All four experts flew towards a certain area still within the icy fields of the Renga region. That location had been specifically picked for that event, and two things were factored into that decision.
The first would be distance. The location had to be far enough from the floating island to not cause trouble, but also close enough for the event to be transmitted.
The second would be the mana density in that specific area. Several rivers of liquified mana ran across the area boosting its appeal for an expert about to enter the fifth tier.
The moment they arrived at the location, Noah could immediately sense the barrier that surrounded the place. He believed Elder Adonis would be placed inside it since the barrier remained something within the fifth tier.
He wondered if he could touch that realm by activating his speedling form.
The fifth tier, unlike the fourth tier, wasn’t a total ascendance into a new type of realm, it was simply a continuation. Of course, it brought about an immense increase in power. Nevertheless, it remained similar to going from tier 1 to tier 2.
“What are we even supposed to do now? You have set everything in place,” Noah spoke, gazing at the enclosed area. Elder Adonis floated into the place to sit on a black praying mat.
They on the other hand, simply stared at him while he cultivated.
Several mana crystals had been placed around the area to further boost the mana density. Even elder Adonis had needed to wash his existence of the lesser quality mana, but for someone at his level that had required several mana crystals.
He remained among the monsters of the guild. After all, he was the only tier 4 amongst the grand elders.
“We wait and watch of course.” Elder Uriah stated, tilting her head slightly. “Or do you mean to ask why we’ve called you to join us?”
Noah nodded at her words and she gave a light smile.
“You’re an exceptional expert. And seeing as you’ve now entered the higher stage we saw it fit to allow you to witness a tier-five breakthrough firsthand.”
“Experience in these types of things will help you grasp just how much you require to enter this realm,” she explained, and Noah saw reason in her words. Still, he hardly cared.
The path of Speedlings was a bit different from humans. He was both.
Noah and the female elder exchanged some words, while Elder Montel remained silent. Even if his attention was also on their words.
The sky trembled and their gazes ascended. The world was reacting to the breakthrough about the occur. Noah had witnessed that scene too many times, but this time a difference was evident. At least only to him.
The gaze of the very world around him was both on his figure and Elder Adonis. He could sense it far clearer than he had ever felt it and he trembled, but no one noticed since the clouds converged above them.
The sky rumbled with terrible intensity as sparks of several colors crashed, sending terrible sound waves shooting everywhere.
The winds blew furiously and an icy tundra of sorts sprung into existence. Nonetheless, the figures of the two fifth-tier experts remained untouched. They stood too powerful for such events to affect them.
Thanks to being in their presence, Noah could enjoy that same privilege without unfolding his aura.
The cloud that had converged on elder Adonis remained immense, spanning several miles in radius while featuring a hole at the center no less than 3km in size. The barrier itself was about 4sq-km.
Within that hole, sparks formed, and their quality could be sensed even from Noah’s position. He felt certain that even he would be close to the fifth tier if they struck him.
Elder Adonis continued to contemplate his existence while cultivating. The more of himself he became the more power he would achieve. He had long since decided his path, but he needed to prove to himself that this version of him deserved to enter the fifth tier.
He succeeded.
The skies roared and a blinding white light poured out into the world, flooding the visions of anyone too weak for that level.
Thanks to his higher-stage power, Noah could somewhat see what was going on.
A massive bolt fell on the expert and turned his environment into a giant charred crater. Fortunately, the barrier stopped the damage from spreading.
Nevertheless, shock waves dug deep into the terrain and fissures appeared, causing the area to fall into disarray. 𝗼𝐯𝗹.𝐞𝘁
That bolt had been at the very peak of the fourth tier, even if its quality inched towards the fifth.
A giant gray smoke rose to the dark skies, but the clouds above were ready to deliver another bolt.
A massive discharge of multi-colored sparks fell from the skies and this time its power made the entire region shake with terrible intensity despite the existence of the barrier.
By this point, the insides of the barrier were falling apart, but Elder Adonis remained floating and cross-legged, even if his clothes had disappeared.
His skin had turned charred and he experienced pain like never before, But that was the process. His very existence had to get rid of the lower realm to take a step further. He was very close now.
Noah watched with discomfort. The gaze of the world was placing pressure on his shoulders and only he could experience it.
Elder Adonis absorbed every ounce of the bolt’s energy to fuel his body and his skin fell like paper even if new ones regrew, At some point only his head and chest area featured flesh. The rest of him being mere bones vibrating with power.
New flesh regrew to cover him. His insides and outsides took a step forward and after several minutes his aura exploded with fifth-tier power. But that wasn’t all.
The moment the cloud saw his increase in power it roared with mighty intensity and converged to make streamline all its remaining energy.
Noah felt a terrible pressure fall on the area. Only thanks to the experts around him could he remain unscathed. Even a higher stage would die in that place.
Elder Adonis finally rose when the clouds converged until they were only about 1km in radius. The loud crashing had stopped and only a low rumble could be felt, but that indicated a level that many only dreamed to attain.
Sparks gathered in Elder Adonis’s left hand. Those white and violet sparks converged into a simple sword-shaped mass. But that manifestation could give birth to tens of tier 4 experts.
His silver hair fluttered in the silent winds of the area and he ascended a bit, ready for the last step to stabilize his breakthrough in the fifth tier.
Minutes had to pass before anything significant happened.
No discharge occurred, but shock waves barreled out from the barrier to reach regions far away from that location.
A blinding white light followed by the roaring of thunder descended into the world. At this point not even Noah could see what occurred in that light.
Still, Elder Adonis waved his lightning blade at the violent bolt, but rather than deflect it, his blade released an invisible shock wave that halted the bolts for an instant, then his right hand grabbed onto the sparks and his existence pulled it into his body.
An explosion occurred at that point, but the blue barrier remained standing.
The light gradually died and a figure brimming with power at the lower stage of the fifth tier unfolded in the eyes of those experts.
The mood instantly changed for the better, as the forces of the Divine Lightning guild now possessed the addition of a new fifth-tier expert.