They also felt happy that she (Chen Lihua) had left, otherwise it would have been more awkward to them if they were sitting in the car while their Madam was standing outside and talking to them.
With Chen Lihua’s behavior today, they felt that their days have been numbered and from today onwards, their life were in her hands.
They two bodyguards sat in the car and watched Chen Lihua walk away and enter her car. They waited for a while for any movement, so they would follow suit, but what they were waiting for didn’t happen, so they could only watch and wait for a bit.
Chen Lihua opened the door to her newly gifted Audi A8, sat on the driver’s seat and closed the door.
She took a deep breath and after that, she felt she was a bit harsh to the bodyguards and felt a bit bad for venting her anger on the wrong people.
While relaxing in her car, she picked up her phone and loged in to her facebook account, she spent a few minutes on it without finding anything interesting, so she loged into her instagram account.
Immediately she loged in, she partially saw Lady Chen’s post, but before she could look properly, the post disappeared as other posts from other people people came up.
As Lady Chen’s post was still blurry at the time Chen Lihua saw it, but that didn’t mean that she didn’t have an idea of what she saw.
To Chen Lihua at the moment, it was as if there was a war going on in her head, she could only wish out loud that what she saw was not what was on the post, and that her eye sight and thinking we’re detoriating.
She would rather believe that that her eye sight and brain were weak now due to stress than believe what she thinks she saw.
‘OMG! tell me this is a joke. Tell me that my eyes are deceiving me’. Chen Lihua said to herself.
To prove her current thoughts (her eyes were deceiving her) are correct, she searched for Lady Chen’s user name on the search icon in other to view all post.
When Lady Chen’s name appeared, she clicked on it and waited for it load. As it opened, lo and behold, Chen Lihua felt that she was seeing double and robbed her eyes in other to see clearly, she even regretted not coming out with her medicated glasses.
But all these couldn’t stop the truth from coming to light.
Chen Lihua saw that Lady Chen’s latest post was this morning, it was a picture of her and Liu Longwei with their backs facing the camera.
She was shocked for a while and sighed in relief after she recovered.
But it was still too early for her to sigh in relief because she made a mistake in clicking on the comment icon below the picture.
Live and direct, she saw the message the last person to comment made, ‘Wow Lady Chen congratulations. I wanted to see your daughters beautiful face again, but it’s not a harm as I can always see her face from your last post’.
At this moment, Chen Lihua forgot how to breathe. She kept asking herself what did this person me by last post, did mother reveal my face?’.
As Chen Lihua has been in the car for a while without winding down the cars’ windows or putting on the AC, she began to loose her breath, so she wind down the car’s two front windows to stabilize her breath.
When the bodyguards saw the movement from the car after a while, they finally relaxed a bit and continued waiting for Chen Lihua.