Ravina’s steps slowed as she walked back home while trying to process everything that Nazneen had told her. The cold wind was helping her not melt to the ground from what she had learned.
“There are three ways I could recommend, but I will only tell you two for now. The first one is if you only want to help him. Then you use your hands.”
Ravina had been confused, but Nazneen had been patient enough to explain and show her.
“You want me to… do that?” Ravina’s face had turned into a pomegranate.
“I don’t want you to do anything. You asked me and this is the most subtle one.”
Nazneen tilted her head and watched her curiously. “It feels strange until you do it the first time. Then when you see the way you can take control, you will love it.”
Take control?
“It can’t always be the man making the woman surrender.”
Surrender? She recalled the way he had touched her and how she just gave up her control. Would she do the same to him?
“What is the other way?” Ravina had asked.
“The other way is if you want to pleasure him and yourself at the same time.”
Ravina stopped walking as the rest of what Nazneen said swirled in her mind. The wind was not cold enough to calm her down. She went straight to splash cold water on her face when she returned home. It was still not enough and images of what she should do bothered her. But not only her mind. Her body tingled in a strange way.
She took a plate of sweets with her back to her room, to keep her mind off of it. Sitting on her bed, she reached for the invisible book on the nightstand. Again, the scent drew her in and she couldn’t help but smell it. Her body tingled even more.
She opened it and read a few pages distracted until she heard a noise coming from the hall. Putting the book away, she listened to the sound of footsteps nearing the door, and then came a knock.
Her heart skipped. “Come in.” She called.
Malachi stepped in with a smile, giving the door a gentle push to close behind him. He walked further in, holding a small box in his hand while his gaze settled on the plate of sweets on her bed.
“You are already enjoying some.” He said. “And I brought more.” He held up the box.
“I could eat that too,” she replied.
He came to sit with her and she pulled her legs up against her chest so he could sit closer. He opened the box and she watched him untie the ribbon, thinking of him doing the same with her top. She stiffened. Where did that thought come from?
She pulled her legs closer to her chest, now feeling his scent replace the one from the book. It made her tingle in the same way.
Malachi was aware of Ravina as he opened the box. The faint scent of arousal tainted the air. It was very subtle, only teasing his senses, and then she curled up even more. He pretended not to notice anything as he didn’t want to make her uncomfortable. Even he hated everyone knowing.
He picked up a soft crunch, drenched in honey to feed her. She pulled her knees down, eating the delight from his fingers. It was a mouthful but she was eating more these days and he could see the sparkle in her eyes from when she tasted it, trying to keep it in her mouth while chewing slowly.
Malachi cursed inwardly. Why was he doing this to himself? He wanted her mouth, he wanted those lips to savor him the way she savored the sweets.
“Hmmm… I am going to gain so much weight.” She said.
She already looked exquisite. She would kill him with some more flesh on her bones.
“You need some more on your bones. Your hips are not quite there yet,” he teased.
She narrowed her eyes with a frown and he chuckled. “I like your hips,” he assured reaching for her mouth, he brushed off the flakes from the crunch away from her lips. “And your lips too.”
She sucked in a breath and he moved closer. “Your lips are my delight,” he said, leaning in to kiss her. He could not resist anymore.
His fingers went to the nape of her neck and he pulled her closer. She met his lips with parted ones, allowing him to delve in briefly. Only tasting at first. Testing her reaction. She took his lips and then his tongue, but her kiss was gentle. Alluring. She kissed him back delicately, almost exploring, and it drove him crazy.
He leaned over, tossing the box on the nightstand while his body pushed back her to the bed. Her hands came to his chest to push him away. Malachi pulled back despite his frustration, wondering what he had done wrong, but she kept pushing him back.
“Ravina..” confused, he allowed her to turn him around slightly and push him down, all while crawling on top of him.
He stiffened as she straddled him with hands imprinted on his chest.
What was happening?
She adjusted herself, rubbing slightly against his stiff length. He hissed. “Ravina!” he tried to sit up but she put more weight on his chest to hold him down.
He looked up to meet her gaze between the pain and lust. Her own eyes were hooded with desire and the way her gaze swept over him, taking him in with a need of her own, left him at her mercy.
“I have imagined you like this…” she spoke as if in a trance. The way her voice had changed made the muscles in his groin twitch. He let out a pained breath. “Laying in these pink sheets.”
Her fingers curled slightly on his chest, grazing him with the tip of her fingers. Malachi became still, despite his throbbing manhood. He kept his eyes on her, wanting to see the way she looked at him.
Her gaze fell down to his chest and she dragged it down slowly, following the graze of her fingers. His manhood stood stiff pointing up as if begging to meet her fingers that dragged down his abdomen, but he knew that wouldn’t happen. He was going to die today.
This woman would kill him and no weapons were needed.
When he thought she would stop and he could find the strength to drag himself from her, she continued. Her fingers reached lower and only stopped once they reached the fabric of his garment.
“God, don’t stop!” He didn’t mean to say it but it came out before he could stop himself. What did he expect her to do? She knew nothing. He didn’t want to pressure her into anything.
He looked up into her eyes. She looked surprised for a moment, hesitant, but then her gaze changed. Her fingers brushed along his pelvis, right between her legs. It was as if she was touching herself and his body jerked.
Her eyes twinkled. “I won’t.”