“Csille, is it true?”
I was startled when Brother Pascal suddenly burst into my room. I was just resting when he suddenly showed up.
I get up and look at him. Confuse about what is happening. He looks mad for some reason. Did I do something wrong again for him to react this way?
“Brother? Is there something wrong?”
Brother Pascal rushed to me and made me face him. “Csille, tell me the truth. Is it true?”
What is he referring to? I didn’t get out of my room this morning because I was just resting, so I didn’t have any idea what is happening outside.
“I’m sorry, Brother, but I don’t understand what are you referring to. What is true?”
Brother Pascal shakes his head. “Everyone is already talking about what happened yesterday. I heard Prince Fraser criticizes you in front of other people, and because of this, Prince Rufus goes against his cousin. Why didn’t you tell me that something big like this happened?”
I avoid my gaze. I didn’t expect that the news would spread like a wildfire. I should have stopped Rufus when he goes against Prince Fraser. Now, what can I do to turn the tables?
I’m sure everyone will think badly of Prince Fraser now, and I’m also sure some people will be displeased knowing that Prince Rufus went against Prince Fraser.
I sigh. Why do I always end up having problems? Can’t I take a day break from it? Even just for once?
I heard Brother Pascal sigh. “Csille, I know it might not be easy for you to share it with me. But how can I help you if you won’t let me know? I couldn’t believe his highness would do that to you. I just thought the two of you were fighting only, but I didn’t realize that Prince Fraser is treating you like that. Why didn’t you mention it to me?”
I shake my head and look at Brother Pascal. How can I explain it to him? I didn’t mention it to other people because I didn’t want to make a big deal out of it. If the people know what is happening, I’m sure they will be mad at Prince Fraser.
Look at what is happening now. Brother Pascal is now enraged because of what happened. I’m sure if Mother and Father know about it, they surely be enraged with this too.
Although Prince Fraser is mean to me, I still don’t want people to criticize him. I understand why Prince Fraser is still doubtful of Csille. She was once a mean and rude person, so it’s understandable why he couldn’t believe her.
But I have to admit, what Prince Fraser did to Csille the last time is really below the belt.
“Brother, I apologize if I didn’t tell you what is happening. I just don’t want to make a big issue about it. I know you’ll have this reaction if you know what is happening, and I don’t want people to paint Prince Fraser as a bad guy. I also have fault here. I used to be mean and irrational when we were young. That’s why he is still skeptical. So, I hope you won’t get mad at him. Please try to also understand hi—”
The more I said something, the more Brother Pascal’s frown became deeper. “Csille, what are you talking about? It’s not enough reason for him to be disrespectful of you. You were young back then. You still don’t know what is wrong and right, so how can he use it as a reason for his current behavior? That is so wrong, and I’m sure everyone will agree with me here.”
I sigh. This is bad, if people know about this, they will definitely get mad at Prince Fraser, and I cannot let that happen.
“Brother, please don’t get mad at his highness. He was just stressed out lately. That’s why he said that. You know Prince Fraser, right? He isn’t the type of person who does that. So, I hope you won’t take this against him.”
I hope Brother Pascal will not make a big deal about it because this will definitely cause a big change in the storyline if Brother Pascal and the people get mad at Prince Fraser.
The person they should hate is not him, but Csille. They are supposed to hate the villainess.
Brother Pascal made me face him. “Csille, why are you still defending him? He isn’t respecting you, and here you are, still defending him. No matter how exhausted you are or how irritated you are with a person, you shouldn’t disrespect them if they didn’t do anything wrong with you. You are his fiancée. He should be the one protecting you, but look, he is the first one who criticizes you. Do you think it is okay to do that? Because I don’t think that is okay, and I’m sure Aunt and Uncle will agree with me.”
My eyes widened when I heard what he said. I cannot let my Father and Mother know about this issue. If they do, I’m sure they will get mad at Prince Fraser. It might be enough reason for them to cancel the engagement.
Although I really want to cancel it, I cannot let anything go against the storyline I made. Especially if it’s big like this.
I hold Brother Pascal’s arm. “Brother, can we just calm down first and try to think. If Mother and Father know about this, I’m sure they will be enraged at Prince Fraser. It might even change how they see Prince Fraser, and I don’t want that to happen. Can we just set it aside? Don’t worry. I will talk to his highness once everything cools down. I’m sure he was just in a bad mood when it happened. So, please don’t tell it to Mother and Father.”
Brother Pascal looks at me as if he is asking what is wrong with me. I know he might not understand what I am saying, and I probably look like a martyr to him. But I really need to do this. I cannot let other people lose their trust in Prince Fraser.
