The Glory After Rebirth Novel

The Glory After Rebirth Novel
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A letter to break off the engagement leads Ling Family in Tangyang to endless doom. And he, Ling Zhang, is tortured to death after his legs are cruelly broken.
This time after rebirth, he swears to restore glory to his family and to seek revenge. The very first he should do is to break the engagement himself!
Yuewen Family? Far in the capital enjoying high privilege and glory?
I simply don’t care.
You think yourself some delicious cake that everyone crazes to grab a bite?
Bah! Too hard that it hurts my teeth!
Yet never has Ling Zhang expected that this ‘hard cake’ would promise him a life of glory after rebirth.
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6 Latest Chapters
Chapter List
- Chapter 1 - He Crawled Back
- Chapter 2 - One Bowl of Hangover Soup
- Chapter 3 - Past Wrongs
- Chapter 4 - The Legacy of Mother
- Chapter 5 - Why Isn’t Ling Zhang Here?
- Chapter 6 - Keep Your Damned Eyes Open
- Chapter 7 - Show the Cloven Hoof
- Chapter 8 - An Openly Declared War Between Jia and Ling
- Chapter 9 - Confrontation
- Chapter 10 - Do You Want to Rebel?
- Chapter 11 - Uncle Appeared
- Chapter 12 - Don't Let Me Down
- Chapter 13 - The Confession of the Four People
- Chapter 14 - Put Poison in the Sobering-up Soup
- Chapter 15 - The Reasons for Framing
- Chapter 16 - The Crowd Were Burning with Rage
- Chapter 17 - Commander of the Prefecture Guards-Zhang Chong
- Chapter 18 - The Judgement
- Chapter 19 - Have You Ever Heard About Yuwen Family in Capital?
- Chapter 20 - Uncle Will Return the Justice to You
- Chapter 21 - Just Tell me
- Chapter 22 - Family Came Back
- Chapter 23 - Gone Too Far
- Chapter 24 - Ling Family Is Indomitable
- Chapter 25 - I’m Afraid It’s Too Late
- Chapter 26 - To Execute Those Treacherous Servants
- Chapter 27 - Xiao Feng's Fear
- Chapter 28 - Family Feast
- Chapter 29 - Big Brother, Are You Getting Married?
- Chapter 30 - Young Master Wants to Learn Kung Fu?
- Chapter 31 - Ling Zhang Wanted to Break Off the Engagement
- Chapter 32 - Feel So Uneasy
- Chapter 33 - Ling Family’s Counterattack?
- Chapter 34 - An Encounter with Bandits
- Chapter 35 - Help!
- Chapter 36 - Thank You for Saving Our Lives
- Chapter 37 - Are You Really Marshal Yuwen?
- Chapter 38 - Am I a Heart-breaker?
- Chapter 39 - Young Master Will Be Very Happy!
- Chapter 40 - Marshal Yuwen Was Everywhere