Malachi sat on the other bench, next to Ares who didn’t reply to his question. Even in his jealousy, the man kept his emotions hidden. Malachi wasn’t sure what Nazneen was thinking but he had learned that those tricks didn’t work and thinking of it now, they were childish. He had been childish.
Also, what was Joel up to? When he asked him about Ares and the witch, Malachi could tell he wasn’t telling the complete truth. He was hiding something.
“Shouldn’t you go inside and get her?” Malachi asked.
Ares smiled. “Why would I interrupt if she is enjoying herself? The only downside is your brother.”
Malachi chuckled. It was funny that he agreed. Especially since it was Joel of all people, but he also didn’t want his brother to be with a woman he had been with. It was just… too much. Either Ares had to interrupt them or Nazneen get away from there. Otherwise, he would.
“Want to have a drink?” Malachi asked.
He sighed. “Alcohol would be good indeed.”
They went to the food house nearby and ordered drinks. Ares wanted the strongest they could get.
Ares chuckles. “I am dying anyway.”
“And what is killing you?”
“My heart.”
Was he speaking metaphorically?
“And your leg?”
Ares smiled. “You are still curious about that?”
“Anyone would be.”
“All I can tell you is that there is so much unknown out there. So many things we can’t see, hear or explain.”
“Too bad I don’t enjoy solving mysteries,” Malachi replied with a slight sarcasm to his answer that gave no answers.
Ares chuckled and took a sip of his drink.
“How did you get into politics?” Malachi asked.
He wanted to learn more about this man and from him. He had interesting views on things.
“With whom do you think pirates trade? The rich and influential. Behind closed doors, of course. I knew people from high places that I traded with. People who even created those laws that would put pirates in jail. Trading with those cunning people will teach you a lot and from there I met the King himself.”
“And from stealing you went to being the protector of your people.”
“I know…” Ares chuckled amused, seeing the irony in his argument. “In the beginning it was just to save myself but… Ravina’s father has a way with words.”
Well, she did too. Today she took charge again with her usual cold aura that could intimidate in the right way.
Now Malachi wanted to discuss weapons.
“I trust Ravina with those weapons but… I am in a way handing them to you. How can I know they won’t fall into the wrong hands? Your brothers are not all quiet on your side yet and your court members don’t put me at ease.”
Malachi had already made up his mind tonight that he needed to make some in his way of ruling and his court.
“How about we have a supply chain guarded by people from your side, Nazneen’s clan, and my clan? And only the most trusted will have access to it. You are already choosing members in court for Nazneen.”
“What about distributions? Who will get to use the weapons and when?”
Malachi became thoughtful. “We need a setup of plan and rules around it.”
“Yes. I can’t just give away weapons. You need to think of all the steps to ensure it is not misused before I can supply you with it. What I will supply you with is not something that can be used by everyone. The use of pistols needs training. You can make up your plan with this information and let me know.”
Malachi nodded.
When they went back to his mother’s house, the guards to take Nazneen and Ares home to their clan were already waiting.
Malachi had already noticed that Ares and Ravina were a bit more comfortable around each other after the few conversations they had at different points.
The messengers were also there to send Nazneen home safely and stay with her until matters settle down.
“You will do well. Let me know if you need anything and you are welcome here anytime,” his mother told Nazneen.
“Thank you,” Nazneen smiled and they gave each other a brief hug.
As if knowing that Ravina wasn’t much of a physical person, they just gave each other a smile and a nod. Then all of them watched the group fly away.
Malachi sighed, exhausted from all the talking of today so he was happy to be able to go back home and organize his thoughts. Saying goodnight to his mother and brothers, he walked back home with Ravina.
“You seemed very busy today at the ceremony” Ravina pointed as they strolled down the street. The bright moon illuminated the dark path.
“I just got into deep discussions.”
“Not as much as I thought. There are many people open to change.”
She nodded but remained quiet.
“What did you and Nazneen do?” He asked.
“We enjoyed some time and corn near the river.”
“Is that all?”
She smiled. “What do you expect?”
He shrugged. “I thought you were talking about me.”
“We did insult you,” she teased.
He chuckled as they arrived home. They slowed down at the hall, having their rooms separate. Although they had shared a bed many times before they paused, thinking of what to do or where to go next. A part of him was telling him that it would be best to sleep alone as he was still not sure he could control himself but… she had taken the first step last time, surprising him with her hidden skills. What did that mean for their relationship? Were they closer or was that just an effect of her fertility?
He gave up on all the questions. He didn’t have the patience to think through all of that so he took her hand. “Let’s sleep in my room tonight.” He said and to not make it awkward he just led her upstairs.
Ravina followed him without any protest, her small hand in his, already awakening many wild thoughts as he led her to his room. He went ahead and picked one of his robes so she could change. He had no screen in his room where she could hide, he realized as he handed it to her.
“I won’t look,” he joked lightly.
She raised a suspicious brow but said nothing.
“You shouldn’t look either,” he teased as he walked away to change as well.
She scoffed. “I will try my best.”
With a smile, he turned to the window as he undressed and he could hear her in the background changing as well but he could feel her eyes on him from behind. Her sweet scent had already filled the room and in the dim light of his room, mixed with his own scent and the thought of her also being naked right behind him made him think it was better she didn’t have a front view.
He wrapped the silky garment around his hips before turning around. Ravina was just wrapping herself in the robe that was too big. It was not long enough to cover all the way down to her ankles so she a part of her legs were exposed. Her pale skin looked creamy in the soft candlelight and her blue eyes twinkled.
She crept up on the bed, her one thigh slipping through the split as he sat down and pulled his legs up on the bed as well.
“I feel heavy. I think I ate too much.” She said sighing when she lay down on the mattress.
She had already regained some weight and he liked that on her. If she was already this beautiful, what would she look like when she regained health completely and all color and weight returned? She would be stunning.
Malachi pulled the covers over her body as she seemed tired before laying down and getting under the covers as well. They turned to face each other and remained quiet for a while, just allowing themselves to enjoy the stillness after a long day of chatter.
“What did you and Ares talk about?” She asked.