1122 Chapter 107- Various – Super Natural Appreciate Convention Part 2 (VOLUME 6)
*** In these chapters, the POV will switch depending on who the main focus is. There will be views from Trinity and Reece’s staff, convention attendees, and DOE infiltrators. There is a lot of information that is to be had in these chapters, but some fun as well. And as a result of the multiple POV, they will all be in a third person POV. ***
“Look at them all.” Rowan whispered to his twin sister as they wove their way through the group of humans that were dressed as werewolves. “They think that they are dressing like us, but that isn’t true at all.”
“I know.” Ilana shook her head. “The only Lycans in the world are Uncle Reece and Reagan. At least, as far as we know.” She was looking around in disbelief as much as Rowan had been. “Why are we here, Row?” She asked him, leaning closer to his side as a group of excited cosplayers ran by them. What made it so strange to her was the fact that these people were at least fifty, according to the way that humans looked. Then again, the super naturals were dreadfully bad at judging ages for the humans. Not having someone of relative age to properly compare them to.
“Holy hell! Did you see those people? They were ancient! What were they, three hundred or something?”
Rowan had a harder time with ages than Ilana did. He forgot, often, that humans didn’t age like the super naturals did. He would see an old human and think they were centuries old. He wasn’t the only one of their generation that thought like that as well, but Ilana couldn’t let it slide.
“They were not ancient, Row. They are humans. They are probably between the ages of forty and sixty. I would estimate closer to fifty just to be safe. You can’t judge them on the people in our group.”
“No one in our group looks that old.” Rowan rolled his eyes at her. “How can I not judge them like that?”
“Whatever.” She grabbed his arm and pulled him along. “We need to stay hidden. I heard from Reagan that there are guards from the castle here. They are looking after things because Carter told them that there was going to be a bombing. I doubt it though, there is nothing going on here except the humans acting crazy.” Ilana’s eyes rolled again. She was only here because her brother wanted to be here. She would rather be shopping or with her friends.
Then again, both of the twins were rebelling a little. Someone had to, Leaf and Willow were being far too calm with the fact that their parents had left on a mission without so much as asking if they were OK with it. That was not cool in the eyes of the twins, but they couldn’t complain either. Their parents were doing work for Aunt Trinity, and that was important.
In a way, Ilana just thought that they were rebelling because they were teenagers and because they weren’t there at the university the day that the psycho with the bombs showed up. And by that, she meant that Rowan was rebelling and just dragging her along like he always did. She likes spending time with her brother though, something that usually made her friends call her strange.
The two of them, hiding who they were from the humans and staying out of the way of the guards, wandered around the convention that was being held to honor people like them. They were having shows that depicted their histories, or what the humans thought their history was.
“Can you believe that they think we were actually born from wolves and people?” Rowan scoffed as they walked past a man that was telling them all about the mother wolf and father human that birthed the entire race of werewolves thousands and thousands of years ago.
“That’s just plain wrong. I mean, OK, we mate with humans, yes, but we’re not in our animal forms when we do that.” Ilana shuddered at the thought. “How could they think those things?” That was actually insulting.
Ilana was happy to see that there were several others that were pointing out that what the man was saying just wasn’t true. And like the people that were calling out his lies, Ilana was very certain that the man just had some wildly inappropriate fantasies that were running wild now that he knew about the nonhumans of the world.
“Stay away from him, Ilana.” Rowan pulled her arm and looked back at the sick minded man.
“You don’t need to tell me twice.” She shuddered and kept moving.
Some of the things that the people were saying were just not true. There was a seminar that someone was holding that talked all about how all the super naturals loved natural and healthy eating. They ate animal meat, but only the ones they hunted themselves. They preferred all natural remedies and produce so that they didn’t have any of the chemicals in it. And they were trying to say that no true super natural would have a cell phone or a computer, because it was too high tech and unnatural.
There was a group of people standing at the back, watching the seminar just like Ilana and Rowan were. They seemed more like spectators than active participants though, like they weren’t really into this whole convention thing.
Ilana noticed the one man right away. He had sandy blond hair that shined with golden brown highlights. His eyes, warm and inviting with their melting chocolate texture, only strayed her way one time, but it was enough for her to be mesmerized for a moment. He was tall, but not overly so like Reagan and Uncle Reece. He was fit, but not like someone that worked out all the time. He looked like a relatively good guy, but she wasn’t able to tell for sure because she wasn’t close enough to him.
When he did look at her, Ilana smiled for the briefest of glances before he walked away with the group that he was with. She could tell that he was not with any of them, not in that way, but that they were just here as a large friend group. She wanted to follow him, but she didn’t think that she should. She would need to let him go for now.
“Come on, Ilana, let’s see some more. That food smells good, and I want to have some.” Taking her hand, Rowan pulled her along after him and toward the stall.
“Be careful, idiot. There are guards all over the place.” She snapped at him as they went for some food.
“She’s right about that.” A voice sounded from behind them. “And you two are not yet good enough at protecting yourselves to be here alone.” The voice was vaguely familiar, but Ilana couldn’t yet place it. Especially because she was still facing away from the man. She wasn’t ready to turn around and face him, and neither was Rowan.
