Universal Power System Novel

Chapter 314 General Magnus (Part 2)

Chapter 314 General Magnus (Part 2)

“In that intense moment, I broke past my barrier and awoke a new power, a power strong enough to overcome the resistance of the barrier.”

“The moment, I tore through the electric barrier that bounded me, I could see the absolute shock and fear in the eyes of every single leader. I could still hear the dying cries of all my men ringing in my ears and in the moment that I tore through and was free, I lost control of myself.”

“I don’t have any memory of what happened after I was free, but when I woke up hours later, I was floating in a sea of purple blood riddled with broken pieces of limbs and organs of the creatures that once inhabited that planet.”

There was another slight pause as Magnus looked up to see Mako in the eye.

“I… had killed an entire race while I was in that state. The creatures saw my superior strength and how I was killing every single creature in my path, not sparing the young or the old, they ramped up their own genocide and killed every last human in the colony before I was able to finish them all off.”

“By the time the authorities had arrived on the planet, I was the only living being left on the entire planet. I was arrested and put on trial at the Galactic Court of Justice.”

“I pleaded for my case and tried to justify my actions but it turned out that the story that I had given to my arresting officer about what had happened was changed and manipulated by the Earth leaders before it was presented to the United Worlds Security Council.”

“Since I am a human, the Earth leaders would have been held responsible for the mass extinction of a whole race and so in order to save their own skin, they told the council that they had nothing to do with me and that I had gone rouge and had done this on my own.”

“Instead of acknowledging their lapse in security within that sector, which allowed the aliens to acquire those class 5 weapons and initiate the human genocide due to their inability to monitor the situation, they shifted the entire blame onto me.”

“They accused me of trafficking weapons to rogue mercenaries and when the planet’s leaders discovered this and threatened to involve authorities, they fabricated a story of me going on a rampage and indiscriminately killing everyone.”

“After hearing that, the other members of the council pressured Earth Leaders to give me the harshest punishment for my quote-on-quote crimes but since there was no hard evidence and the only proof was the fake story that Earth Leaders had crafted which I completely denied during my trial and instead presented the court with what actually happened, they decided to completely strip me of my powers and title within the military and that I would be imprisoned for 50 years.”

“50 YEARS?” Mako couldn’t help but say out loud.

“It was actually a light punishment, I should have been imprisoned for multiple lifetimes for eradicating a whole race, but luckily the jury found my version of the story more convincing and believed that I acted out in self-defense,” Magnus explained.

“After that day I was imprisoned in one of the biggest prisons in the entire galaxy for several years up until 2 months ago. One day, the warden came to my holding cell and told me that I was being transferred to Earth. After my arrival, I thought that I would be going to a new prison but rather I was brought here.”

“The officers that brought me here told me that this weapon’s hall would now become my prison.”

Mako was visibly confused as to why would the guards want to transfer an alleged mass murderer to a training school, but before he could ask Magnus stood up his chair and pulled up his sleeve to reveal a thin metal bracelet around his bicep muscle.

“They attached this device onto my arm before they left, it constantly suppresses my body so I can barely muster to use 10% of my power and it keeps track of my location to make sure I never leave the weapons hall. They said that even though I had lost my chance to ever gain status in the military, I could at least redeem myself by teaching the young generation my skills and training them to become valuable assets for the military like I once was.”




“Bull****! They want more killers in their arsenal so that they can still oppose any threat and maintain their superiority within the galaxy and throw those under the bus who don’t follow their orders!” Magnus shouted as he became a bit emotional and began talking to himself.

Mako was left speechless after he heard the complete story and witnessed Magnus’ emotions in the end. He knew that feeling quite too well as he had also gone through a similar experience.

Magnus quickly realized that he had gotten too emotional and had spoken way too much. He apologized for his sudden outburst before sighing.

“This was why I wanted to put such a bad impression of myself to all the students in the first class, I didn’t want those innocent kids to look up to me or try to be like me. This was why I gave everyone who wanted special classes a test that would steer them away because I didn’t want to be burdened by passing on my legacy to the new generation.” Magnus said as he turned around to look at Mako again.

“Well… almost everyone…”

Mako couldn’t find any words to say as the weight of Magnus’ story was just too strong. He would have never imagined that he would meet such an important person during his first day at the school.

“Then why, sir? Why did you accept me or Alexi as your students, neither of us was able to touch you so you could have denied us too, why did you take us in?” Mako asked as he was not quite curious.

Magnus’s gaze softened as he looked at Mako, a hint of something akin to regret flickering in his eyes.

“When you guys accepted my conditions and fought me,” he began, his voice carrying a weight of sincerity. ” I saw my younger self within the two of you, one having the hunger for knowledge and growth while the other has the thirst to become stronger. Despite your initial struggles, I sensed a determination within you both, a willingness to learn and grow.”

He paused, taking a moment to collect his thoughts before continuing. “Perhaps it is selfish of me, but I hope that I teach you to become something better, someone who could carry on the legacy of the knowledge I’ve spent my life cultivating. More than that, I saw in you the real chance for redemption, a chance to truly make amends for the mistakes I’ve made.”

Magnus’s words hung in the air, heavy with emotion. Mako felt a surge of understanding wash over him, realizing the depth of Magnus’s intentions.

“I may have tried to deter others, but I have acknowledged my sins and I believe that officer was right, I should pass on my skills and knowledge but only to those that I deem worthy so that promising young stars like you are guided in the right direction rather than becoming senseless killers,” Magnus concluded, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

Mako nodded, a newfound respect and admiration blossoming within him for the enigmatic teacher before him.

“You are not alone in that feeling, sir,” Mako stated as he fully realized his teacher’s emotions and feelings.

Mako also shortly narrated the events of his very first mission and how it had failed, how he was the one responsible for the loss of their friend and how the military still punished them by placing them under house arrest.

Magnus was admittedly quite amazed to see the similarities between his own and his student’s past mistakes. Mako made sure not to mention anything about his current mission as even though he trusted Magnus to not be involved with anything, the room they were standing in was most definitely bugged as Magnus himself said that this was his prison and he didn’t want to leak any information.

“This is why I vowed to never be weak enough to not be able to save the people that I care about. That is why I aim to become the strongest,” Mako stated his motive for his hunger for power and knowledge.

Magnus listened intently to Mako’s recounting of his past, his expression softening with empathy as he understood the weight of Mako’s burdens.

“You carry a heavy burden, Mako,” Magnus said solemnly. “But it is through our failures that we learn and grow. Your determination to become stronger, to protect those you care about, is commendable.”

“As your teacher, I will do everything in my power to guide you along the right path,” Magnus declared, his voice filled with conviction. “Together, we will strive to overcome the obstacles that stand in our way and forge a new legacy… a legacy of peace and kindness.”

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