A vast piece of land existed far below Noah’s figure and hundreds of thousands of those short creatures filled it. At every point in time, at least a few hundred of those creatures touched that huge pillar-like mass of what resembled a vine but wasn’t. They disappeared every time.
Huge green vine-like lines the size of buildings filled with the green substance pulsated with such intensity that Noah could hear them.
The vast number of grotesque-looking creatures at the surface each generated incoherent sounds that filled the wide place with their combined intensity. Noisy.
That huge mass remained attached to the rocky ceiling of that expanse and green vine-like lines the size of buildings existed above Noah too. He suspected they could attack him anytime.
Those details however hardly did anything compared to the seven peak stage tier 4 auras that emerged from the huge pillar-like mass about a kilometer and a half in height and double that in width.
Noah laid eyes on massive creatures just as grotesque as the ones he left Erolia with.
The only difference was that they held cores of their own and seemed sentient. Or at least possessed some form of intelligence. The beings had glowing green eyes that all landed on his tiny figure
Noah looked like a genuine ant compared to those massive figures. One of those monsters was about 300m in mere height and they were wide and round, all possessing small wings that should not suit beings as big and heavy as them.
“This will be a chore. And you’ll just waste mana,” Noah allowed his power to carry his words and they echoed loudly in that place.
In truth that place reminded him of the mass of blood, Louis. He wondered if he still stayed in the forest of equanimity.
His audience made no reaction. After all, how could one man in the middle stage dream of defeating seven such beings at the peak of the fourth tier? 𝐨𝘃𝗹.
Even if he knew he could handle all seven beings, from what he had seen that entity could regenerate them many times. It’ll become a battle of who could deplete their reserves first. Noah knew he would lose since he was up against a tier 5 being.
Shaking his head, Noah allowed his daggers to appear in his hands, and their higher-stage prowess unfolded into the world. Still, they were not exactly at the peak of the fourth tier.
‘They are weak to the light affinity,’ Noah spoke inwardly casting a spell he had not shown to the public eye.
[Radiant Judgment[Active]: Light shines in darkness, and darkness cannot comprehend it. Call upon a special mass of light capable of dealing both physical and soul damage to those you consider your enemies and are struck by its rays]
[Cost: 20% SE pool. Duration: 50 seconds. Cool-down: N/A]
“Radiant judgment,” Noah muttered, and a huge silver magical triangle within a white magical circle expanded behind him. The magical triangle spun within that circle as the sound of a lock shattering, shook the area.
A blinding ball of silver light beamed out of those magical wonders to cast its light on the environment.
The moment that event occurred Noah watched those higher-stage beings groan in agony as chunks of their skin vanished when hit by the light. Even the huge pillar-like mass found chunks of its surface burning into nothingness.
That light possessed an effect that Noah understood, but wondered why it affected those being that way.
Almost all the creatures on the ground died off when that light hit them, leaving a huge amount of land space, empty in mere seconds.
The lines above him which acted as roots shrunk away, retracting into the huge mass before the light destroyed them.
Noah made everything born of that green liquid fall under his power in mere seconds. He quickly became dominant. Especially since they did not try to attack it, but rather, hid from the dangerous radiance.
“Stop it!” A ghosty masculine voice commanded, but Noah would not answer.
“Stop your monsters from attacking my companion first,” Noah responded sensing Erolia’s state. In mere seconds she had caused the numbers of those beings to increase since they continued to multiply.
The being did not listen and Noah acted.
“There are more of this miniature star where it came from.” He raised his hand as though ready to cast another one.
The sound of a grunt made the walls of that expanse shake.
“You’ve killed off hundreds of thousands of my creation,” the being protested.
“That wouldn’t have happened had you responded earlier,” Noah replied. “It’s your fault for underestimating me.”
“Besides they are only tier 1. You can easily recreate them,” Noah shrugged. The being could not counter those words since they were true.
“You’re lucky you came at a time I was low on mana, I would have sent my fifth-tier creations after you. But for now…” The ghosty voice explained and at the end of its words, Noah heard Erolia speak to him through their connection.
Noah deactivated the light at that point and things returned to normal.
“Easy, isn’t it?” Noah remarked staring at the seven peak stage tier 4 beings. The voice came from the mass.
“Do not mock me… human… or whatever you are. Even the elves fear my power,” the voice snorted, calling its creations back into its huge mass. They would heal there.
“Yeah, yeah,” Noah waved his hand sitting cross-legged. Erolia was already on her way.
“What do you want?” The voice bellowed after a few seconds of silence. It hated that Noah’s eyes seemed to uncover information just by gazing at its mass.
“I want you to know all about this place, but also if you can stop helping the order out,” Noah explained, holding his crossed legs with both his hands whilst his back remained straightened.
“And why should I tell you all about this place? I have no obligation to do such,” the being snorted.
“Do you want us to go the hard way?” Noah raised an eyebrow and the being spoke immediately.
“Do not underestimate me, human. Even in this state, I remain capable of annihilating you,” its voice shook the whole expanse, making its warning sound more serious.
Noah remained silent, activating the eye of the death lord on the massive pillar-like mass. Its words were true, Noah stood no chance of actually defeating it.
After all, the dark miasma it emitted filled that expanse, Noah found that he even sat in that miasma despite his height and distance from it.
‘Even with my various skills, It’s still a hundred-percent dangerous.’ He stroked his chin in nonexistent surprise. ‘There are different powers in this world. Strange to find something this strong here in Cusk.’
“Have you become dumb?” The being asked, more annoyed than not. Despite its immense strength it still decided to speak with him.
“In truth, I am nothing but an ant who can do nothing but flee from you if you act… still, you spoke about being low on reserves, why don’t you tell me why that is?… After all, I can tell that you find me interesting,” Noah played his cards right and hit home on each one of them.
A deep chuckle akin to an earthquake shook that expanse.
“Truly intriguing,” the being commented. “Very well!… I shall give you a small narrative and you shall bother me no more.”
“Go on,” Noah responded, adopting a laying posture. He lay on his belly before placing his face on his right palm and focusing on the talking mass.