Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist Novel

Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist Novel
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In a world of cultivation, dragons, and other fantastical beings, what happens if a villainous playboy gangster named Wang Jian is reincarnated?
Pure chaos!
Lin Feng: Wang Jian! How dare you capture my childhood friend and mess around with her?!
Su Xian: I-I am with him willingly.
Lin Feng: N-No way. You are lying. There is no way you would wear that maid dress otherwise!
Wang Jian: It's not just her.
Before Lin Feng could understand what he meant, in front of him appeared several women, all dressed in maid outfits. Upon seeing these women, his anger rose dramatically.
Many of them were women who used to love him dearly.
However, Lin Feng was merely the first protagonist who suffered at Wang Jian's hands. The game had just begun as Wang Jian's wicked desires knew no bounds and he began to target the other protagonists while seducing their women through psychological tricks and forceful methods.
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Chapter List
- Chapter 1 Reincarnation
- Chapter 2 Status And World Essence
- Chapter 3 Three Clans
- Chapter 4 Scheme
- Chapter 5 Sneaking Into Night Dagger Clan
- Chapter 6 Seed Of Ambition
- Chapter 7 Demon Venom
- Chapter 8 Coercing Su Xian
- Chapter 9 Thundering Hemlock Woods
- Chapter 10 Massage
- Chapter 11 Secret Deal With Kang Fu
- Chapter 12 Kang Fu Meets His Daughter
- Chapter 13 To An Orphanage
- Chapter 14 Motivational Speech
- Chapter 15 Utilizing Destiny Points
- Chapter 16 Extorting The Second Heroine
- Chapter 17 Han Lei’s Strategy
- Chapter 18 Two Headed Dark Flame Viper
- Chapter 19 Manipulating Su Xian
- Chapter 20 Kissing Su Xian
- Chapter 21 Meridian Points On Chest
- Chapter 22 Guiding The Qi
- Chapter 23 Passionate Night With Su Xian
- Chapter 24 True Eyes Ability
- Chapter 25 Blue Moon Eclipse Dominion’s Abilities
- Chapter 26 Kang Fu’s Strategy
- Chapter 27 Kang Huian’s Tries To Motivate Wang Jian
- Chapter 28 Unsealing Cultivation
- Chapter 29 Su Xian’s Decision
- Chapter 30 Venomous Shimmer Ant
- Chapter 31 Lightning King’s Abode
- Chapter 32 Thunder King’s Treasures
- Chapter 33 Lifetime Slave Contract
- Chapter 34 Nude Dance
- Chapter 35 Tribe Members Righteous Curses
- Chapter 36 Debauchery In Canvas
- Chapter 37 Healing The Crimson Mammoth Warriors
- Chapter 38 Level Two Of Blue Moon Eclipse Devil Bloodline
- Chapter 39 Betrayal
- Chapter 40 Hundred Miles Teleportation Talisman