Elias smiled at her as he gave her a grateful look.
“You too. You got this,” he replied.
Alyssa nodded as the teaching assistant started passing out tests. She straightened up and launched right into her test once it was on her desk.
She didn’t want to forget anything that she had worked so hard to study and remember.
Luckily, the final exam looked a lot like the regular exams with the majority of the questions being multiple choice. The only thing that was different was there were a few discussion questions at the end.
She decided to answer those first since they were more points and were more difficult than the multiple choice questions.
She had to explain the criticisms of various types of therapies, the functions of different parts of the brain, and the effect of different styles of parenting.
Luckily, she actually knew the answers to all of the discussion questions.
For the most part, she knew the answers on the exam. She had only gone over the terms and concepts more times than she could count.
There were a few questions that she had some difficulty with, but she went with her gut and answered what made the most sense.
Once she felt like she did all that she could, she turned in her exam and stepped out into the hallway.
She told Elias that she would wait for him so that they could talk before she went to her next exam.
She hoped that he was doing alright. It looked like he was almost done when she walked past him to go turn in her exam.
Thankfully, she was finally starting to dry off. Her clothes were still damp, but it was better than being soaking wet.
She hoped that the rain had died down at least a little because she didn’t feel like battling what felt like a tropical storm to head to her next class.
Elias strode out of the classroom a few minutes later. He didn’t look too worried, but he didn’t look all that chipper either.
“That test was so long,” he said as he moved mto her side.
“Did those discussion questions get you?” Alyssa asked. They mostly studied terms, but she did go over all of the concepts with him. She just hoped that they touched on them enough for him to handle the discussion questions.
Elias shrugged.
“I think I did alright on them. I’m just glad it’s finally over with,” he sighed. “I made it through.”
Alyssa smiled as she took his hand. She wanted to hug him, but she didn’t want to get him wet.
“You did it,” she said. This class was a struggle for him, but he put in the work and got through it. She was happy for him, and she was glad that this class brought them together.
“With your help. If you hadn’t pushed me to study so much, I wouldn’t have done as well,” Elias admitted as he nudged her with his shoulder.
He then recoiled when he felt how damp her shirt was. “I bet you still aced that exam, even while drenched.”
“I think I did alright,” Alyssa replied. She could’ve done a little better, but she believed she did good enough to get the grade that she needed.
Elias gave her a pointed look.
“Give yourself credit,” he told her.
Alyssa smirked and shrugged. She didn’t like bragging about herself. It made her feel weird, but Elias was adamant on getting her to accept her worth.
She did well today, given the circumstances she had been put through earlier.
“I worked hard. I think it paid off,” she said, allowing herself to admit that. That was as far as she was going, though. She still had more exams to get through, and she didn’t want to jinx herself.
Elias smiled, looking satisfied. He pecked her on the forehead before glancing toward the classroom.
“Are you waiting on Zoe before you go to your next class?” he asked.
Alyssa shook her head.
“We’re going to catch up later,” she replied. She needed to head out soon anyway so that she could look over her notes one more time before her exam.
Her eyes shifted over to the classroom door when it swung open and Kaleigh walked through it.
Kaleigh looked over at Alyssa and Elias. Her face immediately wrinkled in distaste.
Alyssa automatically sneered at her, refusing to shy away any longer. She didn’t care if Kaleigh didn’t like her. The feeling was mutual. She turned back to Elias once Kaleigh left the building.
“She’s been quiet lately,” she said. She was relieved about Kaleigh’s lack of snide comments. She could actually concentrate more in class without worrying about Kaleigh pulling some sort of petty stunt.
“She doesn’t want to mess with you as much anymore,” Elias pointed out.
Alyssa figured he had a point. She had gone off on Kaleigh last time they interacted, and she suspected that Kaleigh wouldn’t forget that for a while.
She was still proud of herself for standing up to Kaleigh, even if she acted a little bit like a mean girl. She had to bring the attitude.
“Good. I don’t have time to deal with her anymore,” Alyssa muttered before checking her phone for the time. She had to get to her next class soon. “Speaking of not having time. I should get going.”
Elias motioned for her to follow him.
“I’ll walk you to your next class,” he offered.
“Are you sure? You don’t have anywhere to be?” Alyssa asked him as they walked down the hallway toward the exit of the building. As she got closer, she could see out of the glass doors and tell that the rain had lightened up. That was a relief. She wasn’t going to get another shower on her way to her next class.
“Not for another hour,” Elias replied as he waited for her to open her umbrella. He took it from her before opening the door and holding the umbrella above her head. When she walked out, he followed close behind her, shielding them from the rain.
“Just a few more days,” Alyssa commented as they walked down the sidewalk to the main science building.
She could be vague because there was something particular that they were looking forward to at the end of finals week.
She wasn’t going to bring it up to spare them, but she couldn’t help but mess with him, even if it affected her too. It was a worthy sacrifice.
Elias pitched her an intrigued look. He knew what she was hinting at. He didn’t need any sort of explanation.
“Feels like an eternity,” he replied. His arm rubbed against hers as they walked at each other’s sides.
Alyssa wished she had more time to tease him, but her next exam was calling. She walked into the main science building and took her umbrella back once Elias folded it back up.
“Stay strong,” she teased him as they walked down the hallway. She was giving him advice that she needed to give herself. She was doing fine until she started talking to him. He had an instant effect on her.
“Easier said than done. Just looking at you tests me,” Elias murmured lowly as students passed by them.
Alyssa gave him a pointed look. She didn’t need to be turned on before her exam. Her brain would start malfunctioning, which was the last thing she needed right now.
She needed to be sharp and concentrated, not imagining him with no clothes on. His lips on hers. His hands running all over her body. Stop!
“I need to concentrate on microbiology,” she told him once she escaped her own head. “Not your biology.”
“You can study me anytime, baby,” Elias smirked before shooting her a wink.
“Okay, goodbye,” Alyssa laughed as she shook her head at him. He was the one testing her now. She was near her classroom anyway.
Elias pressed his lips against her temple before stepping back from her.
“Good luck,” he said in a sing-song voice before walking down the hallway away from her.
Alyssa watched him walk away longingly. Deep down, she didn’t want him to go, but she had some studying to do.
She could fantasize after her exam. For now, she had to fantasize about microscopic organisms. Sexy.