The Royal Contract Novel

The Royal Contract Novel
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A one-night stand was all she wanted. A one-night stand was not his style. Still, they ended up together in a night of passion. No names, no feelings, and no complications.
They thought that their unexpected encounter was an isolated incident. However, fate had something else in mind.
As they found each other, back in each other’s arms. Not in a passionate embrace, but with a contract that would bind them for a long time. An agreement they were both bond to honor.
Daniella Hamilton was an heiress who wanted nothing to do with her father and her inheritance. She pursued her career to become a lawyer for the masses who could not defend themselves from the injustice in their current judicial system.
Alexander Princeton, as the name suggested, was a possible heir, next in line to his father, the Duke of the Blackstone House. He also wanted nothing to do with the title or the prestige of the dying Royal Empire. To him, wealth was the real power.
Would their agreement lead them to the fulfillment of their dreams or would it end up in a disastrous union?
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6 Latest Chapters
- Chapter 2957: Kong Lin Had No Choice but to Protect Yu Liuli
- Chapter 2956: Relegated to Being a Mount
- Chapter 2955: Managed to Contract Kong Lin
- Chapter 2954: She Was a Man Now!
- Chapter 2953: The Collision Had Likely Caused Him a Rib Fracture
- Chapter 2952: Live Comfortably and Contentedly in Her Own Way
Chapter List
- Chapter 1 - Out For A Hunt
- Chapter 2 - Predator And The Prey
- Chapter 3 - A Long Night
- Chapter 4 - One Night Only
- Chapter 5 - Trained To Be A Fighter
- Chapter 6 - Defend The Weak
- Chapter 7 - Royal Tradition
- Chapter 8 - Fake Wife
- Chapter 9 - The Wildest Night
- Chapter 10 - Go Around The System
- Chapter 11 - Running Out Of Luck
- Chapter 12 - Just An Act
- Chapter 13 - Speedy Escape
- Chapter 14 - Coincidence Or Fate
- Chapter 15 - Scratch An Itch
- Chapter 16 - A Puzzle
- Chapter 17 - From The Hunted To The Hunter
- Chapter 18 - Unfiltered Thoughts
- Chapter 19 - Last Place
- Chapter 20 - Buried Into Oblivion
- Chapter 21 - To Take Action
- Chapter 22 - A Distraction
- Chapter 23 - One Night Only
- Chapter 24 - Forbidden Grounds
- Chapter 25 - Legend In The Courtroom
- Chapter 26 - Pawn In A Game
- Chapter 27 - Resorted To Another Tactic
- Chapter 28 - Ended Up Disappointed
- Chapter 29 - A Mistake
- Chapter 30 - A Jealous Girlfriend
- Chapter 31 - Liked It Or Not
- Chapter 32 - Done Deal
- Chapter 33 - Perfect For The Job
- Chapter 34 - Violent Reaction
- Chapter 35 - No Ordinary Girl
- Chapter 36 - A Contract
- Chapter 37 - Good Motivation
- Chapter 38 - Worse Night
- Chapter 39 - Old History
- Chapter 40 - Full-grown Tigress