Eunji sent Angelina to the airport and make sure that she’s fine when she boarded the plane.
She sternly reminded her to not resort to alcohol.
Being alcoholic would never solve her problem. She’d get liver problems instead in the long run.
Of course, instead of being irritated, Angelina was grateful to have Eunji as a friend..
She had also promised to show up on her doctor appointments on time.
Eunji knew that Angelina needed help ever since. However, she was so stubborn to seek for therapy.
After all, she had gone to a lot of trauma. From her father’s death up until her near death experience in the hands of Luo Mian’s men.
But she never went to any. She wanted to focus her attention to Karina’s well-being and besides, she was fine. Killing Luo Mian with her own hands was the breaking point for her.
That’s why she had reacted so much.
And she wanted to be better. For her daughter, for Eunji and most importantly, for herself.
After sending Angelina away in a good note, Eunji felt like a little weight was lifted off from her shoulder.
The following days became less productive as Eunji focused her attention to Celine and J’s recovery.
When J was released, he sought shelter to KSA Quarters.
He would be joining Alice and Iris together with their daughter in the compound.
Three days after he was discharged, Celine was also discharged from the hospital.
Since she was still not okay, Eunji had decided to send her to Busan to recuperate there fully.
However, she felt sorry for Sam and Celine because they had to be separated for the meantime.
Sam still had to disguise herself as Celine in Nathan’s company.
She could not trust herself to take good care of Celine with everything that’s going on around their environment.
And of course, she was sure that Luo Tian would get back to Angelina and Celine which would mean their lives were in great danger as long as they stayed in the country.
After all, they were related to Luo Mian’s death.
So Eunji had to send her away to a secured and safe place.
Sam and Celine knew that Eunji was feeling bad about separating them both so before Celine left with Mei, they both reassured that they’re fine with it.
And besides, they both gave her the good news that she had been waiting for from these two.
They’re officially a couple!
Even Mei almost cried before they boarded the plane.
To make sure that they’re safe, Eunji went to double check the crew and at the same time the Captain to make sure that they’re not influenced by anyone.
She didn’t want to sound so negative but everything could happen during the two hour flight.
She even asked Eagle to accompany them and then to take a return flight back afterwards.
Now that everyone was settled, she had decided to visit KSA to check on the task that she had asked for Iris to do.
At the same time, she was checking for any developments from the other camp.
The last update they received was that they’re preparing to attack their base.
But she didn’t feel worried at all. Her agents were all prepared for battle.
They’re ready for this. For the war.
At the same time, she started planning on how to convince Asia to come with her.
Even Asia’s location was untraceable. It was hard to locate her.
She had already asked J if he had any idea where she was but all he could give her was the location where he was being held hostage.
With the hopes that she could find her there, she was planning to go and check the place.
It was almost seven in the evening and she was about to call it a day and to continue the rest to her apartment.
But then Alora echoed in her ear telling her that a large group of vehicles were going towards the KSA Quarters and the KSA building.
So Eunji immediately called Iris to prepare their men.
“Iris. Stay here. I need you to coordinate with everyone.”
“But Mistress!”
“I know you’re worried with your daughter and Alice. So I’ll go there with Eagle’s team. Defend this building with everyone. I know you can do it!” Eunji instructed sternly.
“Al-right Eunji. Please save my daughter and my wife.” Iris pleaded to her.
“I will. Call Alice and tell her to gather everyone (family members) to hide in the bunker located on the basement.”
“I’m on it!”
“Alora, how much time do we have left?”
“Based on their speed, we have fifteen minutes!”
That’s enough time to prepare.
Eagle had not gotten back yet thus she took command of Eagle’s team.
Wearing her black mask and preparing her weapons like her blades and daggers she went down to the parking lot.
She didn’t expect their group to attack them so openly. They had become brave and bold.
And she like that.
“Move!” She heard Eagle team’s second commander commanding his teammates.
Eunji watched her agents jogged towards their vans and cars.
“Status.” She called Iris and Alora for updates.
“Mommy, there are more than a fifty vans going towards us and fifty towards the quarters.”
Iris looked at the monitor of her computer and she could tell Alora’s figures were accurate.
“Iris, did you call them?”
“Yes, I did. They’re now going down with everyone.”
“Good. Alora, activate the emergency security feature of the KSA Quarters when everyone is inside the bunker.”
Panic and anxiousness was evident in her tone.
Eunji didn’t expect for these people to have a large scale attack.
This was indeed war.
“Gather our remaining agents. Position them around the building and any KSA properties. I don’t care if the police would get involved in this. We have to end them before the sun rise tomorrow.”
Euji’s command was clear. She want to end Luo Tian now.
Eunji led Eagle’s team on the frontline.
There were only twenty five of them including her in Eagle’s team.
“Falcon lead the team who’ll defend the KSA office building. The other half, come with me. We have to save your homes.”
“Okay Mistress!”
Eunji wore her helmet and hopped on her big bike to go to KSA Quarters.
There’s no way she would allow these b*stards to kill or hurt her people.
Eunji sped off the highway with the other twelve members riding two vans behind her.
Their destination was ten kilometers away from the KSA office building.
But with their speed and traffic light manipulation, they’re able to reach their destination in fifteen minutes. They didn’t mind the patrol cars which had been following them since they oversped on the highway.
When they arrived at the area, her agents were already fighting the enemies.
The situation was better than she thought.
The agents guarding the quarters were able to hold back the enemies from moving forward.
