Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha Novel

Chapter 1107 - 1107 Chapter 92- Trinity – Like Any Other Day Part 7 (VOLUME 6)

Chapter 1107 – 1107 Chapter 92- Trinity – Like Any Other Day Part 7 (VOLUME 6)

1107 Chapter 92- Trinity – Like Any Other Day Part 7 (VOLUME 6)




I ran, as fast as my large baby belly would allow me to, until I got to where the others were. I saw the moment that Beech knew that we were there, and the relief that washed over him. He was glad to be done with playing guard duty. He was looking uncomfortable and out of sorts, like he usually did when he had to interact with a lot of people that he didn’t know. He was a shy boy, and often didn’t communicate well.

“Where are the others?” I asked the moment that we were all close enough to speak.

“They are searching for the bombs and evacuating the campus. They are doing their best, Aunt Trinity.”

“I know they are.” I looked at the buildings in the distance. “We can take over from here though. We will get them and disarm the bombs.”

“I have a bomb squad on the way.” Devon said immediately. “They will be here in just a few moments.”

“Ours has an ETA of approximately three minutes.” Rawlynne added. “Having both teams working at the same time will be for the best.”


“Agreed.” Neither Devon nor Rawlynne fought over jurisdiction at the moment. They both knew that, given the circumstances, Rawlynne could overrule Devon and take over, but that would alienate half of the law enforcement agents that were here, and we needed them to work together.

“Well, whether the squads are here yet or not, we need to get the kids out of there and over here.” I told them. “I want them all safe, just in case the bombs start going off.”

“Aunt Trinity?” Beech, still kneeling on the man, called out to me.

“I will take that suspect Beech, you can get up now.” Devon told him, wanting to relieve the boy of his burden.

“Thank you.” Beech nodded at him and rose to his feet, pulling the bombing suspect with him. “Now, Aunt Trinity, the others are searching for the bombs because they know where they are. Well, roughly.” It was at that moment when Beech indicated the device that was still on the ground. “The suspect made a note of where he put bombs that he planted. However, he only listed thirty-nine locations, and he had six more bombs on him.” He grabbed a duffle bag that did indeed have more bombs in it. “We don’t know if he had more than the forty-five bombs though, because this device has room for fifty charges.” He, like the twins, had sat through the lessons on bombs that Torin had taught them just last week. Man, I am glad that we brought someone in to show us what to look for. That was likely what saved the day here.

“We will thoroughly search the school, Beech, there is nothing to worry about.” Rawlynne told him calmly. “Why don’t you and Ashle go have a seat in the parking lot. We will search the school and make sure everyone is safe.”

“Who is that?” Devon asked as he saw another man standing nearby. Actually, he was a boy about Beech’s age. I had a hard time seeing eighteen and nineteen year olds as anything more than just kids still, even if I had told myself a million times that they were adults and deserved respect. It was just a hard thing to get through my head at times like this.

“Oh, that is Jared. He is a human and he has witnessed everything that happened here in the quad since it started several minutes ago. In fact, he had filmed it all.” I noticed that Beech was speaking stiffly, like he usually did in public and uncomfortable situations. He was reaching his socialization limit for the day.

“Well, Jared, I appreciate you sticking around and making sure that nothing happened to Beech here, but please let us handle things from here. If you wouldn’t mind going over there and giving your story to an officer, that would be much appreciated.”

“Yeah, sure thing. Take care, Beech.” Jared waved at him before walking away. He had continued to film even while Devon and Rawlynne were talking. He had gotten a lot of video and evidence of us, and I hoped that none of it was negative.

Things started to move quickly. Devon, Rawlynne and several other agents and officers started to make their way onto the campus. There were some bombs that were close by, being monitored by an officer that was waiting for the bomb squad. The others were looking for the kids, doing more evacuating and searching for bombs.

I think that a lot of people were feeling more confident about this day with the fact that the detonator was in our possession, but that isn’t to say that this wasn’t a decoy and that there wasn’t another device nearby that could be used to set off the bombs. Not only that, but other frequencies, like cell phones, could be used to set off the bombs. There was just no telling when all the danger would be over with.

While the others were searching the campus, Reece and I started to talk to the suspect. He refused to give his name and would only say the same things over and over again.


The words, while not at all cryptic, were still a mystery to us. How had we brought this upon ourselves? It was this man and his evilness that had decided to try to hurt innocent people. And we didn’t know who this colonel was, so that didn’t make sense to us at all. He was more or less, just a ranting lunatic at this point. Later though, when we were at the FBI office with Rawlynne, Reece and I would interview this man and work out of him who it was that he was working for.

Reagan and Luka were the first to make it back to us. Levi and Cypress were next, along with a lot of the staff that were in the administration building. After them, Alexandra and Elias came walking in with a lot more students that had needed to evacuate. However, Rika and Alyssa still weren’t here. They hadn’t made it back to us yet.

I was starting to get a little antsy and worried. Where were they? Why weren’t they here by now? What could have happened? Had they even found her yet? So many questions and no answers for them at all.

