1121 Chapter 106- Various – Super Natural Appreciation Convention Part 1 (VOLUME 6)
*** In these chapters, the POV will switch depending on who the main focus is. There will be views from Trinity and Reece’s staff, convention attendees, and DOE infiltrators. There is a lot of information that is to be had in these chapters, but some fun as well. And as a result of the multiple POV, they will all be in a third person POV. ***
When they heard about the convention that was going to be held in town, Jared Growding and his friends decided that they were going to crash it. They weren’t like those people that had flocked to join the DOE or anything like that, but they just didn’t see the appeal of those super natural people that were on the news.
Jared, and his friends Katie, Torrance, Mikey and Lisa, didn’t care that they were in the world and living among them. They didn’t think that they should be hurt or stopped from doing anything that they wanted to do, that wasn’t the reason behind this whole plan that they had today.
No, the whole reason that they were here was to mock those fanatics that were taking all of this a little too far. I mean, who the hell wanted to dress up like werewolves and other creatures of the night just because they found out that they were real? And, man, there sure were a lot of people that were dressed in costumes. They had to have put way too much time, effort, and money into those things. It was almost hard to tell if they were humans, or if they were some of the super naturals that were here to hide in plain sight. Now, wouldn’t that be some sort of messed up?
How desperate for attention did they have to be if they were willing to cosplay as themselves just to get the humans to love them more? That was just sheer desperation in Jared’s opinion. They had to be some special kind of lonely to do something like that.
Still, Jared thought that they would get some fun out of this trip to the convention. They were going to make fun of the groups of idiots, have some good food, and just enjoy the sheer craziness that was all around them. They planned to do some heckling, but that was about it. They weren’t here to get physical or anything.
“Hell, Jared, you never know. We might learn something new. I mean, I doubt it, but you never know.” Mikey joked as they slid their passes over their necks and walked in through the doors.
“You know they say you should always learn something whenever you can. Like how to apply fur to your face so you can properly look like our neighbors.” Lisa joked as they walked shoulder to shoulder. Lisa had always crushed on Jared, but he never really liked her. It wasn’t personal, she just didn’t appeal to him in that way.
“Who knows.” Jared just shrugged and continued through the door and the chaos beyond.
Well, that was what Jared thought it was going to be like. He thought that for sure there must be some sort of chaos in a place that was packed with werewolf wannabes and vampire fangs that were obscuring the way that people talked. It was a little crazy, but not what they had thought that it would be.
“Holy shit! It’s like a Comicon.” Torrance’s jaw dropped in disbelief. He had been right. Jared was just thinking that same thing. He had enjoyed going to Comicon every year for the last decade, since he was thirteen and he was able to convince his parents that he should be allowed to go. He wasn’t an otaku or anything, but he enjoyed his fandoms.
“You’re right.” Katie was spinning in a circle as she looked around the room. “This is like a Comicon for the super naturals. This is sick!”
“C..could it be that the super naturals are actually super cool?” Mikey asked as they walked further into the convention.
“Maybe.” Torrance agreed. “This is awesome.
Jared was inclined to agree with him. There were standees, cutouts, amazing imagery, food stalls, vendor stalls, and so much more. It had only been a little more than two months since the announcement of the super natural community, and already there was this much fan memorabilia. That was just impressive. They had to have been planning this since the very beginning.
“You think that maybe some of these people knew about the nonhumans before the announcement?” Katie whispered in awe, trying to make sure that no one outside of their group overheard them.
“I doubt it. Fanatics can do a lot in a short amount of time.” Jared told her calmly. “I mean, think about how the Comicon can get, this is amazing, but nowhere near that level. They just worked hard to get to this point. If they had known about the super naturals beforehand, they would have been able to make this all way better.”
“Yeah, I agree.” Mikey wrapped an arm around Katie’s shoulders. “Let’s have a look around. That food smells amazing.”
They did just as Mikey suggested, looking around the convention and the various stalls that they had. They had food that was entirely super natural themed, and while delicious, despite the way it looked, Jared was sure that the nonhumans didn’t eat off the wall foods like this. I mean, who ate full moon balls and crescent moon pies? They were just too themed and unnatural.
Actually, that was something that he was learning about most of the nonhumans as he walked through the convention. The nonhumans were less prone to use technological advancement and genetically modified foods. They would prefer all natural things to what the big corporations wanted to offer them. That sounded about right in his head.
Little by little, as he was walking through the convention, Jared was starting to appreciate this community a lot more than he thought that he was going to. And not once did any of the five of them make fun of one of the costumes that they had seen. They weren’t as corny as they had thought that they would be. OK, well, some of them still were, but most were amazing. Jared really had to give it to the people that had put so much effort into them.
When Queen Trinity had told Kiernan that she needed him for a mission, he was more than willing to help out. He had not been called upon personally since he had gone to scout the house that the Jaegan were suspected of using during the previous incidents. After that battle had ended, he had gone back to being a normal guard that had no additional duties.
However, Queen Trinity knew that she was able to trust Kiernan, and he was ready to prove himself once more. He would do anything for his community. He wasn’t a wolf like King Reece and Queen Trinity. He was a feline, and usually people thought that the felines were closed off and rude, but Kiernan wanted to prove them wrong. He wanted to show them that he was not like the housecats that people associated them with.
