The Grandmaster Strategist Novel

Source: Wuxiaworld
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The Grandmaster Strategist Novel
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This is an alternate history. Decades after the fall of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the world is still in chaos, although there is hope for reunification.
Of poor background, Jiang Zhe, styled Suiyun, has finally, after ten years of hard work, passed the imperial examinations and become a scholar within Hanlin Academy. Unwittingly, he becomes involved in the succession dispute of the Great Yong Dynasty. He faces conspiracies and machinations and countless battles of strength and wits. Intending to avoid court politics, he ultimately has no choice but to become involved. With no alternative, Jiang Zhe can only follow the crowd, joining the chaotic political turmoil. In this conniving world, he uses his intelligence and knowledge to provide for himself and his companions a stable environment to survive.
Watch nations fall, great men rise, and supreme martial artists kneel before the quiet whispers of a frail, unassuming scholar.
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Chapter List
- Prologue
- Volume 1, Chapter 1: A Destitute Scholar
- Volume 1, Chapter 2: Attaining Top Marks in the Imperial Examination
- Volume 1, Chapter 3: Hanlin Academic
- Volume 1, Chapter 4: Appreciating Art, Overturning Injustice
- Volume 1, Chapter 5: Battle Over the Heir Apparent
- Volume 1, Chapter 6: Yong Envoy, the Prince of Qi
- Volume 1, Chapter 7: The Floating Fragrance Pleasure Boat
- Volume 1, Chapter 8: Duel of Words at Bright Moon Pavilion
- Volume 1, Chapter 9: Military Retainer
- Volume 1, Chapter 10: A Campaign of a Thousand Li
- Volume 1, Chapter 11: Scheming Against One Another
- Volume 1, Chapter 12: Chained Malicious Strategies
- Volume 1, Chapter 13: One Song to Force Suicide
- Volume 1, Chapter 14: Shattered Jade, Submerged Pearl
- Volume 1, Chapter 15: Preparing to Build a Secret Camp
- Volume 1, Chapter 16: Great Upheaval Cometh
- Volume 1, Chapter 17: A Loyal Spirit becomes Distant and Indistinct
- Volume 1, Chapter 18: The King of Southern Chu Declares Himself Emperor
- Volume 1, Chapter 19: The Strategy to Invade Southern Chu
- Volume 1, Chapter 20: Profiting from Others' Misfortune
- Volume 1, Chapter 21: Learning the Truth
- Volume 1, Chapter 22: Jianye Falls
- Volume 1, Chapter 23: Becoming a Captive
- Volume 1, Chapter 24: Distant Journey of a Thousand Li
- Volume 1, Chapter 25: Arrival at the Yong Capital
- Volume 1, Chapter 26: Unceasing Repercussions
- Volume 1, Chapter 27: Appreciating Snow, Composing Poetry
- Volume 1, Chapter 28: Extreme Disappointment
- Volume 1, Chapter 29: A Matter of Life and Death
- Volume 1, Chapter 30: Tiger's Wind, Dragon's Cloud
- Volume 2, Chapter 1: The Legend of Fengyi Sect
- Volume 2, Chapter 2: Presenting the Lord with Three Stratagems
- Volume 2, Chapter 3: Prelude to the Storm
- Volume 2, Chapter 4: Old Friends Reunited
- Volume 2, Chapter 5: A Nimble Chess Piece
- Volume 2, Chapter 6: A Top Level Operative
- Volume 2, Chapter 7: Bright Future Prospects
- Volume 2, Chapter 8: The Magnificent Feast at the Start of Spring
- Volume 2, Chapter 9: Exhibiting Martial Arts and Comparing Skills