The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron Novel

Source: Qidian International
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The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron Novel
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A decision can destroy the sun, moon and stars. A finger can kill the Heavenly Overlord. While chatting, the Heaven and ten worlds can be annihilated.
A poor little kid walks out from a remote mountain area while holding the Nine Dragons and the Incredible Cauldron. With a control over the time and space eternally, he embarks on the Path to God where he defies the odds of the boundless universe gaudily by fighting against royalty and clashing with the legendary generation.
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6 Latest Chapters
- Chapter 3237 - 3237 Chapter 3,23. The emperor was shocked
- Chapter 3236 - 3236 Chapter 3,22. The Sacred Mountain Shook
- Chapter 3235 - 3235 Chapter 3,21. The Azure Emperor had arrived again
- Chapter 3234 - 3234 Chapter 3,20, profound and unfathomable
- Chapter 3233 - 3233 Chapter 3019, the fall of the New Age
- Chapter 3232 - 3232 Chapter 3,18, I am back
Chapter List
- Chapter 1: The Silver Disciple
- Chapter 2: The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron
- Chapter 3: Space-Time Manipulation
- Chapter 4: Universal Stroke
- Chapter 5: Gold And Silver
- Chapter 6: The Fight That Made Him Famous
- Chapter 7: Hundred Feet Piercing
- Chapter 8: Benefitting From The Dispute Of Others
- Chapter 9: Saving People But Inviting Trouble
- Chapter 10: Duke Xianyu
- Chapter 11: The Silver Assessment
- Chapter 12: The Silver King
- Chapter 13: The Fine Soldier
- Chapter 14: Full Streak
- Chapter 15: The Lovers' Battle
- Chapter 16: The Revenge
- Chapter 17: Fighting the Silver King
- Chapter 18: A Bar Above the Rest
- Chapter 19: Planting Traps
- Chapter 20: Tempest
- Chapter 21: Mysterious Remnants
- Chapter 22: Knockout Blow
- Chapter 23: A Great Opportunity
- Chapter 24: Mystical Relic
- Chapter 25: Debt of Kindness Repaid
- Chapter 26: A Bully is Always a Coward
- Chapter 27: A New Man
- Chapter 28: The Great Contest Nears
- Chapter 29: King of the Gold Students
- Chapter 30: Unable to Withstand a Single Blow
- Chapter 31: The Undefeated Legend
- Chapter 32: An Era of Suppression
- Chapter 33: Slaying the Enemy with the Holy Decree
- Chapter 34: The Engagement Ceremony
- Chapter 35: The Arrival of the Princes
- Chapter 36: Fighting Back the Prince with His Fists
- Chapter 37: Saint Level Technique
- Chapter 38: Teaching the Holy Decree
- Chapter 39: An Unexpected Turn of Events
- Chapter 40: An Ungodly Deadly Intent