Arad started walking toward the confused general and the whole army froze in place.
The general couldn’t believe what had happened. All warhorses are trained for war since birth, those powerful horses would never run even if they were to die with their rider. His warhorse was a special one as well, one of the strongest and bravest, yet it ran away in terror.
Just then, the horsemen’s battalions went into chaos as all of their horses threw them off and ran away, the army’s hounds bit their leashes off and bolted out, abandoning their masters in a heartbeat.
The army wasn’t composed of just the United Kingdom’s army, they also had several mercenary bands, one of which had a druid. That old man had a large drake tamed which he was riding, and he could hear its thoughts.
^Old man Frine, we better get out of here.^ The drake growled into the druid’s head.
“What? He is just one man.” The druid glared at his drake in a shocked face.
^If he isn’t showing his true self, then I don’t dare speak of it. Offending him any more than we already did is a suicide.^ The drake turned around and bolted away with his master on his back.
All of the mercenary bands saw the druid run away and one of their leaders growled, “Don’t stick your dick in crazy, don’t stick your nose in the unknown.” He turned around and waved his arms, “We’re getting the fuck away, not worth the risk.”
All of the mercenary bands followed his example and fled the battlefield. Those men didn’t harbor any loyalty to the united kingdoms but instead moved based on risk and reward.
“You bastards! Why are you running.” One of the army’s commanders yelled at them.
The mercenary leader who spoke first stopped and looked at him. “For a horseless fucker you talk a lot of shit. I don’t know about your little ponies but drakes fight till they fucking die, ain’t never seen a drake fuck off like that.”
“You dare insult an imperial commander.” The commander’s face burned red from rage.Nôv(el)B\jnn
“Sorry chief, I’m not interested in getting fucked today, my ass is worth more than what you paid. But if you want something up your ass, all power to you. Godspeed.” The mercenary leader bolted away with his band.
As the mercenary leader retreated with his men his vice captain approached, “Are you sure this is right? They’ll come for us after the war.”
“If they lived.” He looked back at Arad, “Monsters are running away from him, he can’t be a human.” The mercenary captain smiled, “There are only two things as scary who look human, dragons and demi-gods.”
“Are you saying that fu…” Crack! The leader smacked his vice-captain before he could finish speaking. “Don’t even dare curse while speaking about him. He can hear us from here. As long as we retreat I’m certain he’ll let us off.”
The leader waved his arm, “Everyone! Retreat as fast as you can! Don’t even dare look back.” ^If he wanted to kill he would’ve blasted us from above…he isn’t here for blood, just to stop us from advancing.^
Arad stood before the general and pointed to the side, “Everyone who stayed, put all of your weapons there. Take off your armor and put them there.” He quickly pointed to another place. “And if you have money, or anything else put them there.”
“You reall…” The general’s face turned red as his body started moving on its own. He threw his halberd and started taking his armor off. All of the army did the same, stripping down to their underwear. This wasn’t done by their will but under Arad’s blood control.
The mercenary leader looked and laughed, “He’s really about to fuck them. Might’ve been us if we didn’t get away.” Everyone agreed with him and probably would never disagree with him ever again, his rash decision today had saved their hide.
As he collected all of their belonging, Arad lifted them all up with his gravity magic into the sky. “Don’t worry, none of you will die.”
Arad quickly flew to the mercenary bands and landed in front of them. When they saw him they immediately pulled their weapons and their leader growled. “Guess want us too?”
“I’ve got work for you all. This is the payment.” Arad dropped all the money he collected from the army alongside their jewelry and anything of value besides the weapons and armor. The leader sheathed his weapon, “I’m listening, but dare I ask who are we dealing with?” Arad was paying them, a lot so he probably won’t get offended with a simple question.
“A dragon that happened to be lacking in arms.” Arad looked at them with a smile and the leader nodded, “Speak up, that’s probably ten times what they paid us. I might even be willing to march and attack the United Kingdoms for that sum of gold.”