Darius was more used to guarding people and buildings, not scouting out a location that needed to be saved from doomsday morons. He liked his job though, and he didn’t mind the challenge of something new. The more that he did for work, the more that he grew, the better soldier that he would become. And he was all for being the best of the best.
He was with several other men from the castle. Men that were not usually sent out on public missions. He knew exactly why too. He and the others that came with him were here because no one would recognize them. There was no chance at all that anyone here had seen any of them on TV or in pictures on the internet. They were easily able to infiltrate the group that was mixed in here.
There was a lot that Darius was seeing as he moved among the groups of humans. However, the most noticeable was the fact that they all tended to dress up. Was this something that was normal? Or was it just for this occasion? He had spent a lot of time among the humans of this world, and being a wolf meant that he wasn’t isolated like some of the other species, but he wasn’t the most familiar with them.
Darius had grown up in a small pack that stayed with themselves. He had not left his hometown at all until he was offered the chance to train with the royal family at the castle. And, since that day, the castle in Colorado had been his home. With all the changes that the world had seen over the years, he was more than happy to have things the way that they were. And try new things while he was at it.
While walking among the crowd of humans, Darius noticed something that didn’t seem right to him. He knew everyone that was here with him for the mission today. Henry, Oliver, Luke, Kiernan, Javier, Marcus, Tim, Quinten, Jessalee, Emelia, Langley, Tracey, Zita, Macy, and Heath. He knew their names, but more importantly, he knew their scents. And these scents that he was detecting right now weren’t human, and they weren’t the team that he was here with.
There were other nonhumans here. Others that weren’t supposed to be here. These were not scents that were around the castle often, but he knew them. They were common enough at the home of the royal family that he knew them by name. And he knew that they weren’t supposed to be anywhere near this part of the city today. All of the kids that attended the university were told to stay away from here.
“Rowan and Ilana.” He growled their names softly as he started to look for the two people that shouldn’t be here. “What are you up to?”
Darius was trying not to be too obvious as he started to hunt for his prey, not literally but figuratively. He needed to find those two kids, though they weren’t kids anymore. And then, after he did find them, he would send them home. They might be grown now, but they were still the kids of people that were important to his King and Queen. He would need to find them and get them out of here before anything bad started to happen.
Hopefully nothing happened, but Darius wasn’t going to take that risk with such high priority members of his community. These kids, and that was what they were behaving like, didn’t belong here right now. They needed to be more responsible than this. They needed to make sure that they didn’t do anything stupid.
For several minutes, Darius followed their trail as he tracked them through the stadium. He caught up to them while they were listening to a seminar from someone about healthy eating being linked to the super naturals. Maybe when it came to the Fae it was like that, but most of the other species out there enjoyed their food, and lots of it too. These humans were so far out of the loop that it wasn’t even round anymore. Their loops were just a distant figment of their imagination. Damn, he wanted to call them stupid sometimes, but that would go against Queen Trinity’s wishes.
Darius saw Ilana watching one of the humans that was in the distance. He wasn’t paying any attention to her, nothing more than just a glance before he and his friends walked away, but that seemed to be enough for her. That was interesting. Did Ilana like that boy? Did she know him from university? Darius didn’t know the answers to those questions, and it piqued his interest.
The twins were starting to walk away now, abandoning that seminar that made no sense to Darius. This was his chance. He could catch them and make them leave now that he was this close to them. They were on their way toward the food stalls that were ringing the entire stadium. Even Darius would have to admit that the food smelled delicious, and he was interested in some of it, but not at the moment. Not until after the danger was dealt with. And these kids were back home where they belonged.
“Come on, Ilana, let’s see some more. That food smells good, and I want to have some.” Practically dragging his sister by the arm, Rowan moved toward the closest food stall.
“Be careful,
idiot. There are guards all over the place.” Ilana warned him as Darius got right behind the two of them. He took a deep breath, and then spoke in his signature deep gravelly voice.
“She’s right about that.” There was a soft gasp that sounded as if it came from Ilana the moment that she heard his voice. “And you two are not yet good enough at protecting yourselves to be here alone.”
Darius grinned before the two kids turned to look at him. Actually, it was more that Darius had spun them slowly to face him, their eyes opened wide in fear and shock when they looked at him.
“U..uh..uhm, h..h..hi.” Rowan stuttered out. “H..h..how did you find us?”
“I smelled you.” Darius growled at them. “You’re too noticeable. And you know that you are not supposed to be here.” He was not angry with them, just not happy that he had this added part of his job. “You were told to avoid the convention.”
“Yes, but there isn’t anything that is going to happen. And we are bored of staying home.” Rowan nearly whined. “We will be fine. I will protect Ilana, you can go on your way now, uhm, uh.” Darius could tell that the kids didn’t know his name, but they knew his voice and face.
“Darius.” He growled the name for them. “And no, you cannot stay here. Would you rather that I called Queen Trinity and tell her that you were here?”
“NO!” They both shouted at the same time. “DON’T CALL AUNT TRINITY!”
“Then you need to leave.” He narrowed his eyes at them. “This is not the time to be playing around.”
“Y..y..yes, OK.” Ilana nodded. “Let’s go, Row!” She tugged on his arm, but before they could leave his side, there was a loud commotion that erupted on the other side of the stadium, and suddenly, Darius could smell the faint scent of almonds, tar, and motor oil. The same combination of the bombs that were at the university.