Everyone immediately became alert after the lights went off.
The people outside immediately entered the room to protect them.
The emergency lights in the house lit up and Luo Tian asked his men to check on what caused the power outtage.
And just after he ordered that, rain started pouring hard outside together with the loud roar of thunder and sharp flashes of lightning.
“Why don’t we move in my study room? It’s not safe to continue talking about that here.” He invited everyone.
“Okay! Lead the way.”
Luo Tian got up and led others towards the stairs going to the second floor.
But before he could place his foot on the first step, the emergency lights went off making the entire house became pitch black.
They didn’t know that in the dark, Asia was flashing a meaningful smile.
When the lightning struck, they saw a silhouette holding Luo Tian from behind.
Before they could even make a move they heard Luo Tian’s groan and they heard a thud after despite the heavy rain outside.
Despite the fact that Luo Tian there were so many of them inside the house, no one had managed to pull their guns and shoot that mysterious person.
Soon after, Frederick and Francais fell down on the floor.
Everyone in the room fell down, too.
The rain started pouring hard.
Outside, a fierce battle between Asia and Eunji had just started.
Asia started attacking Eunji with her dagger.
Eunji had no other choice but to defend herself from her attacks. She dared not to attack her.
Especially now that she had an idea on what was happening to her while she was in their hands.
They dared to control her which was for Eunji, it’s very unacceptable.
They dared to use their father’s early hidden experiments against her sister.
Just wow!
Thinking about this, extreme anger emerged inside her heart.
“I know it’s you behind that mask.” Asia spoke in between her attacks.
Eunji didn’t want to admit to her since she was on her Demi disguise but there’s no point lying to her. There’s no point denying it when Asia or Anastasia could simply recognize her by her simple actions of merely lifting her finger.
Of all the people in the world who could recognize her immediately despite wearing many layers of masks aside from Nathan and her children was nome other than Anastasia.
“Asia! Stop! We should not be fighting like this. Come to me. You’re in great danger with them. I’ll help you remove that d*mn collar from your neck.”
“Are you hearing yourself Evelina. Have you forgotten what you have done to me? Why should I listen to you!”
“You know Appa and I didn’t mean to do it to you. We have no choice back then. Your existence was hurting Ana already.” Eunji tried to reason with her while defending herself from Asia’s fatal blows.
“Ha! Don’t act like you’ve done any better. You failed to protect her!”
Asia threw a punch on her gutt and kick towards her and it hit Eunji’s neck making her to fall on the ground.
The mask on her face had fallen off as well.
Eunji spat a mouthful of blood and it mixed on the dirty rain water.
“Got up! I’m not done with you! I want you to fight me with dignity.”
It was more like a challenge to her.
And so Eunji got up and she rubbed the remaining blood off her lips.
This scene always reminded her of their early sparring sessions before when she was still young.
Those times, their fight would end up into draw.
“What’s at stake?” She asked her.
“Life or death.” As Asia said that, a loud thunder roared and its sound enveloped the whole neighborhood.
Should they really have to end up this way?
There had to be another way right?
But she knew Asia was a difficult person to deal with.
She’s hard to read and sometimes had a mind of her own. She’s very inconsistent and won’t give reason to why she did what she had done.
She didn’t go with the norms. One would say her actions were sometimes based on impulse.
All she cared was that she’s happy with what she’s doing. Her satisfaction.
Or maybe, she was just so good in hiding what she really wanted to do.
However now, she knew Asia was dead serious on what she had just said.
Eunji had to fight her. She had to at least make her satisfied.
She had to beat her to put some sense inside her unreadable mind.
Eunji flipped the blade and changed how she held it with her hand.
This time she’s ready to attack her.
Meanwhile, inside the Luo Mansion…
The first person who woke up was Francais.
The rain had already stopped pouring outside.
The electricity was also back in the whole house and when he scanned around the entire room, he was stunned to see all the of their guards lying down on the floor with blood all around their bodies.
At the same time, when he looked at Luo Tian’s direction, he saw a pool of blood surrounding his body.
He didn’t have to go and check to know that he’s already dead.
But what he saw shocked him. He smelled like a rotten egg and seemed to be decaying. Like an organism was eating every cells of his body.
He could still feel a little dizziness probably after hitting his head on the hard floor.
But then he realized that someone was missing.
Thus, he looked at Frederick who was still passed out on the floor.
“Wake up!” He tried to wake Frederick who was still passed out on the floor.
He could hear his groaning and when he finally woke up, Francais immediately said, “Anastasia’s missing!”
Frederick immediately got up from the floor and looked at the space beside him.
“What the hell?! Can you not track her?”
But then, the room swung open revealing the injured Ana coming inside the house.
They didn’t know what happened to her why she had many fatal stab wounds on her body and she was covered with blood.
“Where have you been?!” Francais asked immediately.
“While all of you were sleeping, I was out there fighting the killer who killed Luo Tian.”
“What? Then. Did you get her?”
“What do you think?” Asia flashed a meaningful smile towards them.
“Who is it?” Frederick asked her.
“My damn sister.”
“Where is she?” It was Francais who asked her.
“She’s outside. Dead.”
“Good! Let’s go!” Francais looked at Asia and Francais and they didn’t even wait for her as they headed out first.
When they walked out of the Luo Mansion, they saw Eunji’s dead body lying on the cold and wet floor.
Her lips were very pale together with her face.
She had a deep slit on her throat and blood were still gushing from it.
Aside from that, she had multiple stab wounds on her upper body.
“You both really looked similar, huh.” Frederick Heart made a comment while looking at Eunji and then to Anastasia’s face.
“What did you expect?”
That’s enough! Carry her and get her in the car.” Francais ordered Frederick.
“What? Why me?”
“Do you want me to carry her instead?”
“Wait, she’s already dead. Why don’t we just leave her here.” Asia asked the two men.
“This woman has plenty of lives. I have tried to kill her so many times back then but she never failed to come back to life. I have to make sure myself that she’s really dead.” Francais confessed.
“Or perhaps, you still cared for her?” Francais then looked at Asia.
“You gotta be kidding me right?” Asia refutted them almost instantly.
“Tell me Asia, do you still care for her?” Francais used the device to extract some truth from her.
But then Asia laughed and looked at him straight in the eye.
“I have killed her myself. I have stabbed her many times. Do you really think I still care for her? Go and check her dead body yourself.”
She then smiled at him and added, “Now if you don’t mind. I’m injured, too. I don’t heal on my own and I need to get treatment.”
Asia suffered deep cuts on her shoulder, arms and the space between her neck and the other shoulder. She also probably had a few broken bones on her ribs.
She didn’t wait for them to react and she entered the car on the passenger seat while dragging her wounded body.
She could feel the car swayed after Frederick pushed Eunji’s body inside.
Fracais and Frederick then entered the car with Frederick as the designated driver since no one was spared in this attack.
Everyone were killed except for the three of them.
“Now that she’s dead. Then, no one could stop your engagement.” Francais told them both while looking at Eunji’s dead body.
“Right. We should do it next week.” Frederick was even happier to know this.
“Yeah sure.”