Alester cursed under his breath as he approached the monster. The giant body carried the kid with him, walking toward the ambassador and the kingdom. Every step that the creature took caused the flora to die around it.
“Stop right there. You are not permitted to enter the city. Put the kid down and circle toward the back.” Alester ordered. He did not like this creature or the very idea of it existing. It had been amusing before, but it no longer amused him to see.
There was something unnatural about this creature. Something that rubbed Alester the wrong way. But he could not figure out what it was. The more power this creature assembled, the more Alester’s feeling grew.
Alester waited for the creature to stop at his command, but the monster ignored him and walked past him. Alester twisted his body in disbelief, watching as the monster ignored his command.
This was not good. This insubordination could not be allowed to exist. Alester needed to stop the monster before he caused irreplaceable harm to the surroundings and the people in Gerna.
Alester powered a binding spell, his magic blowing around him. His target was not the monster but the kid he carried around. If he could separate the kid, he could subdue the monster with everything he had.
Roped emerged from the ground, twisting themselves around the huge body of the monster and Alester waited for it to smash to the ground.
The huge body struggled but it did not fall. It became even fiercer in its struggles and Alester watched in disbelief as the roped disappeared from around the creature.
It had absorbed the magic that had been cast on it. Alester tried out a few more low-level spells but the same things happened. The spell was absorbed in the creature’s body.
This was bad. Restraining magic had been the only thing that had stopped the monster before. Even the master command did not work on this creature.
Alester’s panic caused him to miss the arrival of Lady Clement. The newly-minted noble was arrogant and proud. He was also the one who had been handed the command of this creature.
Alester should not have been surprised to see him here. And yet, he could not help but marvel at the new arrival. He had not expected the other noble to risk his life like that.
“In the name of your creator, I order you to stop. You must not go any further-” the noble did not get to finish his words before he was almost stepped over. Alester’s quick thing saved the Nobel’s life and pulled him out of harm’s way.
The Nobel’s expression of disbelief was new. Lady Clement looked taken aback at his command being ignored.
Had it been anyone else, Alester would have felt sorry. But the Nobel had it coming a long time ago. A human with no magic power did not belong in their world but the Nobel had tried to force his way in.
“Why didn’t it stop? It was bound by a contract” the Nobel questioned. His wide eyes looked nervously toward the advancing creature.
“Perhaps it had grown beyond the contract’s power. With the princess missing, I don’t think anyone can stop that creature anymore. It is far too powerful” Alester was not kidding. The creature was deadly.
And it just kept growing stronger with every step he took. Something was unnerving about feeling such raw power.
“I never thought such a creature could exist. How could anyone grow beyond magic’s power? Isn’t magic the ultimate weapon that could conquer everything?” the human questioned.
Alester had neither the time nor patience to explain that magic was not the end to everything. It was a means but it had its own rules.
And sometimes, they did not make sense.
“Go and gather everyone you can. We need to stop that creature. It is heading toward the royal palace. Try and find princess Neah as well” Alester ordered. It sucked that the princess had taken off in a hurry as soon as the meeting had ended.
The creature was almost to the city gates now and the citizens in the street froze at seeing him approach.
Alester could see the kid in the monster’s arm trying to reel him in. He seemed to be communicating with the monster and even pulling reactions out of the monster.
Alester admired the courage. He even sympathized with the kid for staying strong in this situation. But he also knew that he could not put the kid’s life above the other people of this country.
This was a country his master had created. It was where he was going to return back to. And this city needed to be protected.
“Darn those Albest people. Thye is making a mess of everything” Alester could not help but curse Albest out. It was their fault this creature existed in the first place. Had they not proposed their experiment, all this could have been prevented long ago.
It was because of them that the Albest had to suffer this fate. The people in the kingdom were facing all this hardship just because the main kingdom could not keep it to themselves.
He cursed that kingdom. He despised that kingdom. And he despised their priest.
“H-Hey. That monster is killing all those people. It should not do that, right? It is not supposed to kill magic-less people” Lady Clement pointed out with an ashen face.
He was right in that regard and Alester cursed his oversight. He had lost sight of that monster for a few seconds and the people around him seemed to be paying the price.
Alester geared up to chase after the creature before he stopped short. A messenger bird landed on his finger and he was obligated to check it out.
Especially since it belonged to Ashura. That crafty old man was always on about something.
‘Talk that being toward the central portal. It will be handed over to Albest now’ Alester felt his temper rise.
Handed over to Albest? What kind of answer was it? He did not want to follow this ridiculous order.
But he saw no other way to stop the rampaging beast. Magic did not work and they no longer had the home-ground advantage either. This seemed to be their only way.
“Alright. So this is what we’ll do. I’ll inform the princess as well. Let’s drag the monster to Albest” the bad feeling inside Alester was growing. This plan did not sit well with him but he did trust Ashura.
That old man had the same goal as them – to see their master rise up and destroy that arrogant upper realm.