“Csille, what are you saying? I don’t understand why you are still protecting him despite what he did to you. Do you love him that much that you are even willing to tolerate all of this?”
I smile bitterly. Do I love him? Yes, I do, but I didn’t do it because of the feelings I have for him. I am doing this because I cannot let anything ruin the storyline.
“Brother, please understand. I’m not only doing this for myself. I’m doing this for other people. Now that Prince Fraser is about to be crowned as the next Ruler of this Kingdom, he needs as much support he can have. Do you think people will still support him if they know about this? If the Lauretré family decided to cancel the engagement? I’m only thinking about the bigger picture here, Brother. I love him, yes, but it doesn’t mean that what he did doesn’t mean anything to me. It did, I was hurt because of it, but I need to think about other things too. So, I hope you can keep it between us.”
Brother Pascal sigh. He then gently caress my head. “What Prince Rufus said is true. You don’t deserve how Prince Fraser’s treat you. Look how you are still thinking about him even if you’re the one who was mistreated. However, I don’t think I can do anything about your request, Csille.”
I frowned when I heard what he said. What does he mean? “Brother, can you please reconsider? This will definitely affect Prince Fraser’s image. People will definitely change their opinions about him. So, please understand why I am doing this. Th—”
Brother Pascal shakes his head. “Csille, I understand why you don’t want other people to know about. However, I think Prince Fraser needs to be responsible for his actions. No matter what his reasons are, it will never be enough to hurt other people. Also, I think it’s already too late for that.”
“Too late? What do you mean by that, Brother?”
I have a bad feeling about this, but I hope what I am thinking is not what is really happening. Because of that happens, I don’t know how I can solve it.
“Those people who witnessed what happened yesterday already spread the news about it. It is now widely known in the western region that Prince Fraser doesn’t treat his fiancée right. I think in no time, the news will arrive in the capital. Also, don’t you know that Prince Rufus is already decided to tell it to Aunt and Uncle? He is actually the one who told me what happened yesterday. I think you should worry more about him.”
How can I forget about him? I thought after what happened yesterday. He will cool down. I didn’t expect he’d sell out his cousin. I didn’t expect he was really that mad that he wouldn’t reconsider what would happen to Prince Fraser if he told it to Mother and Father.
I abruptly stand up and look anxiously at Brother Pascal. “Brother, do you know where I can find Prince Rufus? I need to talk to him.”
Brother Pascal stands up and too and puts his hand on both of my shoulders. “Are you planning to convince him not to tell it to Aunt and Uncle? I don’t think you can do that. He even moves to another inn just to avoid Prince Fraser. I think he’s really decided to tell it to Aunt and Uncle. I don’t think you can do anything to convince him, Csille. You know Prince Rufus. He’s like Prince Fraser. He’s stubborn too.”
I know that, but I still need to try. I don’t want to see Prince Fraser in a situation where everyone criticizes him for what he did. I also don’t want to see Prince Fraser and Prince Rufus’ relationship ruined because of me.
“Brother, I still need to try. Can you tell me where I can find him? I need to talk to him.”
Brother Pascal sigh. He then grabs my hand and leads me outside. “I will come with you. I don’t want to be absent when something happens to you again.”
I just nod my head and let him lead me the way. We get into the carriage, and a moment after, we stop in front of an inn.
I immediately go straight to the lobby and ask the first person I see.
“Excuse me, do you know where Prince Rufus is staying? I just need to talk to him about something important.”
The lady just looked at me with wide eyes. “Dame Csille!” She then points her hand towards the stairs. “His… his highness Prince… Prince Rufus is on the se-second flo-oor, last room on the left.”
I immediately thank her and rush to Rufus’ room. I really need to talk to Rufus now. I cannot let anything happen beyond what I have written.
Brother Pascal also followed me behind. Making sure that he is with me wherever I go.
A moment after, we stopped in front of the room, the lady told me. I immediately knock on the door.
A Rufus who looks like a mess welcomes me. “Csille? Doctor Pascal? What are you doing here, and how did you know where I am?”
I didn’t wait for him to open up the door. I just force my way in and sit in the chair.
“I apologize for our sudden intrusion. I tried to stop my cousin, but you know her. Once she is decided, she won’t be stopped. I hope we didn’t disturb you from your rest.” I heard Brother Pascal say to Rufus.
I didn’t mind, though. All I am thinking about is how to convince Rufus not to go against Prince Fraser.
I heard Rufus sigh. “Don’t worry. I already expect this. However, I didn’t expect this will be soon.” He opens the door and lets Brother Pascal in. “You should come inside too. Let’s talk inside.”
Brother Pascal enters the room and sits beside me. I stand up and look intently at Rufus.
“Let’s talk.”