1106 Chapter 91- Trinity – Like Any Other Day Part 6 (VOLUME 6)
It wasn’t long after the kids all left for school when this day had started to change. Reece and I, who had been working on trying to figure out more and more information on the nefarious people that were working against us, had never expected this to happen at all. I just couldn’t believe it when I heard the news.
Reece and I were in my office, the hub of all the activity whenever something major was happening in our world. Shawn, Dietrich, Shane, David, Vincent and Gabriel were all in there with us, as was also expected. They were the guards that had been with me since the beginning as well as the two most trusted people that had come along since Reece and I had met. They were the ones that I trusted the most, and I was forever thankful and appreciative of them.
We were working on narrowing down a center of operations on the domestic terrorist group that was bombing various places all over the country. They were targeting either our people, or people that openly supported us and protected us. They were hate groups that wanted to see only the pure humans ruling the world. Not that Reece and I ruled the world, it wasn’t like that at all.
We had discovered that the hub of this group was probably somewhere semi close to where we are now. They would want to be close to where the leaders of their enemies were, so that they could more easily launch a large-scale attack against us. Still, we hadn’t been able to narrow down where they were, or who they were.
Yes, we knew the name of their outfit, they were the DOE. That didn’t help us though, because for all that we could find, the DOE hadn’t existed until Reece and I had revealed our people to the world. This was a new group, a new entity, that took shape for one sole purpose. And that purpose was the elimination of our people.
That left us wondering whether or not they were a combination of the other groups that had already existed, like PAWs? Or were they entirely new? We knew that more than seventy-five percent of the group PAWs had been apprehended. They were arrested after the attack on the stadium the day of the reveal. Their leaders, still proclaiming innocence, were locked in cells and awaiting their trials for terrorism.
We had done a lot of research on these people, hours and hours, days and weeks’ worth of it, not just since we had met Odin, but since it all began, and we were still nowhere near finding out who they were. We needed help. We needed someone that was on the inside, but there was no way to get a mole in there if we didn’t know where they were.
We weren’t that deep into work, having only been at it for at most a half an hour. That was when we got a phone call, one that we hadn’t been expecting.
“Rika?” I asked her as I answered the phone. The moment that I pressed the phone to my ear I sensed a dread and panic that hadn’t been there before.
“Mom, we need you and Dad at the campus. And everyone else too.”
“What happened? What is going on?” There was an instantaneous tremor that went through the room. The others had heard the note of alarm in Rika’s voice and the resulting unease on my own.
“Th..there is a guy here. We have him pinned so he can’t get away, b..b..but he had bombs. He had some on him, but he already put a lot of them around the school. We are going to look for the bombs. Reagan is calling Aunt Rawlynne already, and Levi is calling Uncle Devon.”
“Hold tight, Rika, we will be there soon. Don’t do anything rash.”
“We will be fine, mom. We will see you when you get here.” I heard her voice. It was firm and not at all scared. Even when she stuttered earlier, I knew that it wasn’t from fear. It was from the surge of adrenaline and energy that was coursing through her. Rika was strong, and definitely brave.
“Stay put, Rika. We will be there soon.”
“Yeah. See you soon.” She ended the call then, and I just knew that she wasn’t going to be where she was right now when I got there. She wasn’t going to stay put. She was going to go in search of those bombs. She was stubborn and thick headed at times, so I knew exactly what it was that she was going to do here. And, honestly, I wasn’t even upset about it. This just showed me how proud I should be of her. She would always do what she thought was right, and she wouldn’t let anything stop her. Determination would take her a long way in life.
“Trinity?” Reece called out to me. “I didn’t quite catch all of that. What is going on?” They had heard the sounds of the voices, but they hadn’t caught all the words because my volume was nowhere near all the way up.
“There is a bomber at the university. The kids have apprehended him, but there are bombs planted in the buildings.” I was already on the move. I knew that I needed to get to the school as soon as I could.