More and more of our people showed up to help as the minutes ticked by. Noah, Juniper, Paul, Cedar, Griffin, Lena, Trevor, Landon, Falina, Dad, Athair mòr, Móraí and Grandfather. They were all going to be helpful in mitigating these tough times. We needed to be careful that we didn’t let anything bad happen to the students, and we needed to make sure that they were all OK, mentally and physically.

The bomb squads were working their way through the locations that had confirmed bombs. They were disconnecting the charges from the explosives in as quick of a manner as possible. I heard from them that it was best that these were all simple and small devices, because it made deactivating them a lot easier than it could have been.

Apparently, the bombs weren’t very powerful, but the sheer number of them would have done massive damage to the campus. And the fact that several of them were found in one building, all in rooms that were stacked directly on top of each other, meant that the entire building could have collapsed, with all the stress that it would have put on the structure when they detonated. Even if they were detonated one at a time, it could have been catastrophic.

Finally, after the last of the bombs had been confirmed as found and they were just doing a final sweep of the campus, to make sure that there were no other devices that were unaccounted for, Rika and Alyssa came walking toward us with Devon and another detective, Andrew Masterson.

“Where have you been?” I scolded Rika the moment that I saw her. I knew that I shouldn’t have yelled at her, but I was so worried and scared for her that I just couldn’t help it.

“We were helping.” Rika said in a tone that implied that she didn’t see a problem at all.

“I told you not to leave this spot, but yet when I got here you were nowhere to be seen.” My fear for her safety, so long unconfirmed, had left me feeling frazzled and scared. I also knew that a lot of this was the surging hormones inside of my pregnant body, they were making all the fears and worries worse.

“I was helping, Mom, that is what I am supposed to do.” Once again, Rika spoke as if there was no problem at all.

“You are my daughter, and your first job is to stay safe.”

“I can’t do that Mom, my responsibilities lie with the people more than myself. I need to protect them.”

“Rika, I-.” I started to scold her again, but Reece put a hand on my shoulder to stop me.

“That is good of you, Rika. You have your heart in the right place, and I know that you care a lot about your people. We will not fault you for that. It is just that your mother and I were worried about you. We were scared that something happened to you. It is possible that this man was not working alone. So, we started to fear that someone had gotten to you and Alyssa. That is all, sweetheart. That is what your mother is trying to tell you.”

“I know, Dad.” Rika nodded at him. “I don’t blame Mom for being upset at all. She has a lot on her plate, and she is dealing with all the hormones. That is not an easy thing to do. I am sorry for worrying the two of you though, that was not my intention. I just refused when Andrew and Uncle Devon told me to come back. I would not give up on the search. This is my school, my campus, my fellow students and friends. I couldn’t let them get hurt. Not on my watch.”

There was a power and heat that was radiating off of Rika at that moment. I knew that she was a good kid, and this was just another prime example of that. She was showing me right now that she was thinking about all the other students, human and supernatural alike. She was making sure that they were all out safe and that every last bomb was found.

“I am sorry for yelling, Rika.” I felt horrible now. I hadn’t intended to upset her, or anyone else. “I was just so worried about you. And I know that Shawn and Dietrich were just as worried about Alyssa.” I said as I watched the two men in question embrace their daughter with all their love and strength.

“I know, Mom. I really do. And I am not upset at all. I know that you had a reason to be upset, but I made a decision to not stop. And I made Devon listen to me.”

“You made him?” Reece raised a brow and looked from Rika to Devon.


“Yes, she used her connection to you to overpower me.” Devon was blushing just a little. “It was almost like a-.”

“Dominance?” Reece finished for him.

“Yeah, almost exactly like that.”

“Hmm.” Reece seemed to think about something but he didn’t say anything else on the subject.

“I think that most of us can leave here. The students have been questioned while we searched the school, and most of them are being sent home. The campus is going to be closed for the next week to be on the safe side. Trinity, if you and Reece can join us at the office, I would appreciate it. The rest of you,” she primarily looked at the kids around us, “you can all go home.”

“Yes, sure thing.” I nodded at her in agreement. “Shawn, Dietrich, you can take your kids home and do whatever you need to. Shane, can you drive everyone else home?” I asked him, thanking Vincent with my eyes for having thought ahead and sending the SUV to the campus. Remembering Vincent though, I had one more thing to say. “Vincent, you can come with us, if you don’t mind.”

“Will do, Trinity.” Shane spoke calmly, even jovially while Vincent just nodded and smiled at me. “We will keep everyone safe at home until you get back.” I knew that Shane was speaking in code. He was saying that they wouldn’t let Reagan and Rika out of their sights until we got home. He was right in thinking that I wanted the kids to stay home, all of them. And they would likely be heading over to the other school to pick them up on the way home. Then again, they would need to make a separate trip, there wasn’t enough room in the one car.

Then again, it was past midday now, so it wasn’t all that early for the kids to be getting out of school. They had at most an hour or so left in their day. Still, I wanted them all home and safe until Reece and I got back.

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