However, the walls were already damage and there were already fire in one of the two front buildings.
After all, they were using a RPG-7V2 rocket launcher in attacking their quarters.
Police cars which had followed them also stopped behind them.
Eunji hopped off her big bike and went into the polices standing behind them who were about to call for their back up.
“If you still love your lives, better stay away. This is not your concern.”
She didn’t wait for them to make a move as she ran towards the battle field.
Eunji was really thankful that this place was far from any residential area.
At least the closest building was two hundred fifty meters away on each side. She had already thought something like this might happen in the future. Thus, she made sure to buy the nearby lot around the area.
***Violence Warning***
Eunji flashed a dagger on both palm and she stopped the two bullets coming her way.
She tossed one of the daggers towards the guy who had been firing towards her and the polices and it hit the latter’s throat.
She then looked back at the polices who were firing back and yelled, “Leave!”
Eunji then ran to pull out that dagger and continued the slaughter.
One man tried to hit her with countless bullets but she used the body of a dead enemy for her cover.
When there were no more bullets coming from their guns, Eunji took advantage of the situation and used her boomerang shaped blade and as it passed by her enemies, their bodies were immediately sliced into two.
Blood spilled all over the ground.
Bullets were raining at the same time blood were flooding.
Someone shoot a rocket towards her direction and she was able to dodge it but the agents behind her weren’t
Looking at the dead bodies of her people covered with flames while the others were trying to escape being burned, Eunji’s eyes turned red and cold.
She immediately looked for the person holding the rocket launcher and used her needle to kill him instantly.
She smiled coldly when she saw that man fell down on the ground.
She then ran to him and snatched the M41 SSR MAV/AW from his hand and bombed their cars in front of her.
She could see the bodies flying in the air as she bombed them one by one.
Organs were flying in the air because of the force of the explosion and some of them flew towards her. She saw from afar someone else’s intestines scattered on the floor.
She then looked back behind her and saw the police stood rooted on the ground.
Fire trucks were also called to respond since there was fire in the building.
All eyes were on her. The lone masked woman standing in front of the big fire. While those men she had defeated were dancing in flames.
Though they could not see her eyes completely, they could feel shivers down their spine making them to pause from breathing.
Eunji didn’t stop.
She summersaulted on the ground and picked up the weapons from the enemies’ dead bodies and she started shooting the others.
When they felt Eunji’s presence, her agents became even more motivated to defend this place.
Their home.
Eunji shot every enemies she could find.
While she was at it, she was also monitoring the development on the other side.
“Alora, update!”
“Luo Tian’s men are so many Mommy. They’re carrying heavy weapons to bomb our building. The first and second floor are already on fire. Tiger’s still inside together with the rest.”
“Iris! Leave the building! It’s dangerous!”
Inside the building, Iris was already wearing a gas mask so she could still breath despite the heavy smoke.
The alarm system had already sounded and thus the sprinklers were already activated.
“No Eunji. Even if we want to go down, the exit and entrance are blocked.”
The only way to get out was for them to jump out of the window.
The KSA office building had thirty floors and she was stuck on the fifth.
She had to get out on the third floor’s window to get out of the building since it was already burning on the first and the second.
The problem was the exit from the fifth going to the fourth was locked by the the explosion which had happened earlier.
“How’s the situation outside?”
“Falcon’s team and the rest are still fighting against Luo Tian’s men, Eomma.”
Since they had bombed the entrance and exit, there’s no way for them to get extra ammunitions from the building.
All in all, the situation was bad.
“Any sightings of Luo Tian?”
“Negative Mommy!”
“Coward.” Eunji mumbled.
Still, that’s fine as long as she was done with his men here, she would go and look for him herself.
“Iris, listen to me! When we finish here first, we will go there immediately with the back up?”
“Okay EJ! Please I’ll be entrusting my wife and daughter’s lives in your hands.”
Knowing this, Eunji felt the adrenaline rushing through her.
She continued her killing spree.
She didn’t mind if she was covered with blood. The important thing was that it’s not her own blood.
Eunji had dodged and danced along many bullets at the same time used those dead bodies scattered on the floor as her cover a couple of times.
She had slit a couple of throats, twisted a couple of necks and shot a couple of foreheads with bullets.
She was dancing gracefully to the music of raining gunshots. The music of death.
Luo Tian’s original five to six hundred people was now reduced into less than half of the original number.
She continued her attacks on the rear while her agents attacked their enemies in the front.
Some of their snipers also covered her.
Their dynamic was working against the enemies that six minutes after, she and the remaining agents from Eagle’s team were standing in the middle of the sea of blood.
It was over.
Eunji hurriedly entered the compound and ran towards the third building where the bunker was located.
“Alora, deactivate the emergency security feature now.” She said.
Eunji waited at the entrance of the bunker and when it opened, she could hear the children crying inside with their mothers.
She then got inside and looked for Alice and J.
“Alice! J!”
They were hiding in the corner while calming the crying Vicky. Vicky was claustrophobic.
“It’s safe now. You may go out but…be careful. I’m sure the authorities will swarm this place.”
“I know. All of us know what to do. Don’t worry.” Alice wanted to hug Eunji but seeing herself covered with blood, Eunji stopped her.
“Thank you EL!”
“Don’t thank me yet. This is not over yet.” She then got up and looked towards the door.
“I have to go. Be careful, okay?”
“You, too. Be careful!” Alice shouted when Eunji ran out of the bunker.