[Elemental Expansion: Moon Rain]
The moment that Arad noticed that she was about to unleash her expansion, he shifted his focus from clawing her in half to actually defending himself. With how much power she was unleashing so far, that expansion must be a fatal death zone that even he wouldn’t survive.
The moon in the sky creaked, sending a loud rumble across the sky as it stopped in its half- moon form, a glowing half-disk of pure light. From it, Lunara’s crescent moon slashes started pouring down like heavy rain.
Arad’s back and wings got ripped apart as Lunara leaped at him, unharmed by her slashes, and kicked him in the throat, almost ripping his neck in half.
By focusing on defense instead of offense, Arad started trying to block the magical slashes with a barrier, but still, hundreds of them ripped through his back, directly threatening his spine and the back of his head. All of that while still facing Lunara’s relentless kicking assault from the front.
Before, the dream walkers and Vorvadoss managed to convince Arad that abominations are monsters that shouldn’t be allowed into the mortal world. He understood the danger and eldritch horror they bring and the reason for them to be killed on sight. But just now, he started to see another form of horror.
Demon lords, and especially this one before him. If Korah was here, she could’ve killed him with a single stomp to the head, Arad had no doubt that was the case. The sheer power she holds is the definition of the horrors of demon lords coming into the mortal plane, if even he can’t withstand her assault, no one would.
Arad wanted to unleash his own expansion as his back got ripped apart, but he decided against that. Unlike him, Lunara’s expansion is far more refined and has a greater range. It’s affecting the moon itself and raining slashes. If he were to open his expansion, the slashes would hit the outside shell and shatter it, leaving Arad growing with a ripped stomach. Such an injury is as fatal and painful to Arad as a man having his guts ripped open, and it would mean his loss.
The moon in the sky started growing smaller, getting closer to a crescent shape. The closer it got to a crescent shape, the stronger the slashes, the bigger they became and the more of them came raining down at higher speed.
After only a few seconds, Arad’s full draconic body was ripped apart, killed beneath the deadly carnage of Lunara’s expansion. But that wasn’t the end of it, it’s Arad the one she’s facing and not any regular being.
The moment Arad’s HP dropped to o and his draconic form was destroyed, he was forced into his next stage. From the blood, a massive black dragon with six front limbs, four wings, a body covered in fur, and six eyes on his head stood before Lunara, dripping with bloodlust. Arad’s vampiric Wyrmwolf form wasn’t something she had ever seen in her life, and even she stood baffled.
As the crescent moon grew smaller and smaller, it ended in a full black moon and the slashes stopped for a second. That was enough time for Arad to smack Lunara in the face with his front claw, sending her rolling across the ground. And he didn’t stop, immediately noticing that his claws couldn’t cut her skin, and so he started heating them with fire magic as he rushed in, disintegrating everything in his path into plasma.
For a solid ten seconds, it seemed as if Arad was taking the lead, smacking Lunara left and right and treating her like a ragdoll. But in the next second, the full black moon had turned into a small crescent moon and the slashes resumed falling, putting more pressure on Arad to defend himself from them.
But in his current form, Arad’s Wyrmwolf tough hide was almost enough on its own if he ran enough mana in it. Albeit it still felt like getting whipped repeatedly on the back, and even if was even more painful than getting slapped by Dalla, Arad didn’t stop. If it’s just the pain, it’s not enough to stop Arad.
As the two clashed, one hit meeting the other, it became clear that their powers finally seemed relatively equal. This was a fresh and new experience for both of them.
To Arad, she is the first woman he met in his life to be able to match his vampiric Wyrmwolf form, and she is putting enough pressure on him to keep him on his toes. Even with this advanced form, he still can’t shake the feeling that if he makes even one mistake, he’ll end up killed by her.
His mind started to change, but still kept his opinion of her. If she wasn’t a danger to his wives, he’d probably consider bringing her back home, no…he might insist on bringing her just as hard he’s insisting on Nina who could match him in his half-dragon form and even hold up to his true dragon form.
Lunara on the other hand had a large smile on her face, her body tingling from Arad’s countless hits. She couldn’t believe that such a powerful dragon existed in the mortal world, not a single person had seen her release and survived the first kick. She had never thought that in her life, she would be so happy, so excited and so aroused by someone hitting her. She had finally found him, someone she, the demon queen would take as her king with pride. She laughed as the moon grew closer to a full moon and the slashes became even weaker second after another. But in the back of her head, something was worrying her. Arad had five health bars, the first was his humanoid form, the second was his half-dragon form, the third was his full dragon form, and then the fourth was his monstrous form that she was facing
What is the fifth health bar? What kind of horror this dragon is hiding at the back of his power, is there an even bigger dragon lurking inside him? She couldn’t help but be both excited and terrified at what was to come, and so she decided to end it.
The moon became full, and Lunara stood in a weird stance as the slashes stopped coming down. Her left foot was on the ground, while her right left lifted up, her knee pressing her breasts and her calves beside her face, opening her hips as wide as they’ll go.
Lunara faced Arad, a smile on her face. “This is your last chance, take me now while I’m still willing to be submissive. Breed me, and I’ll spare your life.” She rubbed her crotch, “You won’t survive me putting my foot down.”
Arad paused, he couldn’t help but stare at her foot above her head, something was strange about her toes, they were pointing at the moon. He got a strange feeling burning in his chest, her words were no mere threat or empty boast.
“You aren’t really submissive pushing yourself this hard on me.” Arad smiled, “No, still didn’t change my mind.” He refused, part of it that he still saw her as a danger, and the other is that his draconic pride won’t let him surrender in a fight to be the winner. It’s either win or
die trying.
Lunara sighed, “What a shame, but don’t worry. I’ll keep you and your wives safe by my side. As long as they don’t lift their heads above my knees, I won’t harm them.” She swung her foot
down, stomping the ground.
The moon in the sky creaked loudly and Arad finally understood that he messed up.
All world powers have the ability to destroy the world, or at least eradicate all life on it. Demon lords are equal to that power level and they could do the same. Lunara wasn’t an exception and Arad is about to face her ultimate move, her world-ending ability.
When the moon grows full after her expansion, that move is ready to use. [Moon Fall]
As Arad saw the moon racing toward his head, burning like a meteor, he felt it was the same as that day after Rita’s even when he woke up and found himself surrounded by all the ancient dragons. Terror, fear, confusion, regret, shock, and countless emotions surged across his mind as he scrambled to figure out a way to survive.