Christmas break wasn’t too terrible on her own. Alyssa tried to fill her time with activities for herself to do. She didn’t think about next semester for the first week.
She just decorated her dorm with cheap Christmas decorations and watched Christmas movies.
It wasn’t the holliest and jolliest way to spend the holiday, but at least she was keeping busy.
She didn’t start having such a hard time being alone until she became surrounded by people she loved being around.
Being without them was hard, but she was working on making it not unbearable. She had to find her independence again because Elias or Zoe wouldn’t be with her all the time.
She texted them both throughout the week and sent pictures back and forth. It was nice to keep in touch.
It helped her feel less isolated on campus. There was hardly anyone here. When she went on walks, she was lucky to see more than one other person roaming around.
Campus was really nice and peaceful when it was empty, though. She didn’t have to hurry around.
She actually got to take the time to admire the fountain and greenery surrounding the walking paths. She liked this place.
Eventually, she would have to decide if she wanted to continue her education here after she got her bachelor’s degree or not. That was way in the future, though.
When the second week rolled around, which was the week of Christmas, she got a little antsier. She couldn’t blame herself, though.
The holiday spirit was so strong everywhere else but where she was at. She heard less and less from her friends too because they were probably engaged in so many holiday activities.
Maybe she was jealous, but she wasn’t upset with anyone but her parents. They were the ones at fault for making their family so divided.
They were the reason why she didn’t feel comfortable enough to go back home during the holidays. But none of that mattered. Soon, she would get to see her friends, her real family.
When Christmas Eve arrived, Elias was radio silent. She suspected this was a big celebration day for his family. A lot of families had traditions they did on this day.
She wondered what his family’s traditions were. She wondered which ones she wanted for herself. She hadn’t gotten a chance to try any out yet.
She decided to bundle up in a jacket, leggings, and a beanie and then head out to walk on campus. She didn’t want to spend Christmas Eve locked in her room all day.
Elias wouldn’t want her to do that, and she needed the fresh air, which was cold. Her breath puffed out in a cloud in front of her as she walked away from the dorm.
Alyssa made a lap around campus. She didn’t see anyone out today. She suspected they were with other people or doing things in their dorms.
It almost felt like she had the whole place to herself. It would’ve been cooler if most of the buildings weren’t locked.
The cold air soon got to her, and she decided to go back to her room and make a cup of hot chocolate. It was microwave hot chocolate, so it obviously wasn’t the best, but it would do for today.
She strode back across campus, hugging her army green jacket close to her body to fight off the light wind.
“Why don’t you have a thicker jacket on?”
Alyssa’s head snapped up at the sound of Elias’ voice. She stared at him in shock as he stood in front of her dorm building.
She had to blink because she almost thought that she was seeing things at first. He couldn’t possibly be here right now.
“What are you doing here?” she asked.
Elias walked toward her with a smile on his face. A black trench coat covered his figure, whipping lightly in the wind.
“I couldn’t let you spend Christmas Eve by yourself,” he told her.
Alyssa shook her head.
“I just don’t understand. You should be with your family,” she said. She still felt like she was in shock. She didn’t expect this at all.
She expected to go inside, make hot chocolate, and watch a Christmas movie in bed. That was going to be her Christmas Eve. Now, Elias was in front of her.
Elias shrugged.
“As long as I’m there on Christmas, it’ll be fine. I want to be with you tonight,” he told her as he walked toward her. He took her hands and squeezed them. “If that’s okay with you.”
All of the emotions that had been dulled by her shock suddenly exploded. She threw her arms around him and hugged him tightly.
“I can’t believe you’re actually here,” she gasped out as she crushed him against her. She didn’t want to let go because she was afraid he would up and disappear.
She was so happy to have him here with her, even if it was only for tonight.
“I wanted to surprise you,” Elias murmured into her hair. “I mean, I just made the plans this morning, so it was a surprise for me too.”
Alyssa looked up at him with a wide smile.
“Thank you,” she told him sincerely. She couldn’t begin to explain to him how much this meant to her.
Elias kissed her on her temple before taking her hand and motioning to the parking lot.
“Want to go to my apartment? I can drop you back off in the morning,” he said.
Alyssa nodded before putting a hand up.
“Just a second. I need to grab some things,” she told him before running into the dorm building to go to her room.
She grabbed a change of clothes, a few things from her bathroom, and his presents before tossing them all in her empty backpack. She darted back outside to join his side. “Ready.”
Elias led her to his car.
“I’ll have a better plan of things to do next year. I just wanted to at least be in the same room as you this year,” he told her as they got in his car.