Seriously wanting to return home to beat his grandson after seeing her so troubled by him, he sighed and spoke out hoping to bring the two closer together, “We all go through bumps in the road, we all go through moments where we question ourselves where we allow doubt and fear to nag at the corners of our soul and purpose. But you come out of those periods stronger and with a greater sense of who you are. That’s what Dean is working towards to be the perfect man for you.”
April laughed, for her? Who was she kidding? So she responded kindly not wanting to hurt his grandfather’s feelings, “Does the perfect man exist? Who cares about perfection? Even the moon is not perfect it’s full of creators. And the sea? It’s too salty and dark in the depths. The sky? Always so infinite. Those are the most beautiful things and none of them are perfect. They are special so I am not waiting on perfect. I want to be free, free to love effortlessly with both our blissful imperfections.”
He beamed at her, she was grounded, genuine and had a beautiful soul. His grandson would be lucky to have her by his side. He responded to April quickly, “But love is passion, obsession someone you can’t live without. I say fall head over heels and find someone that you can love like crazy and who will love you the same way back. How do you find him? Well, you forget your head and listen with your heart. There is no sense in living alone, to live a life and not fall deeply in love. Well if you do that you haven’t lived a life at all. But you have to try because if you don’t try you haven’t lived.”
April listened she sat on the bed and tried to settle her uneasy heart. Yes, she and Dean had a heart to heart conversation but wasn’t she alone after taking a bullet for him?
He reached out and held Aprils hands as he spoke up, “Your soul knows when something is authentic, real and true. No matter what anyone else tries to persuade you of, the truth will always feel different. You can’t fake it, your heart knows when something resonates. Trust those feelings don’t try and run from it because you are scared.”
April wanted to protest but she held back her words. She could never speak her mind in front of this grandpa. He reminded her of her own grandpa that past he was who she had learnt to persevere and become independent from.
The rest of the afternoon passed with the two making light conversation and without knowing it became late into the evening.
The door opened and April’s head snapped in that direction but instead of seeing who she waited subconsciously for it was her dear work friend Aarna.
Deans grandfather didn’t miss her reaction as her face fell in disappointment then she quickly managed to smile to hide the hurt. His grandson was really a fool.
Aarna quickly rushed into the room and threw herself at April amd gave her a tight squeeze. April hisses at the contact and Aarna immediately withdrew back her embrace, “Oh I’m sorry my bad I forgot I was just so happy to see that you were okay. I had bumped into Michael and asked him what was wrong so I came here right after work.”
April nodded and smiled at Aarna and introduced her, “Grandpa this is my good friend Aarna. Aarna this is…”
Not wanting to give too much away, Deans grandfather stood and adjusted his suit jacket, “I will go and let you young ones talk.”
April understood why he had interrupted her, he was probably a very private man. She agreed and nodded her head, “Thank you for taking the time to visit me.”
He walked to the door and turned back ar her words, “Think about what I said earlier and keep both your mind and heart open. See you again soon.” With that said he left April’s private room.
Aarna quickly took the opportunity and sat down on the now empty visitors chair, “So what happened? Are you okay? Can I get you anything?”
April laughed and then looked at her friend, “Give me your coat.”
Aarna had no idea why April wanted her coat but she quickly removed her long pink coat and handed it to her.
April jumped out of the bed and put on her friend’s coat and then a pair of the hospital’s slippers, “Did you bring your car?”
Aarna nodded and April quickly grabbed her arm and pulled her to the door. “Where are we going? Wait you are not trying to leave the hospital, are you? You have to stay here, I won’t be your accomplice.”
April laughed and continued to drag her friend now down the hospital corridor, “I’m fine though I may go insane just sitting in there I promise Im okay. So help me.”
Seeing Aprils pitiful face Aarna agreed against her better judgment, “Okay but ill stay with you tonight or else I’ll not feel good about this.”
April agreed instantly, “Deal.”
They then made their way out of the hospital and into the car park. April listened as Aarna talked a mile a minute and half the time she couldn’t keep up with her stories.
April and Aarna made it back to Aprils condo and they sat together in the living room. They had ordered take out and they were taking it easy.
Halfway into their movie and pizza Aarna turned off the movie and sat up straight, “My crush is ghosting me?”
April put her plate down on to the coffee table, “What’s ghosting?”
“Where they don’t respond and leave you hanging.” Aarna had filled April in on her crush in the car earlier but she didn’t realise that April was preoccupied at the time.
April nodded grasping the situation, “Oh, okay then thank them for the 15-day free trial and let them know you won’t be signing up for further membership.”
“So what do you do if he ghosts you?” Aarna asked further.
“Aarna we aren’t ghostbusters, we don’t chase them. Let them go, bye bye Casper. See you later.” April laughed.
“What about you who are you dating?” Aarna asked.
April immediately thought of Dean and his honey coloured eyes that she could happily get lost in. She shook her head and chuckled, “I am only interested in the pizza delivery guy because he brings me food.”