The Villains Need to Save the World? Novel

The Villains Need to Save the World? Novel
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In the legends that were told, ten thousand years ago the twelve demon kings wreaked havoc upon the world, almost completely destroying it. Ten thousand years later, the late arriving Bella discovered that she had been screwed over by her reincarnation, the ranks of the Saviors are already filled and she has to change teams in order to pass the days. Having her gender changed into a beautiful girl… she endured that, not being able to join the righteous side and obtain cheat abilities… she endured, but what she could not endure, was that the world that she had transmigrated to was toxic beyond belief. No one here does their rightful jobs properly, be they heroes, demon kings, or creator gods… in fact, Bella felt as if they all had also started with the wrong faction!
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6 Latest Chapters
- Book 10: Chapter 534: The Mysterious Visitors of the Alphine Grain Road District in the Snowy Land
- Book 9: Chapter 533: The Real Ruler of the Gabriel Empire
- Book 9: Chapter 532: Gabriel’s New Political Reform and the Birth of the First Reigning Empress of an Empire in the Human History
- Book 9: Chapter 531: Prince Angus’s Final Compromise and the Unexpected End of the Civil War
- Book 9: Chapter 530: The Rogue Gambling Game that Decides the Future in the Foggy Night Coup
- Book 9: Chapter 529: The Eve of the Foggy Night Coup That Changed the Course of the Civil War
Chapter List
- Book 0: Chapter 1: The Girl in the Fallen Kingdom
- Book 0: Chapter 2: Chance Encounter on the Bloodstained Beach
- Book 0: Chapter 3: Memories of an Unfortunate Princess
- Book 0: Chapter 4: Helplessly Dragged into a Naval Conflict
- Book 0: Chapter 5: The Birth of the Legendary Pirate Queen
- Book 0: Chapter 6: Doomsday of the Expeditionary Fleet
- Book 0: Chapter 7: Demise of the Expeditionary Fleet
- Book 1: Chapter 1: The Ghost Town’s Mysterious Visitor
- Book 1: Chapter 2: Chaotic Battle in the Graveyard
- Book 1: Chapter 3: Unbreakable Shackles
- Book 1: Chapter 4: A Restless Night
- Book 1: Chapter 5: Chance Encounter with the Forces of Light
- Book 1: Chapter 6: Cooperation with the Forces of Light?
- Book 1: Chapter 7: This Loli is a Little Naughty
- Book 1: Chapter 8: The Real Pervert is?
- Book 1: Chapter 9: The Determination of the Rose Knight
- Book 1: Chapter 10: Justice’s Arrival
- Book 1: Chapter 11: The Battle Between 2 Transmigrators
- Book 1: Chapter 12: Reinforcements from Another Dimension
- Book 1: Chapter 13: A Deal with the Dark Side?
- Book 1: Chapter 14: The Forsaken Land’s New Lord
- Book 1: Chapter 15: Pilgrims of the Dark Country
- Book 1: Chapter 16: Secrets Below the Great Church
- Book 1: Chapter 17: Danger? Tower Defence in the Abandoned City
- Book 1: Chapter 18: The Unfortunate Fate of the Beastmens’ Expeditionary Army
- Book 1: Chapter 19: The Unexpected Beauty
- Book 1: Chapter 20: The Lonesome Sword’s Secret
- Book 1: Chapter 21: The Hero and the Demon King Depart on an Adventure
- Book 1: Chapter 22: In the Midst of Ground Dragon Hunting
- Book 1: Chapter 23: Family
- Book 1: Chapter 24: Appearance of the Demon Empires’ Expeditionary Force
- Book 1: Chapter 25: The Secret at the Center of the Unnamed Forest
- Book 1: Chapter 26: The End of the Ground Dragons
- Book 1: Chapter 27: The War-torn Border Region
- Book 1: Chapter 28: The Human Reinforcement Forces’ Peril
- Book 1: Chapter 29: The Unexpected Culprit and Nearing the End of the Chaotic Battle
- Book 1: Chapter 30: The Truth Behind the Mysterious Cave
- Book 1: Chapter 31: The Dark Sanctuary’s New Members
- Book 1: Chapter 32: Demon King Bella’s Leisure Time
- Book 1: Chapter 33: Skryme’s Gifts