The Beautiful Monster Novel

Chapter 74 - Parent’s Opinion

Alyssa and Elias spent the entire weekend together. They walked around the mall together, browsing through various stores and getting a few things.

They even bought each other Christmas presents, but they wouldn’t let each other see.

They wouldn’t be together on Christmas because Elias had to go home to see his family over break, but they would have their own Christmas another day.

They hiked on Sunday, venturing through the forest near the waterfall again to admire nature. They even had a small picnic near the waterfall.

Every moment was romantic. Every moment would stay with Alyssa forever. She felt like she was living a lifetime just in the moments she spent with him.

They met up with Zoe for a quick Christmas celebration, which consisted of spiked eggnogs and a great pasta dish that Elias whipped up.

Even if it was short because Zoe had to leave to go home and Elias had to pack to leave, it was still nice to have everyone together one more time before they went their separate ways on break.

Alyssa had to arrange to stay on campus over break because there was no way she was going back home for Christmas.

She got the worst response when she attempted to be civil and try to come home for Thanksgiving, so she expected a similar response if she tried again this time.

She spared herself that pain and went ahead and made plans to hang around campus. It would be lonely and boring, but at least she could prepare for next semester in peace.

She would really miss her friends, though. That would be the hardest part about being stuck on campus by herself.

Elias hauled his suitcase over to the front door of his apartment with a huff.

“I just got this place, and I already have to go back,” he sighed.

Alyssa smiled gently at him as she joined him at the door. She didn’t want to leave this place, but she would be back eventually.

She just had to find what patience she had left. Thanksgiving break sapped a lot of that out of her.

“I’m sure it won’t be too bad. Do you have a big family?” she asked him.

Elias shrugged.

“I guess so, but my immediate family mostly sticks to ourselves,” Elias explained to her. He switched the lights off in his apartment, taking one more look before walking out the door. “There tends to be drama.”

“I know what you mean. Family always leads to drama,” Alyssa muttered as she watched him lock the door. She was glad that she didn’t have to sit through any family drama herself.

She was tired of being caught in the middle. She couldn’t defend her parents because they were usually in the wrong, but she couldn’t go against them because they would yell at her.

Elias held his free hand out to her.

“Well, I see you as family at this point. You don’t cause any drama,” he said warmly.

Alyssa squeezed his hand. She was glad that he saw her as family because that was how she saw him and Zoe. They filled the gap that her family should’ve filled. They helped her not feel so empty.

“I’m not a drama starter,” she reminded him. She tried to avoid it at all costs, even if it came searching for her. Kaleigh was a source of drama that she didn’t go looking for and still found herself tangled with.

She was so glad that she didn’t have class with Kaleigh anymore. She did notice that Kaleigh seemed really uneasy around Elias lately. Maybe she knew not to mess with him.

Elias led her out to the parking garage where his car was parked at.

“My parents think I am,” he chuckled. He opened the passenger door for her and then shut it behind her once she got situated in her seat.

Once he put his suitcase up and got in his seat, he turned to her. “I cause drama by not doing what they ask.”

A thought came to Alyssa’s mind that she couldn’t help. His parents sounded a little old school, so the thought came with the territory.

“Do your parents know about me? Am I the type of girl they’d be okay with you dating?” she asked him.

She didn’t want to pry or anything in his family life, but she wondered if his family even knew that she existed.

Elias scratched the back of his neck.

“They know we’re… friends,” he said before wincing. “I’m sorry.”

“Oh, you haven’t told them we’re together,” Alyssa murmured. She didn’t think that she felt hurt, but she was a little surprised.

She wondered why he hadn’t told them about her. Was he ashamed of her? Would they not approve of her?

Elias sighed as he turned his body to face her better.

“I just know that the moment I tell them we’re dating that they’re going to pry into our business.

They already do that with me. I don’t want them doing that with you,” he explained to her.

Alyssa nodded after a moment. She could understand his concern. His parents did seem slightly overwhelming, and she wasn’t sure how well she would do under pressure like that.

She wanted them to like her, but she would crack under the pressure if they asked her a million things or tested her.

“I got it. Would they want you dating someone high in society or something?” she asked him. It was the other question she couldn’t shake.

What kind of girl did they want their son dating? He seemed to come from a well off family, and they usually liked to pair up with similar families.

She was far from that category. She was a poor college student with no relationship with her family, who was also poor.

Elias gave her a perplexed look.

“High in society?” he questioned.

Alyssa shrugged, not trying to assume anything, but she didn’t know that much about his childhood or his family.

He was still pretty mysterious about those things for some reason, but she tried not to pry in case there were sensitive topics he was trying to avoid. She didn’t want to make him uncomfortable.

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