The Struggle of Returning to The Other World Novel
The Struggle of Returning to The Other World Novel
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There was a time where I was summoned to a different world. I spent more than a year as a Priestess from a different world. I fulfilled my role and decided to return to my original world. Before leaving, I confessed my feelings to my escort knight. And from there I was heartbroken. After returning to the original world for a year and half, I was summoned again. What? Apparently this time, nobody summoned me. I was sent out to a great extent and have a lost love. I cannot face anyone now! No one knows that I was a former Priestess and I can only quickly return to my original world. Even so, it does not seem to work out very well…
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Chapter List
- Chapter 1 - I Have a Broken Heart in A Different World
- Chapter 2 - I returned to the different world
- Chapter 3 - I'll spend my time quietly as a citizen
- Chapter 4 - God Festival
- Chapter 5 - After the Festival
- Chapter 6 - I’m hungry for contact with girls
- Chapter 7 - I Thought About Business
- Chapter 8 - How About a Lovely Packed Lunch?
- Chapter 9 - By Popular Demands, the Shop Expands
- Chapter 10 - Finally I Got Stuck
- Chapter 11 - I Talked About the Future
- Chapter 12 - I Got A Near Miss
- Chapter 13 - A Nostalgic Smell
- Chapter 14 - How About a Dance Party?
- Chapter 15 - Recognized as A Friend by The Flirt
- Chapter 16 - It Was A Disappointed Expression
- Chapter 17 - Distorted Pulse
- Chapter 18 - Prime Minister's Appearance
- Chapter 19 - Bonds
- Chapter 20 - The Decision was taken back
- Chapter 21
- Chapter 22 - Reunion
- Chapter 23 - Late Night Conversation
- Chapter 24 - An Apprentice Appears
- Chapter 25 - A Love Rival is Found?
- Chapter 26 - The Priestess Has Taken the Customers
- Chapter 27 - The Promise of the Bento Has Been Fulfilled
- Chapter 28 - I’ve Entered the Priest Residential Area
- Chapter 29 - The Priestess Aldina
- Chapter 30 - I Received a Knight's Lecture
- Chapter 31 - It's difficult to get along with your neighbors
- Chapter 32 - My Heart Sinks On A Rainy Day
- Chapter 33 - The Growing Bud of Suspicion