“Now from where did that come from? And why wouldn’t I care for you?” she frowned. Grandpa Yang angrily stormed in and started throwing tantrums everywhere. Ning constantly kept asking her what had exactly happened but he kept on snapping at her without telling her the real reason behind his actions.
“You don’t care about me anymore.” Crossing his arms in the front, he slumped on the couch. “Well why would you care about me when you have a new grandpa now.”
Raising her brows, she poured a cup of tea for him. “Who told you about that?”
“So it’s true.” Narrowing his eyes, he gritted his teeth. “You grandpa-cheated on me!”
“That is not even a thing.”
“Yes it is, you betrayed our relationship. I had expected better from you Yang Ning, I thought I had raised you well but you are a traitor,” he snapped.
“You are making me sound like some kind of a terrorist.” Passing him the cup, she chuckled, “And you sound like an old jealous man.”
Scrunching his brows, he took the cup from her hand. “Who are you calling old? Maybe your new grandpa is old, I am still young.”
Helplessly shaking her head, she chuckled, “What is this old and new grandpa? Don’t act like a spoiled baby grandpa.”
“Yes give me names and start despising me as well. You already have a new grandpa now, you don’t need the old one.”
“Firstly, I don’t know who gave you this information and I hope you don’t have spies in my house because if I find out, you both are dead.” Moving closer, she hooked her arms around his. “Yes, grandpa Jiang visited us last night and also asked him to stay for dinner. I have also decided to acknowledge him because—well, I don’t have a special reason or something like that. I just did what I felt like. Haven’t you always asked me to follow my heart? So I did what you have taught me grandpa, I followed my heart.”
Placing her head on his shoulder, she added, “Now coming back to your jealousy, no one in this world can replace you and the special bond that we share, when will you understand that? No matter how many grandpa’s come and go, you will always be my very special old man whom I love more than anything else in this world. You don’t have to feel jealous and insecure even if a hundred grandpa Jiang’s appear in our life.”
“Really?” When she nodded her head, grandpa Yang inquired, “So you will never hug him the way you hug me or talk to him like this?”
“Of course not, it’s something that I do only with you.”
“Okay, I feel a little better now.” Pausing for a while, he frowned, “You know I don’t like that old Jiang, right?”
“Why not? He seems nice and—”
Cutting her off, he snapped, “Huh don’t get deceived by his pitiful appearance, that man is really very dangerous. I am sure that he will try to tarp you in his innocent web of pettiness but you shouldn’t get deceived, okay?”
“Hmm of course not, you have taught me well and I am sure I will be able to dodge it,” she chuckled.
Kissing the top of her head, he asked, “What about Weilong and Ziying? What have you decided.”
Keeping quiet for quite some time, she answered, “I need some time to get over everything, I don’t know how long it is going to take and whether I will be able to get over it in the future or not—”
“It’s alright, take all the time you need. Don’t stress about it, okay?”
Pulling away, she sighed, “Anyway since your jealousy is stable now, do you want to have some pancakes?”
“Sure, I haven’t had them in months.”
Glancing at the watch, she answered, “Yi and Yitian will be down any minute now, I’ll quickly prepare everything.”
Beiston city
Holdman city.
Room no:352
“Here is the dress.” placing it on the bed, Chen added, “I don’t know if you will like it or not but I think you will look even more beautiful in this.”
“Umm thanks.” Tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, she inquired, “When are we leaving?”
Glancing at his watch, he answered, “You have almost two and a half hours to get ready, I hope it’s enough.”
“Of course, it’s more than enough.”
“Well, since you girls take all your own sweet time to get ready, I was wondering if it’s enough,” he chuckled.
Rolling her eyes at him, she snapped, “Stop making fun, so what if we take time to get ready? At least the end result is always worth it.”
Raising both his hands in thin air, he surrendered, “Well, not gonna argue on that one.” Pausing for a while, he added, “Alright I’ll take my leave now, I’ll see you after a couple of hours.”
Mo base.
Jason’s room.
“But you are the one who told me to ask that question?” Jason snapped.
“Yeah so?” Linhou casually asked before taking a sip of his cold drink.
Scrunching his brows, he yelled, “What do you mean by that? Elizabeth is not receiving my call after I asked her that question. You are supposed to tell me what I should do next and not be so cool about it.”
“What do you expect me to do? I gave you an advice, you took it but now when everything is floopy, you want me to help you out again?” Helplessly shaking his head, Linhou sighed, “What are you doing to do without me Jason? You are a mess without me.”
“Stop thinking so highly about yourself and help me out.” Pausing for a while, Jason inquired, “Do you ask Kiara what she is wearing all the time?”
“Yes but we always end uo having phone sex after that not fight like you both.’
Widening his eyes in shock, Jason snapped, “Wait, what? W-What did you just say?”
“Well, when I ask her what she is wearing, she says nothing. Then one thing leads to another and—”
Cutting him off, he frowned, “Alright stop, I don’t need any explanation.”
“But trust me, that question always leads to something hot and sexy,” Linhou stated.
“If you knew about it, why did you tell me to ask her that?” he yelled.
Shrugging his shoulder, Linhou answered, “I don’t know man, I just said what I wanted to. You were the one who listened to me so it’s clearly your fault.”
Groaning in frustration, Jason snapped, “Damn she surely thinks I am some kind of a hory jerk now.” Glaring at Linhou, he snapped, “It’s all your fault Linhou.”
“Dude stop blaming me.”
Gritting his teeth, Jason dashed out of the room.
Beiston City
Holdman hotel.
“Let’s go.”
“Yeah I was—” Stopping midway, Chen widened his eyes in shock when she Ziying in the dress he had bought for her. “You look fabulous, amazing and beautiful.”
“Thank, you look handsome too,” she smiled.
Straightening his navy blue suit, paired with a white shirt and perfectly polished black shoes, he smiled. “Thanks for the compliment Ms.Wang.” Extending his hand towards her, he added, “Shall we.”
Placing her hand on his head, she nodded her head.
Thirty minutes later.
Reunion Venue.
“Are all your high school friends coming here?” Ziying inquired.
“Well, that is what I heard but I don’t know.” Guiding her inside, Chen added, “We will find out soon.”
“I need to use the ladies room first, I’ll be right back okay?”
“Hmm, I will be waiting for you near the bar. Come soon.”
Nodding her head, Ziying made her way towards the ladies room.
Inside the ladies room.
Ziying was about to come out of the cubicle when a bunch of ladies entered the ladies room.
“I cannot believe Chen is actually here,” a woman stated.
When she heard Chen’s name, Ziying decided to stay inside and eavesdrop for some time.
“I know right? I thought he would reject the invitation because of Lara,” another woman commented.
“Well, it has been years since they broke up so maybe everything is okay between them.”
“Are you kidding me? Chen was a mess after Lara cheated on him with that rich guy.” Placing her hand on her chest, the woman sighed, “I still feel sorry for him.”
“Lara is just dumb, she thought she was marrying someone richer but actually ended up losing te richest one,” she scoffed.
“Whatever it is, it’s gonna be fun seeing the two of them interact again. Isn’t Lara here with her husband?”
“Uh huh and I heard Chen brought someone too. Daniel was telling me he saw them together and she is beautiful.”
“Well, this is going to be fun then. Alright, we should go inside.”
After all the three women left, Ziying came out of the cubical and pitched the bridge of her nose. Slapping her own forehead, she cursed herself for being such an ass.