World Defying Dan God Novel

Chapter 3792

Pill Devil saw that Long Yue had such a reaction, even more haughty, eating with a smile: “Little Yue, it seems that you care about him.”

“You shut up!” Long Yue coldly snorted and said, has seized Shen Xiang, to pull Shen Xiang away.

“Wait… Don’t you talk about business when you come here?” Pill Devil walked up and took Long Yue’s hand, complaining: “I have something important to talk to you, you Don’t go!”

Shen Xiang saw the kind of look of Long Yue at this time, and the heart could not help but be weird.

“Talk about what’s going on? You don’t give me the Hell star, there’s nothing to talk about.” Long Yue coldly snorted and said, then continue to drag Shen Xiang away.

The smoked hastily holds Long Yue’s arm and sighs: “There must be some secrets in the Hell star nucleus. How about we explore together? I am also very curious!”

“I won’t go with you. I was robbed of a Hell star by the last time.” Long Yue wanted to open his hands with smoke, but he was held by the smoke.

“The last time I also had a lot of strength, this Hell star is what I should get.” Smokey tenderly snorted and said: “If you don’t believe me this time, you can make a bloody oath, as long as you take me. Go, I definitely don’t take anything, if there are many treasures, you want to give it, I just go and see.”

“Really?” Long Yue thought about it carefully. If it’s a smoke charm, it’s just for curiosity. It’s not bad. After all, the smoke charm is still very strong. It’s more secure to have an expert.

“Now I can make a bloody oath!” said the smoke charm.

“Good!” Long Yue also agreed.

After the smoke charm made a blood oath, Long Yue was relieved.

“What secrets are hidden in the Hell star? You can tell me now!” The smoke charm guessed that the Hell star could direct the owner to a place.

Long Yue took out the Hell star and tried it for the smoker, letting the smoker see the mystical gate inside the Hell star.

“Where is this door? Is it inside the Hell star?” The smoke charm is very curious.

“I don’t know, you give me a try on your Hell star,” Long Yue said.

Shen Xiang suddenly felt that he had no sense of existence. The two women in front of them had cooperated in this way, how fast it was, even he did not expect.

Yan Mei gave his Hell star to Long Yue.

Long Yue combines two Hell stars into together, and two Hell stars emit a white light glow.

“The door is open!” Long Yue closed his eyes and explored the Hell star.

“And then?” asked the smoked hastily.

“After the door was opened, I saw a mountain scene…” Long Yue finished, and the two Hell stars in his hand were suddenly combined.

After the fusion, it becomes a small white key.

The white key is suspended and points in one direction.

“This key can guide us to that place,” Long Yue said.

“This direction… Is it where we get the Hell star? It’s dangerous.” Smokey tenderly shouted: “Do we have to go again?”

“You can do it if you don’t go.” Long Yue lightly snorted and said.

“Of course I have to go.” The smoke charm spit out his tongue and then looked at Shen Xiang: “What about him? Are you taking him there?”

“Since it is dangerous, then I will not go, you go there, I have important things.” Shen Xiang has got a lot of herbs, as well as God Source crystal, as long as He Fengyuan is equipped with Dan Fang, He is about to start alchemy.

“If the blood rain stops, we will go on the road immediately. If you don’t go, stay here and wait for us to come back,” Long Yue said.

“Little Yue, is this brat your man?” The smoked happily said with a smile, touching Shen Xiang’s handsome face with jade hands, full of feminine tenderness in beautiful eyes.

“No!” Long Yue finally admitted.

“Great, can I do something for him? He is alchemy so powerful, and looks good, I like it very much!” Smoke Xiang plays Shen Xiang, spit Youlan in his ear, eat and laugh With.

“You go away!” Long Yue didn’t know why, hastily pulled the smoke away and looked like someone angry.

“Āiyā, are you jealous? You are not saying that there are many women around him? You are the creation Beast Clan of aloof and remote, you can’t tolerate such a thing, but I can!” The smoke charm is close to Shen Xiang. This time she held Shen Xiang and pressed Shen Xiang with her soft body.

Shen Xiang did not say anything, anyway, this is the smoke charm himself to put it over, and this kind of goblin takes up the convenient and does not lose.

Long Yue looks at the frost, gnashing teeth.

“Long Yue young lady, this is my private matter, you don’t care… Elder Sister, we go to the room to explore Danish.” Shen Xiang 嘿happily said with a smile.

“Okay, please give me more advice.” The smoke charm fell in the arms of Shen Xiang’s, whispering.

Long Yue pulled Shen Xiang over and said harshly: “You don’t fall into a trap, this woman is so straightforward’s promise and you’re together, there must be ghosts!”

“It’s counted, anyway, it’s impossible, it’s a pity!” Smoke charm put together the clothes, then came to Long Yue and held Long Yue’s arm: “My Hell star has been given to you. Don’t run quietly, I have to watch you tight!”

Shen Xiang is just faintly smiled, he is still very vigilant about the smoke charm, just just joking.

He still can’t see what the smoke charm is doing.

“I am worried that you will be eaten by this fairy.” Shen Xiang looked at the smoke charm and Long Yue so close, could not help but secretly pick it up.

“She is not my opponent, you can rest assured!” Long Yue glanced at the smoke, very disdain.

“Little Yue is now my 毖眺 艿髌さ 艿髌さ Φ Φ 溃 焓 焓 ッ ッ ッ ッ ッ 溲廾 溲廾 溲廾 溲廾 溲廾 溲廾 崭 崭 崭 崭 崭 崭 崭 崭 崭

“You are intimate, I am going to alchemy.” Shen Xiang snorted and then walked away. I thought Long Yue would follow, but Long Yue stayed in the smoke hall.

Shen Xiang went back to the Huang Tian building and asked about the progress of He Fengyuan. He learned that he was getting better, and he also had a lot of heart.

“Long Yue must have concealed some of the things that smoked, and her relationship with the smoke charm is extraordinary.” Xiao Xianglin suddenly said: “This is my personal intuition.”

“I think so too. They are not hateful and hateful. They are just contradictory.” Shen Xiang coldly snorted: “It seems that the relationship is not bad.”

“I have to say that the smoke charm is really a goblin, even I have some heartbeat.” Xiao Xianglin happily said with a smile : “But think about it, or Maiyao, I like her more!”

“Master, you are also very good, I have always been very excited about you.” Shen Xiang said with a smile.

“Death brat, believe it or not, let Xianxian yell at you.” Xiao Xianglin tenderly shouted, Shen Xiang has always had other thoughts about her, she would not know.

Xiao Xianglin came out of Hidden Jade Villa and handed out a black armor to Shen Xiang: “This is made from Long Yue’s scales. It adds a lot of dao creation saint crystal and a variety of materials. It’s about the same as Long Yue’s dragon armor, let’s try it!”

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