360 Contender Part I
Alex spent a long time preparing for the fight between him and his latest opponent. With Ali’s current problems, he did not have to focus much on his rival going after the last few heroines who remained unconquered in the middle eastern arc of the manga which he was now living in.
Because of this Alex decided to spend a full two month fight camp preparing for the fight. Spending each night visiting another woman of his many women, and giving them the attention they needed thanks to his teleportation ability he had gained from the system.
Eat, train, fuck, sleep. That is pretty much what the entirety of the two months became. And during this entire time he exchanged heated words over social media with his soon to be opponent. Even making daily videos telling the man he had only X amount of days to live and that he should pull the stick out of his ass, and enjoy life while he still could.
The repeated threats, and intimidation tactics caused many on the internet to begin to hate Alex, believing he was taking his fight banter way too far. But Alex himself seemed determined to at the very least hurt his opponent in a way that would have long term consequences.
And he did not give a damn what anybody thought about his antics, all he cared about was himself. Eventually the day of the fight arrived. Alex was no longer on the prelims, or the mid card. He had finally made it to contender status, or he would if he beat this opponent.
Because his opponent was a top ten contender, and Alex was currently shooting through the ranks solely because of his popularity, and the attention he garnered towards the promotion. He was now on the main card. His fight slot being directly below the co-main event.
Since this was the case he had many hours to wait behind the scenes, and prepare for his fight. Vanessa was holding mitts for Alex, as he punhed, and kicked his way through his pre-fight warm up. Since she had known the man he never showed any sight of anxiety, even right before a fight.
Alex’s movements were smooth, and relaxed. There was nothing but confidence on his face as the woman asked him if he thought he could nullify his opponent’s grappling.
“We’ve trained a long time for this, so tell me you’re confident in implementing your game plan?”
Alex simply smirked when he heard this, before confirming that he indeed was wholly confident in this fact.
“If by game plan you mean defending take downs, and inflicting an inexcusable amount of pain and suffering on my opponent then yes… I’ve got this.”
Vanessa smiled when she heard this, she wanted to lean in and kick Alex, but he was throwing a solid left hook at the pads at this very moment. Instead she complimented the man in away that the others in his corner simply groaned over.
“That’s my killer, now go teach this bastard a lesson he will never forget!”
Sure enough, the music began playing throughout the venue. This time Alex chose a popular song from his favorite era of music, and era he grew up in during his past life. He walked out to the notorious song, and entered the cage as the chorus blared.
The words “Trust in my self righteous suicide” causing the man to flash a devilish smirk towards his opponent. A smirk further malignified by the 3d fangs that protruded from his mouth guard. Yet Ismail showed no signs of intimidation, nor backing down.
Instead the two were gathered together in the center of the cage. Where they stared each other down, Alex’s blood lust emanating from his body as he mouthed the words in perfect Russian.
“You will die…” Sёarch* The AnimeDaily.Net* website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.
After refusing to touch each other’s gloves the two fighters went back to the corner where the bell rang. Contary to his usual antics, Alex did not immediately charge his opponent and try to cross the void. Instead he slowly approached the man in a squared off and tall Muay Thai style stance. One that was almost begging his opponent to try to take him down.
And this is exactly what Ismail tried to do, feigning a jab before following up with a attempted double leg. Yet Alex sprawled, and quickly used his superior strength and technique to break free from the man’s graps around his legs.
Alex quickly locked up his hands around the man’s neck, with the other wrapping around his arms, pulling the man down with his strength and preventing any more movement. All the while Jack Logan commented on the starting of the fight.
“A very unusual performance by Alex, usually he comes out swinging, but tonight he decided to bait a takedown, and now has superior position –”
Jack logan was about to say something else, when Alex threw a knee from the top position, not towards his opponent’s head, which while legal in Asia, was illegal in America, instead he threw it to the man’s shoulder. Knocking the man’s arm out from under him, and allowing Alex to quickly transition to an anaconda choke.
Alex locked up the choke tightly, pinning the man’s free arm beneath his leg, causing Jack Logan to scream out.
’We might be seeing Alex’s first submission tonight against the Chechen Warlord! Wait? What’s this? Alex is giving up the choke!”
Alex could have easily squeezed the daylights out of his opponent, but that was too easy of a victory, instead he gave up the choke, and quickly mounted Imsail, slamming his fists and elbows into the man’s face. All while taunting him.
“You like that? What was that about me not taking things seriously? What now? Talk! Tell me how much better you are! Tell me how you’re a real fighter! Bitch!”
Ismail tried to defend himself, but Alex’s top control was too much for him. Alex continued to adjust his position, while slamming his fists and elbows into his opponent’s face repeatedly. How Ismail survived the relentless onslaught nobody knew. But eventually the bell rang, signally and end to round 1.
Alex and Ismail were pulled apart, only one of them had any sign of damage. Which was Imsail, whose face was bruised and bloodied from Alex’s relentless ground and pound. Alex walked away with a smug smirk on his face, all while flipping off his opponent.
He had showed the world he was more than just a talented striker. He had the means to outwrestle and dominate a Chechen/Dagestani wrestler on the ground, while possessing an impressive submission game.
It was only now, in his first contender bout, that people realized Alex was the real deal. A well versed, and versatile fighter, who simply had a preference to stand and bang until either he or his opponent’s lights went out.
But for Ismail, whose corner was yelling at him, all while he drank from his water, and had his cuts sealed up, the fight had only just begun. And he was starting to realize that he may have picked a fight with someone he should not have.
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