D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad Novel

Chapter 1732 Lily Being Adorable

— Kat — (A few hours later)

Kat found herself tied up and bound by shadows while lying in her bed. They didn’t have any real power in them and Kat knew that because when she shifted slightly to ask Lily what her plan was… she broke through a few layers purely with human level strength. Kat was actively trying not to break out… and still failed. “Um… what’s up Lily?”

Lily, in Memphis form, realised she’d created a problem for herself if she wanted to answer out loud. Swapping forms the shadows vanished and Lily pouted. “Nice to know THAT’S how that works I guess…” Lily’s pout was adorable so Kat booped her on the knows, regaining Lily’s attention. “Oh… um… well you had those big chats with everyone else so I sort of wanted a nice one on one chat with you myself!”

Kat looked at Lily like she’d just grown a second head. “Lily… we were practicing together earlier today. Nobody interrupted us, not even Callisto when lunch was ready. She just opened the door and let the smells come out. Today alone I’ve already spent more time with you then I did the others. Well… maybe not Callisto? But we didn’t exactly talk the whole time in that instance,”

Lily’s pouting intensified. “That doesn’t count!”

Kat raised an eyebrow to look at Lily. “Pretty sure this whole ‘heart to heart saga’ if you want to call it that STARTED with us both on the roof didn’t it?” Lily coughed and looked away embarrassed. “Look Lily, I really have no trouble spending more time together but now I’m a touch concerned and a little confused. I mean… we DID have those chats, and we’re connected mentally so even if we didn’t start with our chat I wouldn’t see it as a big deal.

“But this clearly isn’t a joke, or not entirely a joke anyway. So… what does that mean? What’s really going on here?” Lily’s face fell so Kat booped her on the nose again. “Hey none of that. If it’s silly that’s fine. The fact it hasn’t already leaked over our connection means you’ve got more control over it now but you’re really not using it for a good cause if it’s making you feel like this,”

“Urgh… I don’t really know,” admitted Lily as she flopped backwards… and smacked her head into the headboard. Kat stifled a laugh as she pulled her girlfriend away from the wall and laid her down across her legs. It would probably cheer Lily up. Kat’s guess was proven at least somewhat correct when Lily started to get comfortable and couldn’t disguise the smug joy across their mental link.

Lily eventually let out a sigh. “I don’t want to blame my parents but I didn’t get to spend any time with you while I was helping them out, and it just sort of felt everyone was taking up time with you. Which they’re not, and I wouldn’t want to get between you and Sylvie anyway…

But I guess I just felt a bit left out? Especially considering our big chat, if you want to call it that, was a fair while ago now,” Kat rolled her eyes and started to run her fingers through Lily’s hair to calm her down further.

“Not sure I’d consider ‘less then a week’ a while but sure it’s been a few days. I also plan to visit Gramps because it’s been some time since I saw him but if it’ll make you sad for me to go alone you can come with me. It’ll be early in the morning though,” stated Kat.

Lily let out a long groan as she flipped over so her face was resting on Kat’s thighs. They were very comfortable. “Why must you do this! So early!”

Kat didn’t bother to stifle her laughter this time. “I’m heading in early because I want to help Gramps with breakfast. He rarely allowed it before, always somehow getting up earlier then me on the days I planned to help so this is a bit of revenge. Helps that I don’t really need to sleep if I don’t want to so I can be up and ready super early.”

“Blegh. I want to come but that really is so early…” grumbled Lily.

“You were asleep on my lap not that long ago,” countered Kat.

“That’s completely different,” insisted Lily. Her voice somewhat muffled by the position. “Waking up early is not the same as waking up normally. It’s not a matter of how much sleep you have it’s about mornings being evil!” Lily was trying to sound dramatic as best she could but Kat’s thighs were making it hard. “Truly, not being a morning person isn’t about staying up all night or getting enough sleep it’s just about mornings being evil!

“It is only now, when I get more than enough sleep that I can see it clearly! Waking up before 9 am is a travesty! Nobody should be subjected to such cruelty! It is a travesty of the highest order and I will work to correct it one day!”

“So what you’re saying is… you want to stay awake until morning so you don’t have to wake up in the early morning?” asked Kat, somewhat surprised she was able to make the joke without tripping the demonic lies filter.

“What no! That’s not what I meant!” hissed Lily causing Kat to giggle.

“Alright, alright. I’m sure we can work something out. I still want to go and see Gramps and he does know I’m a demon so I suppose I can carry you along in Memphis form without the horns raising eyebrows with him. Though… hmm… not sure if I’ve mentioned you can transform. Whatever it doesn’t matter and I make no promises you’ll get to talk with him because I’m not sure how long I’ll stay. I’ll probably leave before nine if I had to guess,” said Kat.

“I’ll figure something out,” sighed Lily. “What’s the plan in regards to going shopping with Kamiko and Sue?”

“I’m not entirely sure. I want to get that done sooner rather then later because we don’t know when the next mission is going to be. While I’m sure we have at least two weeks in normal circumstances… I’d say there’s a good chance that we’re going to be called in for the Tournament stuff sometime soon. It would be annoying if we needed the storage and then got sent off. Though… not sure if Thyme will allow the use of them in whatever he has cooked up for the final round anyway?”

“It’s worth picking up for sure,” said Lily as she turned around to be properly heard. A bit of a shame but it needed to be done if they were moving onto something requiring proper consideration. “Even if we can’t use it during the tournament I’m sure Thyme would be interested in examining something made by demons and we might be able to trade knowledge. Well… assuming they ARE made by demons?”

Kat considered it for a few moments. “I feel like it HAS to be demon made for it to work with demonic energy. It’d be too dangerous otherwise and I don’t think this is the sort of thing you can just slightly rework to be compatible with demonic energy… though I could be wrong about that. Do you have any idea on what sort of storage device we want?” Find more to read at My Virtual Library Empire

“Well… it depends on what you plan for it. I’m not sure how intentional you were about it, but you shared that part of the conversation you had with Callisto and I agree with her. If it’s not sturdy enough you’re liable to break it by not dodging. At the same time? It might be necessary to have it be transformation compatible anyway because of your water trick. It’s more likely to be compatible, but not certain.

“So… I guess seeing if we can find one that will work for both of us? Perhaps, if it’s a thing, we get a connected set of rings or whatever that has one storage space shared between two people? Not sure how hard that would be or if it would be more likely to break. The ‘works on Earth’ factor might be the limiting one. Maybe if I had a way to like… seal things in my shadow we could work around it but I don’t. Not yet,” answered Lily.

“So… reckon we should hit up Kamiko and Sue tomorrow then? After speaking with Gramps? I’ve kept them in the loop and they’re both free for a bit. Kamiko for obvious reasons and Sue because she finished her mission yesterday? Day before that? Yeah it was the day before that now I’ve said it,” elaborated Kat.

Lily sighed and buried her face in Kat’s thighs once again it was comforting. “That seems like so much work in one day!”

“Lily, we do more stuff in a single day, sometimes for like a week at a time when we’re on missions,” retorted Kat.

“Once again Kat, that’s different. We’re basically on vacation! Two groups of people to talk to in one day?! That’s way too much social interaction,” complained Lily.

“You could skip the trip to Gramps then?” offered Kat. Lily had no good response to that.

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