms, and he focused on that feeling. This was what he was fighting for, and he wasn’t going to lose the love of his life.. No matter what.