What’s the use of power if it doesn’t bring you pleasure? What is the point of becoming stronger, if even with the current opportunities you can revel in superiority?
Naruto never aspired to something without proper motivation. Jigen could have forced him to build up strength, but right now he was getting it almost out of thin air. That is why he was indifferent to this, because he could not truly enjoy what he did not spend effort on. If under your feet are mountains of gold, will they bring the same pleasure that you would get by taking away other people’s wealth? The answer is obvious. It’s not about women or wealth, but about the heady feeling of getting them!
Besides, what’s the fun in some fight with a strong enemy? Just to amuse yourself with the fact that you trained for good reason? Is winning that much fun? It will be much more pleasant to put the enemy on a chain and force him to humiliate himself! Therefore, strength cannot be the goal, and being obsessed with increasing it is too boring. Cowards and paranoids may disagree. Creating for themselves a framework of freedom and building up personal fears, they give themselves entirely to self-improvement in an attempt to overcome them and rise, but inevitably face a cruel reality. Breaking someone and taking everything that belongs to him, that’s the true taste of life!
Of course, it should be borne in mind that being a complete weakling, thinking this way is suicide. Only Naruto, from his position, could act so smug.
He enjoyed taking something from others, dominating, and reveling in the emotions of women. And they attracted him mainly. Even other countries and expansions of territories did not affect his emotions in any way.
Of course, he was waiting for the day when everyone will know his true face, when they will understand who stole their daughters and wives!
And even though it’s just a funny fantasy…
The moment when the whole world realizes that their deity is a hungry demon!
The desire to see how people, without realizing it, will accept their fate and worship him with sincere smiles. Isn’t that how God should be? Unjust and cruel – the eternal tyrant. Any wrong deed is perceived by his admirers as a sin, and they obsessively try to prove their return to God, ignoring the fact that their suffering is just his entertainment! People themselves will begin to try themselves, kill each other and all for the sake of his approval. Isn’t it wonderful? At the mere thought of this, God, seated on his mountain of treasures, must shake with furious laughter!
They themselves will amuse him and do not have to do anything!
Very soon, the capture of every hidden village, countries and the spread of a new ideology will begin. If all goes well, the day is not far off when…
– Well, nonsense … Where did it take me?
Naruto couldn’t help but chuckle. Such stupid fantasies… What’s the use of them? He is quite satisfied with married pussies or schoolgirl asses. Such boring goals are only good when there is nothing else to do. Maybe there is something special in this, but in fact, he liked stealing women more and doing whatever he wanted with them.
Although, his requests grew every day …
Of course, worship and respect will not be superfluous, the Hokage wanted everything, but at the same time he was never obsessed with these desires. What’s the point of looking down on everyone and doing nothing? He loved to personally take part, corrupt, subdue and use.
For this reason, he was in no hurry to capture villages and countries, since he was now entertained by women. He made the most of what he had and never let any fantasy spoil the fun. This whole system with its rewards is just a minor detail that barely affected his goals.
Not that he was getting everything undeservedly, Naruto could recognize his talents in persuasion, self-confidence and sex, as well as a sharp mind. But if all the impudent wise men got this, the world would be filled with real monsters… Although, the Hokage put his depravity and tastes to a special height.
Well, it’s always good to think…
“Ha… Okay, what do we have…”
VI Goal achieved!
+ Slot for Hidden Village x1
+ Slot for a girl x1
+ Branched genes – fusion
+ Law of Essence Condensation > D
The second rank opened up a new stage of development, or more precisely, in order to complete the goals from this section, not only more subordination points were already required, but also such a condition as, for example: subjugation of a hidden village.
– It’s problematic…
Naruto could logically assume that the next step might be to subjugate the country, but this point seemed debatable as he did not see much difference between the two conditions. Besides, in a certain sense, it was even easier for a shinobi to subdue ordinary people. True, they should have been more careful with them, beings without developed chakra are very fragile, so Naruto wanted to first test his technique on shinobi, and only then take on any Daimyo. Plus, there are a few things to think about before you act.
He didn’t delay the moment, but he didn’t want to rush either. Because if sex with women is work, then traveling to foreign villages and brainwashing their leaders is even worse! What’s interesting about this? It might be fun at first, but it will get boring quickly…
In general, Naruto was lucky, if not for Konoha, he would have had to work a little. Although, in fact, at this point, he was already looking at it as an annoying scam. He already received awards doing what he loved, proudly having fun, and then he received an award for what is already an award in itself!
If this is the intention of God, then he is clearly not a master of balance, or is he just amused by all this?
All this bored me. Naruto, without much interest, decided to collect this reward. Lately, of course, he had stepped up his hunt for kunoichi, but getting something for nothing was no more interesting for him than a stone on the side of the road.
The good news is that there is not so much sense from these advantages … At most, this power will come in handy in a couple of months and there a couple more times. As a result, you can only amuse yourself with all sorts of special genomes that can diversify life. In addition, in the future, you will not have to strain, and you can quickly end Jigen and continue doing your favorite things.
“Hmm, well, this can be considered a bonus for my attempts to change the village … It’s not in vain that I worked on plans, and Orochimaru called. It will do … “- however, after that, Naruto did not get rid of the irritation and slight itching in his head. He again wanted to fill up some woman and do at least something, and not sit, uselessly collecting awards.
“After talking with Orochimaru, I’ll find something to do before Sasuke arrives… Although, if we’re talking about it… When Sarada wakes up, I can do something…” The Hokage’s lips stretched into a sly grin:
“Sakura… Why don’t we have a chat?” Still, I took your daughter’s virginity, I think it’s worth looking into your eyes, otherwise my conscience will torment me!
Laughing, he pulled away.