Asia felt Eunji’s pulse and she heaved a sigh when she could still feel it. However, it’s weak.
“I’m sorry Eve. I’m so sorry.” Asia said weakly as the drugs took effect on her body.
Having no other choice, Asia grabbed the phone from her pocket and dialed Nathan’s phone number.
As soon as the call connected, Asia didn’t beat around the bush and said, “Nathan, Eve. She’s hurt!”
When he called Nathan, he was driving his car straight to the Mo Hospital after his plane landed. He had found out about what happened to Eunji and the KSA agents when he was already up in the air and it made him really worried.
He had already received a call from Mo Jing-sheng that Eunji was fine. But he wanted to check her. To see her one last time even in the dark before he left to do his final mission.
“What? What did you do to my wife! You promised me you will no longer hurt my wife!” Nathan roared at Asia.
“I’m sorry. I was not able to control my anger and I ended up hurting each other.” Asia apologized weakly. She didn’t even get the chance to explain herself to Nathan because he was already angry.
“Where are you?!” Nathan asked her immediately and Asia could hear Nathan making a u-turn.
She then told Nathan their location. Good thing he was not far from their location.
As per Nathan’s instruction, she didn’t end the call so he could monitor their current situation.
She didn’t know that when Eunji was in a very dangerous situation, Alora had made an emergency call to both Lee Yunha and Sam. Of course, there’s no way Alora would let Eunji to die without doing anything.
She only expected for Nathan to come and rescue them but it’s actually Sam and Lee Yunha to reach the scene first.
When they got out from their cars, they immediately ran towards the sisters ignoring the fact that it was still drizzling and may be it might pour hard in any seconds.
Lee Yunha had become defensive and grabbed her gun and pointed at Asia who was cradling Eunji’s head on her lap. On the other hand, Sam was shocked to see a lot of blood from them both.
And at the same time, because they looked so identical, Sam didn’t know who Eunji was between them.
“Help her! My sister! Bring her to the hospital. Please! Save her!” Asia didn’t mind her own self. What’s important for her at that moment was to not lose Eunji or Eve.
They could tell that Asia was also on her limit and when she saw them. And now, she was crying for their help.
Asia had regretted what she had done to Eunji. And she no longer wanted to lose her.
Before they could even react, Nathan’s car arrived at the scene. He hurriedly got out of his car and ran towards Asia and Eunji.
“Nathan! Help Eve! Please…save her.”
Nathan carefully carried his wife on his arms and threw a final look at Asia.
“If something happens to my wife, I’ll make sure that you’ll pay for this!” Nathan vowed to make her pay for hurting Eunji.
On the other hand, as soon as Asia saw Nathan placing Eunji inside his car, her upper body finally fell on the ground.
If her death was the consequence of her actions, she’d gladly accept it if it would mean that Eunji would survive.
She had mocked Ana before for sacrificing herself for Eunji in the past. But now, she didn’t expect that she would be willing to do the same thing for Eunji.
She heard that no one would be accompanying Nathan in bringing Eunji to the hospital because he wanted the two women to watch over her. And then a car left.
She also heard them talking to someone over the phone for help but all of her attention was on the pain she was feeling on her body and the unbearable head ache on her head.
She was about to close her eyes when she felt a set of strong hands on her shoulder and with a firm voice, the woman said.
“Don’t close your eyes yet. You must not die!” Asia then turned her attention and saw Sam trying to help her with her wounds.
Help was coming.
“There’s…no need. Stop… wasting your time on me. Go to my sister. She needs your help.” Asia said weakly through her labored breathing.
“If ever I die tonight. Please tell her that Ana and I love her. And that we’re sorry.” Asia told them both.
“If you’re really sorry, then all the more that you should not give up!” Lee Yunha joined in the conversation.
Asia didn’t realize that it had started pouring and she suddenly felt herself floating in the air and the next thing she realized was that she’s now inside one of their car.
Asia mumbled a soft thank you but Sam sharply responded to her, “Don’t thank us. We’re not doing this out of pity. We’re doing this for Eunji. We no longer want to see her sad anymore. We wanted her to be genuinely happy this time and we know you’ll be playing an integral part of it.”
She mumbled a soft, “I know.” and continued the rest inside her head, ‘That’s why I’m thankful to all of you.’
They had fill in the gap that she had left in Eunji’s life.