Kiernan was walking through the convention, wading through all the humans that were here to show their love and support for his community. He wasn’t here for pleasure though. According to Queen Trinity, and the spies that they had sent into the DOE headquarters, there was an incident planned for this place today.
The DOE, those moronic humans that hated the nonhuman community with a passion, but yet oddly enough have all animal or super natural themed acronyms, were planning on bombing this convention at some point today. And Kiernan was here with fifteen other guards to search out the bombs and the attackers.
They had arrived here long before the convention was due to begin, before the thing wasn’t even set up completely. Without all the other humans there to muddle the senses, they had done a thorough sweep of the stadium. They made sure that there were absolutely no bombs on the premises before the attendees arrived. So, if someone scented out the material for the bombs like Prince Luka and Prince Reagan did at the university, then they would also be finding the culprits behind the attack.
It was easy to see that the convention was a hit with all the humans that showed up. Many of them were in costumes of different kinds. Kiernan had seen dozens of witches and warlocks that thankfully didn’t have green skin. There were a lot of vampires that looked cool for Hollywood, but were nothing like King Dietrich and his people. And then there were all the werewolves. So many werewolves filled the stadium that it made Kiernan a little sad. A lot of the humans seemed to think that there weren’t many other shifters in existence.
Kiernan understood that the humans just hadn’t seen much of the feline shifters like him, nor the bear shifters like Javier, that was here with him and the others. They weren’t used to having so many other kinds of creatures to worry about or to think about. And he was not allowed to tell them about the others, because unless they had to, they weren’t allowed to reveal themselves.
However, perhaps Kiernan could just stop and talk to one of the werewolf people, the ones in the costumes, not the wolves that were here to investigate with him. He could ask their opinions on the other shifters of the world and get the discussion going. When they were talking to their friends about the different types and what they looked like, then maybe he would just slip away. It was an option. And he was planning on doing just that.
“Hi there.” A cute girl of about twenty called out to Kiernan as he was thinking about stopping to discuss the various shifters with the attendees.
“Hi.” He sounded nervous, his voice a little squeaky. He was more mouse than cat at the moment.
“I love your makeup. What type of super natural are you supposed to be?”
“Huh?” At that moment, Kiernan realized that he had slightly lost control of himself. He reached up toward his face and felt the fur and other dimensional changes to his cheeks and mouth. “O..o..oh, I uh, I am a feline shifter. I saw them on the news during the reveal and I had to dress as one of them. I thought that the cats were amazing.”
“Oh, that is so awesome. I love that. I can’t believe that I chose to come as just a vampire now. I love cats.” She got closer to him and rubbed the fur on his cheeks. “Wow, that feels so real.”
“Ha ha ha, yeah, I put a lot of effort into it. Thanks for the compliment.”
“My name is Selena, what’s yours?” Kiernan didn’t know why, but he was feeling a pull toward this woman. It was stronger and more powerful than he would have initially thought that it was capable of being. Then again, he might be wrong about what this feeling was.
“My name is Kiernan.” He gave his real name as he answered her, not even thinking about lying to her.
“Cool name. And I love the auburn hair. It looks so good on you. Are those contacts that you’re wearing? Those yellow eyes are so sexy.” She was getting closer and closer to him with every word and he wanted nothing more than to let her touch him. She was all that he wanted at the moment.
“KIERNAN!” Javier called out to him.
“I..I got to go. My friends are looking for me.”
“Can I get your number?” She asked him seductively. She was at this convention, she had to like the super naturals, right? Maybe he could have a date or two with her.
“Y..yeah, s..sure.” He smiled through the stutter as he wrote his number on the paper that she held in her hand.
“Thanks, Kiernan, I’ll call you.” She winked at him and he felt every muscle in his body contract almost instantly. Man, he was already falling for her and he barely knew her.
He jogged over to Javier’s side, his head still lost in the cloud of what might be.
“What the hell, man. You’re not supposed to reveal yourself to the humans.” Javier motioned toward his face that was covered in rusty reddish orange fur and black stripes.
“I didn’t mean to, man. I lost focus. Besides, they think it’s just makeup, there is nothing to worry about.”
“Be glad that it happened here and not out on the streets. Queen Trinity would not be happy about this.”
“I’m sorry, man. Now that I think about it, that girl was to blame. I didn’t lose my cool until I was near her and started to smell her.” He started to remember. He had smelled an intoxicating aroma that sent his heart into overdrive. He hadn’t registered it for some time because he was too focused on work, but she was the reason that he lost his composure.
“Why would she be the cause?” Javier crossed his arms at him and narrowed his eyes.
“I..I think that she is my mate, man. She affected me so strongly. And I know that she’s human, that was clear as day. But she just had something extra, something that hit me like a ton of bricks.”
“Yeah, I can see that.” Javier laughed as he looked Kiernan up and down. “Keep it in your pants for right now. We’re at work for crying out loud. Talk to the pretty girl later.” Kiernan growled protectively and defensively when his friend mentioned the girl was pretty. “Man, she really did get to you, didn’t she?”
“I’m sorry, Javier, I didn’t mean that.” Kiernan was already wondering what was happening to him, but he wasn’t completely against it. It was vaguely frightening because it was out of his control, but he was still aware enough to be excited about it as well. This offered a strange new opportunity for him. And he wanted to explore it as much as he possibly could. Preferably with Selena and her gorgeous body spread before him. That thought made him drool.