The Epic of Leviathan (A Mutant's Ascension) Novel

The Epic of Leviathan (A Mutant's Ascension) Novel
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Your enthusiasm and commitment to exploring the realms of light novels are the driving force behind our mission to provide you with a reading experience that surpasses expectations. Thank you for choosing AnimeDaily.Net as your preferred destination to read light novels online, especially The Epic of Leviathan (A Mutant's Ascension) Novel, and we look forward to accompanying you on countless literary adventures ahead!
Previously named as - A Mutant's Ascension
A/N: First of all I want to declare that English is not my first language, so if you cannot overlook a few mistakes then this fanfic is not for you.
There is also a neutral evil MC tag so don't complain on a later date saying that MC is evil or something like that.
Last warning, in this fanfic some characters will have a different attitude than the canon or the original version so please note this warning before jumping into this.
I am also writing this to pass my time nothing serious, but I will try my best to complete this fic. This is going to be a World Travel Fic.
1st World: My Hero Academia
2nd World: Harry Potter World
3rd World: Marvel Cinematic & X-Men Cinematic Universe X-Over (Comics Elements Involved)
4th World: Bleach & Food WARS X-Over (Slightly AU)
Currently, I don't have a fixed schedule for the updates. So, I will be updating chapters whenever I get time.
MC doesn't meet a God after his death so he didn't have an idea about what he had to do in the future or even if he will have a power or not.
But all of this changes on MC's 4th birthday, when he awakens his quirk and receives a message from God. Only one mission is given to him and no other directions or commands.
Join the MC in his path to see (or read) how he completes the mission and which path he takes.
Embark on a delightful literary journey as you immerse yourself in the captivating world of The Epic of Leviathan (A Mutant's Ascension) Novel, conveniently available for online reading at AnimeDaily.Net. We extend our heartfelt gratitude for choosing AnimeDaily.Net as your go-to destination to read light novels, particularly the enchanting The Epic of Leviathan (A Mutant's Ascension) Novel. Our commitment revolves around providing you with a seamless and enjoyable platform to read light novels, creating a haven where you can savor your favorite narratives.
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Chapter List
- Chapter 1 - God's Message {EDITED}
- Chapter 2 - My Quirk {EDITED}
- Chapter 3 - Meeting Yaoyorozu Family {EDITED}
- Chapter 4 - Limitations & Training {EDITED}
- Chapter 5 - Middle School & Troubles {EDITED}
- Chapter 6 - Momo & U.A. High Recommendation Exam {EDITED}
- Chapter 7 - Date & Class 1-A... {EDITED}
- Chapter 8 - Quirk Apprehension Test... {EDITED}
- Chapter 9 - School, Friends, And Hero Costumes... {EDITED}
- Chapter 10 - Hero Basic Training... {EDITED}
- Chapter 11 - (Reward) Research & Aegis Shield... {EDITED}
- Chapter 12 - Unforseen Simulation Joint... {EDITED}
- Chapter 13 - USJ Incident... {EDITED}
- Chapter 14 - First Time (R-18)... {EDITED}
- Chapter 15 - UA Sports Festival (I)... {EDITED}
- Chapter 16 - UA Sports Festival (II)... {EDITED}
- Chapter 17 - UA Sports Festival (III)... {EDITED}
- Chapter 18 - UA Sports Festival (IV)... {EDITED}
- Chapter 19 - UA Sports Festival (V)... {EDITED}
- Chapter 20 - UA Sports Festival (VI)
- Chapter 21 - UA Sports Festival (END)
- Chapter 22 - Award Ceremony
- Chapter 23 - Hero Names
- Chapter 24 - Internship Begins
- Chapter 25 - Surprise!!
- Chapter 26 - Hero Killer: Stain
- Chapter 27 - Hosu Incident (& Aftermath)
- Chapter 28 - Payment
- Chapter 29 - Back To School...
- Chapter 30 - Rescue Training Race & Chance Meeting
- Chapter 31 - Preparation For Exams...
- Chapter 32 - Nemuri Kayama (I)
- Chapter 33 - Nemuri Kayama (II)
- Chapter 34 - Finals (I)
- Chapter 35 - Finals (II)
- Chapter 36 - Finals (III)
- Chapter 37 - 1st World Travel Partner
- Chapter 38 - Popping The Cherry (R-18)
- Chapter 39 - Quirk Training Camp (I)
- Chapter 40 - Quirk Training Camp (II)