‘The more one falls into a pit, the easier it is to climb out, each time.’
Reflecting on this, Daneel stood up after a few seconds to see that many of the sovereigns still looked horrified. Only the Emperor looked sad as he already seemed to have understood what he was doing.
The corners of his lips rose mournfully, and it was all he could do to not look back at the terrible sight of so many lying on the ground as if dead. If he did so, he was sure that he might stand there, petrified, with the weight on his shoulders keeping him in place unto eternity.
So, turning away from it all, he walked towards his family and said, “They’re sleeping. They will continue to sleep when I do what I wish with them…and in that sleep, they will perish, too. But one day, when they wake up…this will be their last memory, and they will continue their lives as if nothing has happened. That… is my goal. And to reach it, I must be ready to do anything.”
It almost sounded like he was saying this half to himself, but the others all widened their eyes, comprehending a part of what his plan must be.
“Not bad. Once, I might have thought that you were too weak to take a step like this… but repeatedly, you’ve made me re-evaluate who you are. Well, that doesn’t matter anymore. Shall we talk? I hear that you’ve been making promises behind my back…”
Daneel had known that Alistair had arrived even before she made her presence known. The system had detected a hint of dimensional magic being used nearby, so each and every step he had taken after making the people fall asleep had been with the knowledge that she was looking on.
Now, he turned to her with surprise. The fake emotion soon turned real, though, as he saw all three saints, or as they were called, Monarchs of the TriCobra sect waiting for him.
‘Are the other two much more powerful, and were hence able to hide their magic?’
It was intriguing, but he set the question aside as he walked to them. Waving his hand, he made an opaque barrier appear around them, isolating their conversation and blocking the world and all the pain that it held.
Alistair humphed as she saw this. “So many secrets… don’t you get tired of keeping them all? Why don’t you spill some? Such as… the one regarding how you intend to escape this goddarn mess you’ve thrown yourself into, headfirst?”
The Cobra raised a hand to stop her. “Enough, Alistair. He has enough on his mind. He shouldn’t have to deal with your mockery, too.”
His words were frigid, as always. In the silence that followed, the Hydra quipped, “You’ve done your best, young man, but sometimes, our best is nothing but a speck of sand in the eyes of our enemies. It seems that we are at an impasse, so we have arrived to discuss your future, as it is tied to ours.”
With a nod, the Cobra spoke with a tone that brooked no argument.
“This is our offer. We have heard of the terms you offered the Bishop. We do not yet understand the reason behind your actions, but we are prepared to honor your offer. In return, you will swear yourself to the TriCobra sect. You will be given all the resources you need to grow powerful enough to take your revenge, and eventually, we will also formulate a plan to bring about the downfall of the Church. Until then, of course, you will have to act as an assassin of the sect. You are the essence of your land, so if you live, your land will live on. If you agree, we can finalize everything now.”
Daneel raised his eyebrows as he heard him. When he was done, he laughed, and for the first time, the Cobra’s expression changed. A flash of annoyance passed his face, and at once, a foreboding feeling filled his mind.
Stopping the laughter, Daneel decided that it was best not to mess with these powerful individuals. The prophecy was the string attaching them, and there was no benefit to stretching it and seeing when it would break.
With a deep breath, he began.
“No. Just like my followers, you seem to have underestimated what I mean to do. I gave the Bishop that offer because I need time to carry out a plan… to save everyone. My land is doomed. I know, for certain, that there is no way in which you can save it… but if I save its people, Angaria will live again, elsewhere. Even as we speak, the continent-wide formation is extracting blood and pieces of consciousness from each and every one below. That… is the treasure I will be bringing with me when I come with you.”
“Are you dumb? The Saints will attack you, right away! It was going to be hard enough to erase your traces… but the traces of remnants of millions? It’s too costly! No way!”
While Alistair looked like she wanted to strangle him for even suggesting something so outrageous, the Hydra sighed and shook his head.
“Alistair is right, young man. Each and every separate world has a distinct… scent. It is the simplest thing for the Saints to detect your scent, especially once you leave the natural barrier of your home. Using their power, they will be able to smite you wherever you are.”
Daneel ignored them both. He only had eyes for the Cobra who looked like an old man, and in his eyes, he saw… thoughtfulness.
Like an experienced trader who had spotted a customer he could exploit, he decided to sweeten the deal.
“I know why you’re not so quick to say no. From my plan, my ambitions are clear to you. You have studied my past well, so you know that I can become someone much stronger than all those who have come in my way so far… and at that point in time, is it better to have my gratitude for letting me save everyone, or my resentment for making me leave them all behind? With that resentment, will it even be possible for me to train and reach the peak? Well, there is some chance because revenge can push me forward… but after I take my revenge, wouldn’t I set my sight on you?”
Alistair bristled with fury as his words washed over her.
“You insolent wretch! You dare to threaten us?! Fellow Monarchs, this is too much! He is from my home, but even I can’t bear this! He needs to be taught a lesson!”
Even the Hydra was miffed. “Indeed. You speak without thinking of the consequences.”
With a single gesture, the Cobra silenced them both.
He gave his answer after turning around.
“We agree to your terms. After you’re done, send a message using this Artefact and Alistair will return to bring you. Monarchs, we are departing. We will be taking the assassins with us, too, as it is not good to risk having their aura detected when the Saints begin to evaluate their attack. It will take some time for the aura to dissipate. My condolences for the deaths of your countrymen. We can only plan the future, but not ensure it.”
That last sentence made all the wind go out of Daneel. He had smiled and placed his hands behind his back after having his offer accepted, but when the Cobra finished, he closed his eyes and turned around, as if overcome by grief, again.
Both Alistair and the Hydra open their mouths to protest, but after raising his head, the Cobra made all five of them disappear.
When the barrier dissipated, that was how they found him: with his face buried in his hands and his shoulders slumped low. He stayed like that for a few moments, and to anyone looking, it would seem as if he had taken the only route available to him, but he wasn’t happy about it, at all.
Only…after the system told him that the coast was clear, he turned around and smiled.
‘A grief-stricken enemy is a weak one. As I am so ‘vulnerable’, they’ll have less cause to suspect me. I was going to give some excuse to have the assassins leave…but I was lucky. Like a magician, I’ll be distracting the gaze of the Church to the TriCobra Sect where they’ll believe I am, bound tight by the oaths I swear as I have no choice…but only a fool would believe those assassins. No, my path to redemption shall be my own, free from all restrictions except those I place on myself. That is the surest way to what I wish to accomplish…’
With his thoughts on the goal, he turned to his sovereigns and said, “That was the third step. Now, everyone, come close, as we must embark on the fourth one together…”