“Please line up properly. Everyone will be assessed, so you don’t have to cut the line. Everyone who cut the line won’t be assessed today. Is that all clear to everyone?”
I look at the nurse, who is currently reminding the people to line up in an orderly manner, and it looks like the crowd is listening. Everyone is lining up properly, and everyone is waiting for their turn patiently.
After the conversation we had with Mister Vulso yesterday, Brother Pascal had a meeting with the Doctors and Nurses. Letting them prepare for the medical drive for today.
I also prepared my employees to help assist the nurses and doctors for today. While my remaining employees are currently busy cooking food for the people.
After their check up, they can immediately go to the plaza where my employees are now preparing for the food feeding. We will be giving fruits and vegetables too for them to take.
“Dame Csille, are you here to talk to Doctor Pascal? He is currently busy giving a lecture to those who show symptoms of the infectious disease. Actually, Dame Csille, there is one problem here.”
I frown. “Problem? What problem?” As far as I know, Brother Pascal and I have already tackled everything we need for today’s medical drive. So, how come there is a problem?
“There’s a number of people who are already showing symptoms, and we need to isolate them so it won’t further spread around the region. The problem is we don’t have a place where we can isolate them. Doctor Pascal tried to talk to Mister Vulso, but he couldn’t get out from his work because he is busy calming everyone who is infected.”
That. Why didn’t I think of that? That is definitely a problem. We need to find them a place where we can isolate them. We also need to make sure that it is far from the public.
“Is Brother Pascal still busy right now?”
Doctor Alena nods her head. “Unfortunately, yes. He’s been busy explaining the situation to the infected people. Do you want me to call him?”
I wave my head. “No, no. That’s okay. I know Brother wouldn’t want to leave them alone too. Those people might be anxious because of the infectious disease. So, don’t bother. Don’t worry about the isolation place. I will handle it. Can you please mention it to Brother Pascal? Tell him I’ll look for a place where they can stay.”
Doctor Alena agrees. She immediately excused herself and looked for Doctor Pascal. While I check the Doctors and Nurses assessing the patients.
After making sure that everything was okay, I decided to pass by the plaza. Mairenn immediately sees me. She rushes towards me excitedly.
“Dame Csille, you’re here. It’s a good thing you’re here. We’re almost finished with the soup. Can you go see how it taste?”
I look at Mairenn and my employees. There are ten people, including Mairenn, cooking food.
I add more employees for this project. I brought twenty employees with me to the western region while more than ten employees were left in the capital. Overall, I already have more than thirty employees in my Foundation.
I take a spoonful of soup and taste it. I closed my eyes when the flavors of the soup exploded in my mouth. It tastes so delicious.
“Dame Csille? How is it? Does it taste good, or should we need to add more flavor? We also followed Doctor Pascal’s suggestions to put ginseng in the soup. Does it taste bitter?”
I shake my head. “No, it actually tastes amazing. Good job. I’m sure the people will definitely love the taste of this soup. Thank you for your hard work, people.”
They all cheered when they heard my words.
“Dame Csille, it’s our honor to work under your Foundation. We were more than happy to help these people. So, you don’t need to thank us. It’s us who needs to thank you. Thank you for helping people like us. If not because of you, we are probably still loitering around the capital. We were more than happy to be a part of your Foundation.”
I look at my employees, and I feel my heart melt. I made sure that the people I hired were people who didn’t have enough opportunities for employment. Because only these kind of people appreciate their job and do it properly. And I am not wrong. Look how hard working they are.
“Thank you, everyone. Don’t worry. You can take a rest for tomorrow. I will be hiring people who’ll cook so you can all re—”
I wasn’t able to finish my words because they immediately cut me off.
“Dame Csille, you don’t need to. We were more than happy to do these every day. So, you don’t need to hire anyone. We will cook for tomorrow too.”
“Thank you, everyone. I won’t be able to do my job properly without you. Don’t worry, once we return to the capital, you can have a few days off.”
They all cheered when they heard the word day off. They then return to cooking enthusiastically.
I smile and shake my head. They are really easy to please.
“Mairenn, some people will arrive here. I want you to remind them that only those who are disciplined will be given food. To those who are cutting lines, make sure that they leave the place. I will leave a few guards with you so they can help you discipline the crowd. I still have things to do today, so I’ll leave everything in your care. Is that okay? If you need anything, you can send a guard to the house of Mister Vulso.”
Mairenn nods her head. “Yes, Dame Csille. You can depend on me. I promise I won’t disappoint you. We won’t disappoint you.”
I reminded all of them what to do when the crowd arrived at the plaza before I left to find Mister Vulso.
It isn’t difficult to find Mister Vulso because he is still in his house doing his work. I heard from his maid that Mister Vulso couldn’t go out because he isn’t feeling well today.
“Dame Csille, you’ve returned. I apologize if I have made you wait. Is there something I can do for you?”