“Take the money, go to the city of Alina in Ruris’s kingdom, and enter the domain of Baron Arad Orion. Your job is to arm and protect the castle there.” Arad threw the leader one of his scales, “Show this to the border patrol and whoever dare stop you and tell them that Arad Orion sent you.”
“Getting paid this much? To sit and guard a castle?” The leader giggled, “Booze included?” “No.”
“Shame, but I ain’t gonna say no to settling down. But Ruris is a bit far away, god knows how long to reach this Alina city or whatever it was called.” The leader waved his hands, “Give us a month, two at most and we’ll be there, Ruris isn’t that fat of a kingdom.”
“It’ll take you about a month, but seeing how large your group is, two months is probably right.” Arad smiled, “See you there.”
Arad flew away with the soldier and left the mercenary bands to move on their own. After the last fight with Vlad Ruris’s kingdom had suffered a lot of casualties to its army and the literal only reason why no one tried invading them is that no one knows where the monster that killed Vlad resides.
The army won’t recuperate in a year, humans just aren’t born that fast. Baltos wanted to hire a mercenary to bolster the ranks but with how much money he lost, it was nearly impossible. That is why Arad took this chance to size a few men, around five thousand capable hands were sent to his domain.
Arad took the United Kingdom’s soldiers back to their capital. The men standing watch at the towers could see them coming from the horizon, a massive black swarm akin to a flock of birds but those were their soldiers, carried with Arad’s gravity magic.
The capital’s archmage activated the ninth-tier barrier protecting the capital and enclosed it. But it only took Arad a single punch to shatter it. The archmage immediately gave up upon witnessing that, the barrier was supposed to be able to endure the raging assault of two adult dragons for a week.
Arad cleared his throat as he looked at the capital’s castle, he could see the terrified king staring at him from the royal balcony. “AHEM! Today is your lucky day. The army you’ve sent to invade the beast lands happened to face me instead. All of your beloved soldiers are alive and well, not a single scratch.” He waved his hand and slowly lowered all of the soldiers into
the capital’s streets.
“As you might’ve noticed, I’ll be keeping the weapons, armor, and their belonging instead of asking for ransom. But, this isn’t why I came here for.” Arad lifted his hand and his gravity magic uprooted all of the capital’s walls and lifted them into the sky.
“This is a warning if you dared attack the beast land, Ruris’s kingdom, the elvish, or the dark elf kingdom, I’ll be taking your castle for a swim in the sea.” Arad looked at them with a smile, “It’s a bit far away, but I’ll manage.” He threw the city walls into the mountains and
left, leaving them baffled and terrified.
Arad returned to the old couple atop the mountain just an hour after he left. He was lucky that united kingdoms were the beast lands’ neighbors. They had sensed Hati getting slightly weaker and wanted to take this chance and attack, especially with her house being literally
just over the mountain.
After checking on the old couple Arad returned to Hati’s house and found her sitting in the garden waiting for him. “I took care of them, they shouldn’t be able to attack anytime soon.”
“You’re a lifesaver, I don’t know what I would’ve done if you weren’t here.” She looked at him with a smile.
“If I wasn’t here you wouldn’t have gotten weak and they wouldn’t have attacked in the first place. And even now, you could’ve let them enter the crack between the mountains…” As Arad was speaking Hati’s twin sister Skoll appeared from her back with a smile on her face, “…I could’ve just clapped the mountains on them? You’re right…I suggested we do just that, but
she didn’t agree.”
“Old Harry and his wife live on that mountain with their goats,” Hati replied as she looked at the house, one of her daughters was approaching with a large mug of goat milk. “Where would I get my milk then?”
“You don’t have to worry now…” Arad looked at Hati’s daughter, “Did you see my wives? How
did the discussion go?”
“It went well.” Hati’s daughter looked at him with a smile, “I heard that as long as they are willing to wait in line the girls don’t mind.” She looked a bit worried, “But…”
“But what?” Arad could smell it, something had gone wrong.
“Eris, Aella, and Merida…those three are now trying to kill Gamond.” Skoll opened a gate to the training world and Arad rushed in to stop them.