“Wait, what?” Reece was on his feet now, calling after me. “Did I just hear you properly?” he yelled after me.
“If you heard me say that there was a bomber at the university, then yes. We need to hurry, come on.”
“Wait just a moment, Trinity. How many bombs? Have they found them, or only suspect them? And we need to call Rawlynne and Devon. They need to know about this as well.”
“They already know.” I told him as I spun on my heels. “They called them already. The kids are really on top of things right now. Hurry up and get moving. I want to be there as soon as possible.”
“Wait just a moment, Trinity. Please.” Vincent called out to me.
“What is it, Vincent?” I asked him as I spun to face the room once more.
“You need to get dressed.” He pointed it out to me. “You aren’t ready to leave the house just yet. And we can travel there via door once you are ready. Shane, David, the two of you can take an SUV to the school, just in case we need to have another mode of transportation when we get there.”
“Yeah, sure thing.” Shane nodded his head at Vincent’s words. He was my Beta and second in command after all, so he knew what he was doing. “Trinity, once you and Reece are ready, the rest of us will head out. I will gather some materials that I think are necessary, and Gabriel will alert the staff of what is going on. Does that sound agreeable to you?” I hated that he was making light of all the things that I had forgotten in the heat of the moment.
“Yes, that is fine.” I nodded and made a door to my room. “Reece, come on. Once we are ready, we will meet everyone back here in my office.”
“Understood.” Vincent nodded at me as Reece ran through the door to the room.
Vincent was right. I hadn’t gotten dressed this morning. Not really. The baby was making me feel uncomfortable at the moment, so I had preferred to stay in my comfortable clothing. Now that I was heading to the university, and would be in the public eye, I needed to dress more modestly and professionally. Dammit.
Reece and I dressed as quickly as possible. He had been dressed, but he put on a more professional looking suit as quickly as he could. Mostly, he had come along with me because I needed help buttoning or zipping whatever it was that I had chosen to wear. And since I was acting in an official capacity, it needed to be a nicer outfit for the time being. Ugh, that wasn’t a pleasant thought, but I understood the reason so I dealt with it how I needed to.
It took no more than five minutes or so for Reece and I to get dressed. After that we headed back down to my office, via magic door. I needed to take as little time as possible right now. There wasn’t much time to waste here, and we had already wasted enough of it.
It took three more minutes to get everyone to the office and ready to go. Vincent had gathered firearms, the PI badges that we all had, and our conceal carry permits that were given special exceptions for people acting in a legal capacity. He was trying to make sure that we were going as by the book as possible, and I loved him for that. He was an amazing help to me at all times.
Seconds later I stepped through the door with Reece, Vincent, Gabriel, Shawn and Dietrich. The others were coming by car and would be there at any moment. We had arrived near the front of the university, but that was a bit of a problem. I didn’t know where the commotion was taking place, because I never got that information out of Rika.
It wasn’t hard to find it though. All that we had to do was follow the sound of the screams and the shouting and we were able to find out where the situation was taking place. Then again, there was shouting all over the campus because of people fleeing the buildings.
After the screams, I heard the sound of the sirens, and I noticed that they were near the parking lot that we usually dropped Reagan and Rika off at. When we actually drove them here, that is. Of course, that is where it would be taking place. They hadn’t even had the time to get to their first class, they had barely even left the parking lot.
Reece and I weren’t the only ones that were running frantically when we knew where to go. Shawn and Dietrich, who also had kids here at the campus, were in a hurry to get to their kids and make sure that they were safe. They actually had twice as many kids, so they had more of a need to get to their kids than Reece and I did. It was only marginally more, but it was still there, at least in my mind.
When we arrived at the parking lot, I saw that Devon and Rawlynne were just walking onto the scene. When I looked across the area, to where they were walking, I saw that Beech was kneeling on a man and holding him in place. And behind him, Ashle was directing the panicked and frantic students where to go.