The Beautiful Monster Novel

Chapter 95 - Weak

“To the weak,” Zoe commented with a smug smile. She received a push from Alyssa because of that comment.

“I think she means to someone who doesn’t strength train at all,” Elias hopped on the joke with a laugh.


Alyssa snorted at that as she shook her head. Of course, they still wanted to play around. She thought that they were all adults, but they still acted so young.

“You guys go first,” Alyssa told them. She didn’t know the first thing about swinging on a rope. Did she try to hold on with her feet too? Was that even possible? She gave the rope a confused look.

“I’ll do the honors,” Zoe said, taking it upon herself to lead the group once again. She had already done well on the rest of the course. She might as well finish it off.

She wrapped her hands around the thick rope before stepping off the edge. She swung over the foam pit to the platform before letting go so that she could jump down on it. Perfect form.

Alyssa and Elias clapped encouragingly for her. Honestly, it was pretty impressive. Elias went next, letting himself down on the platform with ease.

He turned back as the rope swung back up to Alyssa, who grabbed it and held it close to her chest.

Alyssa drew in a deep breath before holding tight and letting herself swing down. She felt her grip loosen slightly just from lack of strength, but her feet hit the platform.

She stumbled slightly, but Zoe and Elias caught her and stabilized her before she could fall flat on her face.

“Thanks,” she laughed softly as she grabbed at them. She turned and looked at the obstacle course with a proud face. “We totally schooled that.”

“I can school you guys with some dodgeball,” Zoe commented as she lifted her eyebrows at them, seeing if they were interested.

“You’re asking to be hit,” Alyssa smirked before heading toward one of the dodgeball arenas. She shared a quick smile with Elias when they walked inside.

She knew where she usually stood when it came to birthdays, but she was really glad that her friends did this for her.

It was a lot of thought, and they were having a lot of fun. She couldn’t be more grateful for them.

They tired themselves out with dodgeball, jumping, and some more jousting. It was an unexpected way for Alyssa to spend the day, but she had so much fun.

She knew that she could count on her friends to take her somewhere she would like for her birthday.

They could’ve tried to take her to a fancy restaurant or some club, but that wouldn’t have made her have so much fun. That wasn’t her scene.

But having silly fun and being in a place where they could mess around was exactly the place that she wanted to be at with them. There was no other place that she wanted to be.

She was even sad when the day came to an end. They shared a small cake and some fruity drunks in Elias’ apartment. She even blew out a candle for them.

She wished for a successful and happy future. She hoped that she got that because that was what she had always wanted. That was what she had always wished for. She felt closer to that than ever before, though.

Before she went to bed at Elias’ place, she got an email. She picked up her phone once she walked out of the bathroom after brushing her teeth.

She read the subject line and realized that it had something to do with her research assistant application.

As Elias brushed his teeth in the next room, she opened the email and read through its contents.

Gradually, her eyes widened more and more in disbelief. She nearly dropped her phone because she was in such shock.

“I got in,” she breathed out before raising her voice. “I got in!”

Elias rushed out of the bathroom with his toothbrush still in his mouth.

“What’s going on?” he asked, looking confused.

Alyssa turned to him as she held her phone up.

“I’m going to be Dr. Hahn’s research assistant next year!” Alyssa exclaimed. Even after saying it out loud, she could hardly believe that it was true.

He must’ve liked her answers. She had worked really hard on them. Now, all that hard work paid off. It usually did.

“Congrats, baby!” Elias told her warmly before sweeping her into a tight hug. He was careful not to get any toothpaste on her as he rested his head against hers.

“Thank you,” she said as she squeezed him. She then looked up at him with a bright smile. “This is the best birthday ever.”

He had been completely right earlier. This birthday did knock all of her other ones out of the water. She didn’t even care about them anymore because she was so happy with the one that she experienced today.

They showed her how birthdays were supposed to be celebrated and how happy she was supposed to be on a day like this. She hated that it had to end already. 

Elias ran his fingers through her hair adoringly.

“I’m glad you think so,” he told her sincerely. “I’m so proud of you.”

Alyssa broke away from him to place her hand over her heart. That comment really hit her deep.

“I love you,” she told him. It was the only thing she could think of to say. It was the only thing that also hit as deep. She was just so happy right now.

She had no idea how things could get any better. It was like she was on a rollercoaster only headed up, and she didn’t mind the ride at all.

“I love you,” Elias said as he rubbed her arm affectionately. “You’re going to do amazing things.”

His words sunk so deep, deeper than anyone else’s. Something about the words from someone she loved struck her so deeply. She knew that he wouldn’t lie to her. She knew that he would tell her what she needed to hear instead of what she wanted to hear.

That let her trust him, and she was glad that he believed in her. She needed that support because she didn’t get it from many other sources.

“We both will. Together,” she told him.

They would affect the world in different ways, but they would be big ways. She could already see it. She would save kids’ lives, and he would contribute to the tech world to help the advancement of society. She couldn’t believe how much of a power couple they already seemed like.

“No other way,” Elias said with a smile. “When do you start?”

“Next semester. It’s for my junior year, but he might keep me on if he likes me for my senior year,” Alyssa explained. She hoped that would be the case. That meant she had to prove herself worry to work in his lab on his research project. She had to contribute things, which meant that she had to work super hard and keep her brains sharp.

“He’ll love you. You’re the smartest girl I know,” Elias said with a confident wave of his hand. He had no doubts in his mind when it came to her.

“There’s just so much I get to do,” Alyssa breathed out in awe. This was like a wet dream for her. She would get to do so many new things. Of course, this was a serious offer, so she was going to do what he wanted her to. Most of the time.

“Let me finish up, and you can tell me all about the email, okay?” Elias said with a warm expression.

Alyssa nodded before crawling into the bed to wait for him. She read the email over and over again, letting the news finally sink in. She did it. She was going to be on a research project. She was one more step closer to where she wanted to be.

She had no idea how many steps were left, but that was one less step she had to worry about taking now. She was getting closer. As long as she was moving forward, she didn’t care how many steps were in front of her.

The journey was what mattered, and she knew that it was going to be an interesting one. She just didn’t realize in what way.

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