“What is it?” Since Fu Jin was just standing next to the operating room, he was the first one who approached the doctor.
“I’m sorry to inform you Mr. Fu but we can’t save the unborn fetus anymore.” The doctor made a deliberate pause. “There was a complication with the operation and as much as we tried to save the fetus, we failed. After the heart transplant, we will immediately remove it from the patient’s body.”
“I understand.” Fu Jin answered.. The most important thing right now is actually to save Jiang Yue. “How is she?”
“We are doing our best.” The doctor answered.
“Then it’s good.” Fu Jin answered. “As long as you save her.” At this point, all he wanted was to see Jiang Yue alive. Fu Jin knows that losing Jiang Yue is this lifetime is something that he could not accept. Not again.
Fu Jin watched as the doctor nodded before he made some instructions towards the other medical personnel and went back into the operating room.
A whiff of antiseptic filled Fu Jin senses as he stared at his shaking hands. Thirty already passed after the doctors were supposed to finish the heart transplant. Despair started to roam inside him. Twisting and knotting at his gut.
It was not the wait that is killing him. Or the occasional whimpering coming from Wang Ruo. It wasn’t the sound of Li Jun pacing in front of him, either. NO. It was more than that. It was, fear.
Fear that is starting to grow inside him. Like a seed, slowly sprouting. Making him doubt and imagine all the possible things that might happen if he lose her. Again.
Just the thought of losing her is already shaking the little bit of sanity that he was able to grasp while leaning beside the door of the operating room. He cannot lose her. He cannot watch her dead body again.
Fu Jin closed his eyes, his hand was balled into a fist, his knuckles turning white. He remembered how losing Jiang Yue in the previous lifetime felt. In fact, it was as if everything happened just yesterday. The pain of losing someone that you love is something that Fu Jin could never forget.
Another thirty minutes passed.
This time Fu Jin was not only shaking, but he was already pacing outside of the operating room. His anxiety was consuming him and everyone around him. The doctor was supposed to come out an hour ago. Where was he?
Did something happen?
“What if… ” Fu Jin heard someone say but his ears seemed to decline to hear the rest of the person’s words. Once again, his eyes traveled back and forth to his watch. What is happening? What’s taking it so long? Was there another complication?
Another hour passed.
Then another.
Finally, the door of the operating room opened. Revealing the doctor who talked to them earlier followed by another two. The look in their faces revealed their exhaustion. However, it did not affect the small smile that escaped the head doctor’s mouth.
“Congratulations, Mr. Fu.” The doctor said. “It was successful. Now, all we need to do is wait for a few hours before we transfer the patient towards the ICU for observation. Once she wakes up, we could then transfer her to a private room.”
“how long is she going to stay in the ICU?” Wang Ruo asked. “How long will it take for her to wake up?”
“Three days…” the doctor answered. “A week max… it varies. I can’t tell for now. But I have to make sure that her body does not reject the heart.”
“Thank you.” Fu Jin said under his breath before he let out a long sigh. He then took his seat and close his eyes. The could in his heart was still there but it was not as dark as what it was earlier. Jiang Yue survived…. She will live.
Now, what he needed to do is take care of the people who hurt her.