Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu Novel

Source: Reigokai: Isekai...
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Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu Novel
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High school student Misumi Makoto is called into a fantasy world by the god Tsukuyomi, in order to be a hero. However, powerful others in this world aren’t as thrilled to have him there, and kick him to the edge of the world. Tsukuyomi declares that Makoto is free to find his own way after Makoto is abandoned by the other Goddess.
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Chapter List
- Prologue 1: This is the beginning of the autumn sky
- Prologue 2: The farewell gift is a secret
- Prologue 3: Goddess=Bug
- Prologue POV: The meeting with the God of Moon, Tsukuyomi
- Chapter 1: Standing on a new world
- Chapter 2: I rely on the scream
- Chapter 3: Encounter with the First Villager, no this doesn’t count
- Chapter 4: That which I have yearned for
- Chapter 5: Unaware that it was cruel
- Chapter 6: Uncertainty, the first fight is a boss
- Chapter 7: The dream that the dragon shows me
- Chapter 8: A delighful pledge
- Chapter 9: The garden inside the mist
- POV Chapter Meeting with the mamono, Ema
- Chapter 10: Human settlement is still far
- Chapter 11: What they call true nature
- Chapter 12: Shen, while regretting, obtains a lifetime partner.
- Chapter 13: The garden seems to have increased its level
- Chapter 14: Debut. My headaches have reached level 2
- Chapter 15: Peace and Town, things that move farther the closer I get
- Chapter 16: It’s written as ‘make over’ and read as ‘quagmire’
- POV Chapter Meeting with the demi-human, Beren
- Chapter 17: Truth, despairing my birth
- Chapter 18: Adventurer registration in the ‘last’ village
- Chapter 19: Revenge on Kaku-san
- Chapter 20: Ah~ is this the restaurant close to the river? It’s not!
- Chapter 21: That night’s Tomoe
- Chapter 22: I don’t want such a global language
- Chapter 23: Mio’s sense of worth
- Chapter 24: Isn’t this a jewel box?!
- Chapter 25: … What happened?
- Chapter 26: Such a thing happened
- Chapter 27: Just in case, I will be doing it too you know?
- Chapter 28: I get off the carriage and the babysitting ends
- Chapter 29: Best night ’til now
- Chapter 30: Gossip about the hero of Limia
- Chapter 31: Gossip about the hero of Gritonia
- Chapter 32: The report of the secretary Ema
- Chapter 33: The dwarfs’ announcement assembly
- Chapter 34: Meeting with the wealthy merchant of Tsige