— Kat — (Friday Afternoon)
Kat found herself sitting across Sylvie, with a chessboard in between them and Lily curled up asleep on her lap. It was late in the evening a day after she’d had that chat with Callisto and she’d spent most of the day practicing in the backyard with Lily. The space was somewhat limited but it was better then nothing in the end. Of course… “You do know I’m not any good at chess right?” said Kat.
Sylvie shrugged, “That’s sort of the point. I was hoping to talk with you after hearing that you had a bit chat with Vivian and then one with Callisto. I get I am busy with school and stuff… but that doesn’t mean I wanted to miss out! So… chess it is. If you actually knew how to play you might focus on the game instead of me!”
“Then what’s the point of the chessboard?” asked Kat.
“It gives us something to look at and pretend to do when we’re feeling awkward or coming up with our next topic or there’s a long silence or something,” explained Sylvie.
Kat glanced at the chessboard once again. She knew how to play chess… in theory. Kat never found the time to really learn the game but she did know what all the pieces do and was aware that chess theory was a thing. She also knew that one opening you never wanted to do because it got you checkmated right at the start. That was the extent of her chess knowledge. *Though maybe I should learn? Sylvie enjoys the game somewhat even if it’s not a favourite.*
“Right… so what did you want to talk about?” asked Kat.
“I don’t know? Anything?” said Lily.
Kat sighed, “That’s almost worse then saying nothing Sylvie. It doesn’t give me anywhere for the conversation to go!”
“Well… what did you talk about with Callisto and Vivian?” asked Sylvie.
Kat considered hiding or obfuscating things for about half a second before discarding that notion. Even still… she didn’t really want to talk about that stuff with Sylvie. Going over her old adventures like she had with Callisto would feel a bit too much like bragging and the stuff with Vivian… well Kat hadn’t exactly enjoyed talking about that with Vivian either even if it was the right call to make.
“My chat with Callisto was just about the Contracts I’ve been on. She wanted something to keep my occupied while doing that portrait. Did you hear about that?” asked Kat.
“I did and Callisto has asked me to look out for a time to have her draw me. Currently the best idea is to have her draw me while I’m studying somewhere so I can just do my own thing without getting bored. Though… I notice you didn’t mention what you spoke to Vivian about,” responded Sylvie.
Kat sighed, “I don’t want to get into specifics but she was trying to give me a minor therapy session I suppose…”
“Ah… do you think you need therapy?” asked Sylvie.
Kat barked out a laugh in response to the question. “Ha, that’s the question isn’t it? I know that the Hub has therapists and I might even be able to get one at a discount or perhaps for free because I’m doing contract work and… hmm… Experience tales at My Virtual Library Empire
“Well I was going to say I don’t need a therapist but if it’s free… maybe? I can ask Kamiko about it when I see her soon anyway.” Kat paused to glance around a bit and finally making her first move on the chess board. She didn’t know how to explain things they way she wanted. Trying to convince Sylvie she didn’t have a problem after Vivian butted into things might be an issue… especially doing it in a way that didn’t have Sylvie turn away from therapy if she needed it in the future.
“I guess for me I just don’t think I need it. Which… is a hard thing to say because I know that a lot of people who do need say the same thing. Ergh… how do I explain this? I’m happy with my life and I don’t feel stressed too often and I think I’m fine? Maybe if more people were worried it was serious… or… hmm…”
“I know how therapy works Kat,” said Sylvie with a smile. “I don’t know why you’re being so awkward about it. If I really thought you needed it I’d have said more than just asking a question… but after you were being so weird with it maybe you think differently?”
“Ah it’s just… no I don’t think I need therapy but like… if there was like… an regular checkup with your general practitioner but for therapy? I could be convinced. I don’t think I have any major issues but like… maybe I have small ones that should be dealt with or something? Like… you want to get cancer screenings when you’re older so that you can make sure to catch it early. I guess it’s sort of like that? I know we don’t have still like that HERE but on the Hub they might?”
Sylvie nodded “That makes sense I guess. I don’t think I want to be a therapist but it was interesting reading some of those books. It’s… weird. I don’t know it’s actually helped me understand other kids my age any better. Though it does make me more thankful for Penny and Alice,”
Kat thanked Sylvie for the graceful topic shift and grabbed the hook. “That’s good. How is your friendship with those two?”
“It’s great!” said Sylvie with wide, genuine smile. “I… well you know I didn’t really have friends before. Nobody bullied me… twice… because of how close I was with you and that was fine but… well yeah it’s not the same as having friends. Not sure I really understood that before… but they’re both great!
“I’m… well I didn’t really know what friendship was like and I’m not sure what it’s like for other people but for me? It’s just nice to be understood. Somewhat. I guess that part is more about understanding what it means to stand out. Alice might not be as smart as I am… but that’s a very big might.
“She’s still really smart and she knows a lot more about talking to people. I sort of wish we went to the same school so I could just let her do all the talking. She doesn’t necessarily enjoy it… but out of all three of us she could pass as the most normal. I can sort of try… but Alice could definitely pretend to be normal if she really wanted to… but she doesn’t really?
“I guess that’s part of what’s odd. I don’t want to be normal but sometimes I recognise it would be nice… so… to see someone who could be chose not to be? That’s just comforting in a way I didn’t know I needed. It’s not like you were ever that normal of an example, and Lily defiantly wasn’t.” Kat felt like she maybe should have a response to that, but she didn’t and Sylvie was on a bit of a roll.
“On the other hand Penny just… she doesn’t even try. I’m not sure she ever tried. At first I really liked that because… this is going to sound bad but it was nice to have someone who was just… more out there then I was. I sort of sit in the middle of Penny and Alice and it’s just… nice to see what could have been?
“But then I remember what Penny’s family are like and suddenly I feel sort of awful for thinking that. I get that some of her issues… well calling them that is rude but… well some of her issues are because of her guardians. I haven’t asked… but I think she’s been with them a while and they’ve never tried to help her understand things. Not the way you’d help me out when I was younger…”
Kat winced at that. She hadn’t needed to help Sylvie out that much… but she could imagine that Penny’s family making things worse by basically ignoring the girl. “I’m really not sure what to do about that.” Sylvie continued after a brief pause to move on of the chess pieces. “I think it’s the biggest source of friction for our little friend group actually. Penny hasn’t SAID anything and I don’t think she will but Alice really wants to do something to help and I keep holding her back…
“Because I just don’t know what to do! I mean… she’s with family. Technically. They aren’t good for her but they… I don’t think they’re abusive? Maybe? It’s one of the reasons I’ve been looking into those therapy books. I’m not sure if it’s emotional abuse and I just don’t… I don’t know what to do about it.
“The thing is… I forget about a lot of that when I’m having fun with them. It’s only occasionally I even think of the issues but… well if I want to be a good friend I feel like I need to help right?”
“I’d say yes… and that you should probably bring this up with Callisto and Vivian. They likely have a better idea about how to help…” offered Kat.
“I already did, and they said they’d get back to me about it,” explained Sylvie. *Hmm… well that’s something. Might need to get Lily to look into things as well…*