“Daneel. It is just me and Varanel here, you don’t need to be cautious. A few days before the first batch of honey traps were sent out, you bought honey from various stores in the marketplace. Also, you were seen leaving the minister’s manor right after the day of the sale with a big bag of money. Don’t worry, I came across these pieces of information by fluke. They came from two different sources, one who tracked all honey purchases before the product came out and one who was keeping a close eye on all ministers’ residences. I connected the dots, and I know that the person who is supplying the solution is possibly behind you. I would like to seek an audience with that person.”, said Laravel as soon as Daneel reached the location.
Daneel had been puzzled regarding what exactly connected him and the mysterious master. Alas, he had been too avid in making money that he had forgotten to cover his tracks properly. Luckily, it had not come back to bite him this time, but it could have been very dangerous in case someone else found out.
It could have been easy to think beforehand and made a plan to buy the honey more discreetly, and also take care not to walk out of the manor with a money bag in his hands. Although these were little things, they had almost resulted in his doom. He resolved to keep this incident in mind and always recall it before considering careless actions like those again.
Even now, he could just deny everything as the connection was slim at best. Yet, after eavesdropping on the conversation, Daneel was interested in finding out just what information this prince had.
“I can consider that, but what do you offer in return? What information do you have?”, he asked, after contemplating for a while.
“I can discuss that directly with that personage. You just need to set up the meeting.”, answered Laravel, an expression of caution appearing on his face.
“Either tell me now and trust me to pass it along and set up the meeting, or forget about the whole thing. It’s your choice.”, said Daneel, folding his arms. He did not want to bring out the mysterious master unless it was absolutely necessary. Also, he knew perfectly that as Laravel had been the person who requested the meeting, he was in the position of power in this negotiation.
After thinking for a while, Laravel reluctantly nodded after reflecting about Daneel’s character. He was known to treat those around him fairly and give importance to friendships, as evidenced by the events that followed his underlings beating up Faxul.
Reluctantly nodding, he said, “There is one month of time in which the formation will not be fully activated. The Vice Sect Master needs this amount of time to master it. I also have detailed information about the composition of the army. I suspect that the master behind you will also compete for the throne, and I am ready to do whatever is necessary to help. I can even give you access to the palace. In return, I want the Kingdom to stay in the hands of the Lanthanore Family.”
Daneel felt quite shocked hearing this. The composition of the army AND direct access to the palace?! That would make all of his plans much easier to achieve.
But, what he asked in return was impossible to give. If the Kingdom needed to prosper, the noble family had to be purged. Although the actions of the King had had some effect, it did nothing to decrease the massive sea of hate that had already formed in the commoners’ minds.
“I will pass on the information. Wait here.”, he said, before vanishing in the air.
Laravel had been hoping for an immediate meeting, so he was quite happy to hear Daneel’s response.
A minute later, the grey-robed man with a hooked nose appeared in Daneel’s place.
Looking at the two kids in front of him with a neutral expression, he raised his hand and made two thin red hoops of fire appear around their necks.
Feeling the blazing heat hitting their necks, sweat immediately appeared on both of their foreheads.
“H-how are you controlling fire like that?”, asked Varanel, his mind going blank from the sudden threat to his life.
“Shut up! Can’t you see it’s a modification of the fire spell that only Warrior Mages can use?”, shouted Laravel urgently while not daring to move even an inch.
“Forgive my friend, sir. My master in the academy spoke about the fine control that Warrior Mages have over even the basic elements. I trust Daneel has told you about my request?”
“Yes. Although the information is valuable, it is impossible that the Royal Family can remain in command. Either state a different request or I will make you forget that this meeting even happened. In fact, the other forces including the Withering Leaf Sect plan to purge the history books of all mention of your family name. History is written by the victors, after all. The best I can offer is that this will not happen if I win the struggle for the throne.”
Daneel had gotten this idea as soon as he had heard Laravel’s request. Clearly, he was a man driven by his ideals. The main ideal that he adhered to was the concept of the Kingdom being handed down: in other words, he valued the history and the name of the family over everything else.
Thus, Daneel decided to see if he could use this to get the information. His plan was to offer the next best thing. After all, even he admired the previous Kings who had expanded the Kingdom and treated everyone fairly. As for the information regarding the purging, Daneel was simply bluffing but it was most likely true. He remembered that back on earth, the first thing an invading force did was to burn the history books and write new ones, making sure that it was their name that would stay in history and not their enemy’s.
A horrified expression appeared on Laravel’s face as he heard this news. His family’s name would be forgotten by everyone?
He had been extolled countless times by his grandfather about the honor of his family. Of the importance that must be placed on maintaining this honor.
No. He just could not accept the noble Lanthanore name being burned up and made to disappear by the hands of the outsiders.
“I accept.”, he said, making the hoop of fire instantly vanish.
Taking out a parchment from his pocket, he handed it to the master and said, “The details of the army are in this. Contact me using it when you need access to the palace.”
A defeated expression was on his face as he realized that he did not achieve what he had planned. Yet, he found consolation in the fact that he had done something that would let him hold his head high in front of his ancestors.
Taking the parchment, the master nodded and gave one last look at the two nobles before disappearing.
Right after he left, a tear drop snaked down Laravel’s cheek and fell on the ground.
He had done all he could to follow his ideals, but his heart still hurt.
It hurt with the knowledge that one month from now, along with a new ruler, the Kingdom of Lanthanor would also have a new name.