The Reader and Protagonist Definitely Have to Be in True Love Novel

The Reader and Protagonist Definitely Have to Be in True Love Novel
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An internet troll who wanted attention, the reader criticized his favorite web novel, saying: “The protagonist is dumb and the author is stupid.”
Author: “… Got it.”
Unfortunately for him, the author actually listened to his (troll) feedback. The formerly lighthearted tale of a cute harem master suddenly became super dark and edgy. The reader could only helplessly look on as the the protagonist was abused and betrayed, finally embarking on the road to becoming completely evil. Everything was a mess!
After that the reader transmigrated into a strange world. How come the person in front of him looks like the protagonist (evil undead version)? Just what is going on?!
Note: Du Zhe (读者 meaning Reader) and Du Ze (杜泽 the character’s name) sound almost the same
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Chapter List
- Chapter 1.1 - Reader: I am a black powder fan
- Chapter 1.2 - Reader: I am a black fan
- Chapter 2. 1 - Author: … Understood.
- Chapter 2.2 - Author: … Understood.
- Chapter 3.1 - Reader: I1 crossed over into another world…
- Chapter 3.2 - Reader: I1 crossed over into another world…
- Chapter 4 - Reader: meow ~
- Chapter 5 - Protagonist: ……
- Chapter 6 - Reader / Protagonist: “MUA1”
- Chapter 7 - Reader: This is not the undead … Too handsome, it’s unscientific!
- Chapter 8 - Protagonist: … Come here.
- Chapter 9 - Author: Three years flew by.
- Chapter 10 - Author: The space-time corridors of the past and future
- Chapter 11 - You’ll never find him!
- Chapter 12 - The way I grabbed people must be wrong!
- Chapter 13 - Reader: This young man won’t give this cutie to you!
- Chapter 14 - Protagonist: I will hold you tight
- Chapter 15 - Protagonist: Do not leave my line of sight.
- Chapter 16 - Reader: I have not betrayed you.
- Chapter 17 - Protagonist: He is mine
- Chapter 18 - Protagonist: Give it back to me
- Chapter 19 - Doujinshi: Yoooooo ~
- Chapter 20 - Reader/Protagonist: Don’t make a fuss
- Chapter 21 - Protagonist: What’s this situation?
- Chapter 22 - Author: In YY novels, lilies can be straightened
- Chapter 23 - Reader: I’ve already taken off my pants, and this is what you show me?!
- Chapter 24 - Author: The Flame Lord’s fighting power is only 5.
- Chapter 25 - Author: That is the proper use of storage rings
- Chapter 26 - Reader: Soak in the hot springs, talk about life
- Chapter 27 - Reader: Tempting color
- Chapter 28 - Protagonist: Let’s make a bet
- Chapter 29 - Reader: Protagonist, you little devil!
- Chapter 30 - Author: As long as you have 998, you can bring a god beast home.
- Chapter 31 - Protagonist: Hold me then sit on it.'
- Chapter 32 - Reader: Study hard and make progress every day.
- Chapter 33 - Protagonist: I really want to make a chain and shackle you to me.
- Chapter 33.1 - Special Episode: Four Years
- Chapter 34 - Author: Choose a good rival, this is a lifetime thing.
- Chapter 35 - Reader: A dialogue option triggered a bloodbath.
- Chapter 36 - Reader: Once upon a time there was an elf princess who fell from the sky.