I try to stand up to greet him, but he immediately stops me. “You don’t need to stand up. How can I let you do that? May I know what brings you here, Dame Csille?”
“As you know, we’re currently doing a public medical check up today, and we already diagnosed that there are a number of infected people in the region already. However, I forgot to prepare a place where we could isolate them. Do you know any place we can bring them? I prefer it’s far away from here. So we can control the spread of the infectious disease.”
Mister Vulso got silent for a couple of minutes. He’s probably thinking where we can bring them.
“I was thinking of setting up tents just like what we did in the northern region. So, any vacant lot will do. As long as it’s far from here.”
“I know a place where you can bring them.”
I sigh in relief. I thought it would take time before we could find a place for isolation. It’s really a good thing Mister Vulso is here.
“Where is it, and how much rent do we need to pay for a month’s stay?”
Mister Vulso shakes his head. “You don’t need to pay for it. I own the place, so you don’t have to pay. I can show you the place, and you decide if it is suitable for isolation.”
Mister Vulso and I went to the place he was talking and I was shocked to see a huge building in front of me.
“This is what I am talking about. I build this as a school. I was hoping to open up a school in here. However, because of the short fund, I couldn’t open it. You can use this for now. Although there are no beds inside, it has room to accommodate every infected person.”
I look at Mister Vulso with wide eyes. “Are you sure we can use this? This is supposed to be a classroom. I don’t think it’s appropriate for us to use this as an isolation room for infected people. How about the other officials? Shouldn’t we ask for their permission too?”
Mister Vulso shakes his head. “There’s no need. I own the land, and the money used to build this school came from my own money. So, you shouldn’t worry. The officials wouldn’t even care if we use this. Also, we can just disinfect the rooms once we finish using them. I don’t even think we can open up the school this year. I still don’t have enough money to fund it.”
I look at Mister Vulso. He is really dedicated to helping people. He really wants to help them by providing what they need, and that is a school.
Among the other regions, only the western region doesn’t have a school. It’s the reason why there is low employment here because people didn’t even manage to enroll in a primary school.
I heard from Father that there was once a school in the western region. However, because there are high crime rates here, most teachers experienced harassment and such that they all leave the region. His majesty tried to send another batch of teachers, but they all returned to the capital a week after.
I sigh. I think I know what I will do next for the western region. “Don’t worry, Mister Vulso. I will try to talk to my Father about this. Maybe he can fund for this year.”
Mister Vulso looks at me gratefully. “Thank you, Dame Csille. However, I know the Count already donate a huge amount of money in the northern region. I don’t think it is okay to let him fund the school. I also know that the Count has other people he also helps. I don’t want to add to the list.”
He’s right, though. Father helps other people and some institutions too. I look at the school and sigh. I guess I have no choice but to fund this school. Maybe I should ask Brother Pascal about this.
“Dame Csille, why don’t we come inside so you can see the rooms.”
Mister Vulso show me inside the school building. Each room is big enough for five beds. Maybe we could separate those people who have mild, moderate, and severe symptoms. So, they won’t infect other people’s conditions.
After checking each room, we both agree to use this room as the isolation area. All those people who show symptoms will be put in this building until they become better.
“Dame Csille, should I drop you to where you are staying?”
I immediately turn down his request. I still need to check the other side of the western region.
“Thank you, Mister Vulso, but I still need to check the other part of the western region. I haven’t seen the other parts of it.”
Mister Vulso insists on sending me to where I want to go. I’m planning to check the other businesses here. I want to see how they are doing. I need to know the extent of poverty in this region, so I can see what I can do to help them.
Mister Vulso looks around before he looks at me worriedly. “Are you sure you want to be alone? I can come with you if—”
I shake my head. “No, thank you for the offer, but I know you’re busy too, Mister Vulso. I already took too much of your time. Don’t worry about me. I won’t stay long here.”
Mister Vulso tried to convince me more, but I just declined it repeatedly. In the end, he hesitantly leaves me behind.
I look around. There aren’t many stores in here, and most of the stores that are open don’t have any customers.
I walk to each shop and check how they are doing. Most of them said they didn’t have any sales for today. Some don’t have any sales for a week now. That’s how severe the poverty here.
I really need to do something about this. If this continues, I bet the western region won’t be able to survive.
I was about to return to the plaza to check the situation there when I saw a store. It’s the only store that sells weapons here.
“How come there is a weaponry store here? Doesn’t weapons cost a fortune?”
I walked inside the store, and my eyes widened when I realized the quality of the weapons.
Is it from the Stozeterra Kingdom? They are the only ones who can produce a quality weapon like this.
“Are you interested in that sword? It can be yours for only five hundred centimes.”
I gasped when I heard that price? Five hundred centimes? The average price of a Stozeterra sword costs twenty thousand centimes, and it’s not even on par with this quality. How can they sell this at that price?
Unless it’s not forged by the Stozeterra Kingdom. But other than the Stozeterra Kingdom, where can you find a sword with this quality?