Villainess Becomes The Knight Novel

Villainess Becomes The Knight Novel
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Abigail Essendson, the prideful daughter of George Essendson, Duke of the Forchestire Empire, had everything, money, respect, a strong image in high society, and loving and caring parents.
But she made a mistake, she accepted the proposal for marriage by the archduke, Gerard Wiltshire, cousin of the crown prince.
The man wanted nothing but money to strengthen his power so that he could attack the crown prince, which eventually he did and took over the empire.
And that was the fall of Abigail’s family too, who was loyal to the crown. Her whole family was killed in the massacre. Her brother sacrificed his life to save hers.
She blamed herself for everything as she was the one who chose Gerard over the crown prince. She trained hard, as a strong knight she was. She tried to kill Gerard by herself, but alas, she wasn't that strong to handle his whole army.
"Even if you will ever be reborn, you will never be able to defeat me. You and your family will die from my hands." Gerard laughed as she was taking her last breaths.
"I will. I will come back later to take revenge and will snatch everything back from you." These were her last words when she died.
But not like the books she read, she did not go back in time. Instead, she was born again in the 21st century as a doctor, but the guilt never left her alone. One day, as she tried to save a little girl, she got hit by a truck and was transmigrated back to her previous life as Abigail.
At last, God finally listened to her pleas. After she woke up, she was back in her previous life when she was 16. Would she be able to fulfill her wish this time?
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Chapter List
- Chapter 1 - Glimmer Of Hope
- Chapter 2 - A Second Chance
- Chapter 3 - Usurp The Throne
- Chapter 4 - Another Life
- Chapter 5 - Pass The Test
- Chapter 6 - Fading Memories
- Chapter 7 - The Love And Care I Cherished
- Chapter 8 - Apologies
- Chapter 9 - Longing For Love
- Chapter 10 - The Knight's Course
- Chapter 11 - Running Laps
- Chapter 12 - The Cold Woman Was Gone
- Chapter 13 - Tears On My Skin
- Chapter 14 - Improved Immunity
- Chapter 15 - I Did Not Have Time
- Chapter 16 - Making Him Agree!
- Chapter 17 - What A Bully!
- Chapter 18 - Defense And Attack!
- Chapter 19 - My Glorious Moment
- Chapter 20 - Train Her Fairly.
- Chapter 21 - Royal Palace
- Chapter 22 - North Pole
- Chapter 23 - Apologizing
- Chapter 24 - In The Palace
- Chapter 25 - Josephine
- Chapter 26 - Prince And Princess
- Chapter 27 - His Sultry Look
- Chapter 28 - The Flirting
- Chapter 29 - Drama
- Chapter 30 - Have I Ever Denied You!?
- Chapter 31 - I Have Someone I Love!
- Chapter 32 - The Contrast In Behavior
- Chapter 33 - I Can Prove It
- Chapter 34 - Less Impactful Than Tiny Girl!
- Chapter 35 - Let's Bet!
- Chapter 36 - I Accept Defeat..
- Chapter 37 - Giving Him Two Cents!
- Chapter 38 - Hybrid Villain
- Chapter 39 - Should I Shine?!
- Chapter 40 - Lose The Race