Malachi walked to the courthouse, his chest still tight, his lungs still heavy from the lingering sensation of Ravina’s kiss. The desire to mate with her had ignited his blood, sending heat pulsing through his veins with the threat to consume him. His dragon clawed and growled at the edges of his consciousness, demanding to be freed to claim his breedmate.
He shook his head. It was not time to succumb to his primitive instinct so he decided to shift his focus. With each stride, he concentrated on forcing his dragon back. He took steady breaths and focused on the chilly air filling his lungs, the cold aiding in the extinction of the flames that threatened to devour him.
As he arrived at the main hall in the courthouse, he only found Saul there. “Where are the rest?” He asked.
Saul shrugged.
“Tell all of them to be here immediately,” Malachi ordered, and he didn’t wait for Saul to reply. He could feel Saul’s gaze on his back, it was time for his brothers to stop playing around and either join or leave the court.
He went to the courtroom to prepare his speech while his brother’s returned. He thought deeply of what he needed to say and how he should address the issue. Also how he should manage any conflict that might arise in the meeting. His vision was becoming more clear, and with each passing moment, he grew more determined. He thought of Amal, adapting some of her positive attitude. He needed it at the moment instead of cynicism.
“Malachi?” His brother’s took longer than expected to arrive.
Malachi turned to them with a serious expression. He looked at each and everyone of the in the eyes. “You are late. Next time you are late, you will be removed from your positions as my councilors.
They all looked at him baffled. Saul frowned.
“Sit down. The meeting is soon.” He ordered.
Without a word, they took their seats. Aaron places a pile of papers in front of him, making Malachi wonder what he’s been up to.
Saul was about to say something when the first members of the court arrived. They all had their assigned seats and went to sit down after greeting each other. Malachi waited for everyone to arrive, and when the time was right, he nodded for the guards to close the door. Those who came late should reap the consequences. It was enough with the play.
Malachi looked around at his courtmembers, understanding the topic of discussion was delicate. He needed to strike a balance in order to make progress without estranging those who held power.
“There are some issues we need to discuss.” he began. “We need to discuss the future of our kingdom and the challenges that are awaiting us, some of which we are already facing. Our traditions have served us well for centuries, and they will remain our foundation.” Malachi wanted to start with this to show respect for their tradition and the court’s contribution to their society.
Then he continued to lay out the challenges they might be facing in the current world and the opportunities that exist. He emphasized the need for growth and adaptation, framing his proposal as a natural evolution rather than a revolution. “We need to expand our knowledge and our capabilities within the court, and we can do so by controlled selection of new court members. Ones chosen for their skills.”
The court members looked at each other, and then an older member, Manos spoke. “King Malachi. How can you be sure these new ways are the right way for evolving. Changing our politics can put us in danger in these difficult times when we need strict rules.”
“I agree that we need strict rules, but are we not already in danger? And continuing things the way they are is not earning us freedom or safety. You might all be sitting here thinking that I have been influenced by my human breedmate and that she is clouding my judgment. You are right that I am influenced, but I assure you that my judgment has never been more clear. She is the original inventor’s daughter, and I have been a hostage and seen the weapons they possess. You think I managed to free myself?” He shook his head. “I didn’t. She set me free because there is no way you can escape once they catch you.”
Aaron rose from his seat once Malachi finished his sentence. They all turned to him, wondering why he stood up just to speak, but he began to hand them the papers he brought with him. “Speaking of the weapons, Ravina is more than happy to help us understand how they work, and you will be shocked to learn how advanced they are. Take a look yourself.”
Aaron even handed him one of the papers. Ravina drew the weapons and their mechanisms. There were even drawings of dragons and how the weapon would hurt or kill them.
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The members chuckled.
“It works with fruits too.” Aaron added remaining silly for a little while more before becoming serious again. “As you can see, those weapons are not to be taken lightly. If we remain in denial, we will be the last ones to hold power. Queen Nazneen is already working on making her kingdom safer. Tomorrow, if her kingdom is found and there is an attack, she will be prepared. What about us? Can you protect yourself against these weapons?”
A silence followed. There was still a form of denial that Malachi recognized. How could humans possibly defeat them. They were dragons. The rulers of the skies and the earth. Proud creatures, and now… they were supposed to admit defeat?
Malachi cut through the silence. “I will provide us with what we need to protect ourselves and stay safe. All I ask is for cooperation. I will have a trained army for protection against any other threat and we will get the insight, tools and training we need from the humans that are willing to share with us. We need to meet them halfway.”
From the corner of his eye, he took notice of his brother Saul that sat staring down at the table while deeply lost in thought. There was a slight frown on his face.
“Does anyone have an objection? Or any question or suggestion?” Malachi asked.
“I have a question,” Saul suddenly spoke. He lifted his gaze slowly and his eyes pierced into Malachi’s.
Malachi saw something in his brother’s eyes that he hadn’t seen for a long while. His brother, from six years ago. “If your breedmate is helping us, does that make her part of the court?”
Malachi was surpirsed by his question. He didn’t expect his brother to put him in a corner from the way he had looked at him.
Clenching his hand under the table, “Yes. If she is indeed part of the decision process and we need her help, she should have a seat in court, don’t you think?”
Saul’s lips slowly curved into a smirk, surprising him again. “I think so indeed, but it is only my opinion.”