She knew she was close to passing out and so before it finally happened to her she strictly told them, “Don’t bring me to the hospital no matter what. I have to stay here or they’ll get suspicious.”
Sam and Lee Yunha had no idea what she was talking about but they both decided to obey her.
Lee Yunha had undergone training on how to respond to emergencies like this and thus she had always a set of first-aid kit on her bag.
At the same time, she was praying for their reinforcements to come.
Since she told her to not bring her to the hospital, they had decided to help her inside the car until the help arrived.
The drugs on Asia’s body had finally took effect that when she woke up, it was already Ana who greeted them.
“Who are you? What are you both doing to me?” Aside from the fact that Ana could not recognize them, she had suffered from a little amnesia too.
She thought they were her enemies when in fact they’re actually helping her.
And so she started to struggle and wanted to go out from the car.
Lee Yunha and Sam struggled to make her stay still. Lee Yunha was cleaning her wound when it happened and so she (Asia) ended up injuring herself more.
Lee Yunha had no other choice but to hit her at the back of her neck to make her pass out.
“Did you kill her?” Sam asked Lee Yunha when she saw Asia fell down again.
“No. I didn’t.”
The former heaved a sigh of relief when she heard Lee Yunha but then the latter added, “But the patient’s losing a lot of blood. She needs blood transfusion immediately.”
“What? Then, what should we do?”
“Don’t worry, I have already called in a doctor and told him everything that Auntie needs including the blood. Just please apply more pressure to stop the bleeding.” Alora echoed inside their earpiece.
Just then, help came for them.
“Good evening Miss Sam, Miss Lee. I’m sent by Alora here. We’re’s the patient?”
“Thank goodness you’re here! She’s inside.”
“We have to hurry and bring her back inside the mansion, we only have more or less two hours.”
“Can you help her Doc?” Lee Yunha asked him.
“Don’t worry. I’ll try my best.”
However, after thirty minutes of treating her, Asia had regained consciousness once again.
“Stop! What are you doing!”
“Don’t move! We’re trying to help you.”
“No! Don’t. Whatever you did, undo it!” Asia yelled though weakly.
“Are you nuts?”
“Please. Trust me. If you’ll help me…you’ll only make things more difficult for my sister.” Asia mustered all of her remaining strength as she tried to explain.
Since the drug that had weakened her body had slowly left her system, she’s able to regain her subconciousness and a little of her strength.
Asia then waited for a little to recover a little of her energy that could enable her to speak.
Then, she started telling them the plan that she came up inside her head.
“This is insane! You’re doing suicide! What if you die from blood loss?” Sam could not hold back her disappointment and at the same time, she’s really annoyed with Asia’s stubbornness.
“Then, that’s my fate. My sister won’t blame you all if I die. This is…my choice. My last chance to…make…things…right.” Asia added.
“No!” Lee Yunha was strongly against it, too.
“Please. As long…as I have this… collar around my neck, I won’t be able to leave. They’d…be able to track me down. So I have…to…stay…here.”
Lee Yunha checked on the collar and she tried to remove it but it was useless.
“Only them could remove this out.”
Just then, Alora echoed in Lee Yunha’s ear.
“Just do what Aunt said. Let her do what she wanted to do.”
“But Alora-.” Lee Yunha disagreed
“I have a plan to help both Eomma and Aunt. Trust me, okay? I need both of your help.”
Then Alora turned to the doctor and said, “And I need your help, too.”
Just then, Asia had finally realized that they were actually talking to someone, “Wait, who are you both talking to?”
Without waiting for Lee Yunha and Sam to answer her, Alora made the decision to introduce herself to Asia by taking over the car and spoke to its speaker.
“Hello, Aunt. I’m Alora. I’m the AI daughter of Eunji-Eomma.”
Asia was surprised to hear Alora all of a sudden. But deep down she felt proud because Eunji was able to realize her dreams in the past into reality.
“Hello, Alora. I’m Anastasia. But right now, I’m Asia.”
“I know.” Alora mumbled.
“I’m sorry if we have to meet this way.”
“It’s fine. And I’ll make sure this won’t be the last time, Aunt. And so I have a plan to help you both and Eomma.”
“Go ahead.”
“Great! I know you’d be willing to hear me.”
And so, Alora told them about the plan. Alora waited for Asia’s response so did everyone inside the car.
“You know what, we…have an… almost similar idea. So, we…will do that.”
“Great! Let’s begin the great acting gig of the century!”