The rewards for completing the sixth goal were impressive, their total number did not change, only an additional slot for the village was added to the slot for the girl. However, as before, it was not worth considering this as a reward. The most basic and impressive is the new genes and another spiritual ability!
+ Branched genes – fusion
+ Law of Essence Condensation> D
As soon as Naruto took these awards, he suddenly reeled!
— Ha-ah! W-what the…” His head began to spin, his body starting to weaken before his eyes. Even being incredibly strong for this planet, he could hardly do anything with his abruptly changed state and somehow extinguish the uncontrollable heat spreading throughout his body. All he could do was sit down on the floor, quickly create a barrier around himself, and close his eyes. He did not lose consciousness, he had enough strength to withstand all the changes in his body and keep himself. However, it is understandable, there was no pain at all.
Miraculous warm energy spilled over every cell. The golden reflections of this power began to concentrate in the heart, in the head and in every organ, and then completely penetrated the bones and spread through the chakra channels, thereby blocking the ability to use any jutsu. Even the focus of collecting natural energy was out of order, Naruto completely lost control of his body and simply hung limply in the lotus position. The muscles stopped working, the nervous system shut down, all he could do was keep his brain going. All body systems failed – he simply could not control them. My eyes began to burn, and it was as if a drum was beating in my head.
The Hokage literally heard his heart roaring deafeningly and how deep in his brain, with a characteristic crack, as if the roots of a tree were growing! It was both annoying and surprising at the same time. He certainly did not plan to die, and such helplessness and uncontrollable things happening to the main organ in the body made him tense up properly. Although Naruto did not appreciate what he received almost for nothing, he still wanted to live!
“D-damn… I can’t understand…” He had to quickly admit that he couldn’t even think, only feel. When the thoughts were no longer intertwined together and the mind hardly remained whole, everything was filled with emotions, overflowing, suffocating and incredibly strong! Fear, pain, panic, sincere and wild horror…
— Ha-ah?!
At the same time, everything quickly disappeared under a whole hail of opposite feelings: happiness, delight and insane pleasure!
At that moment, Naruto’s eyes rolled back and he began to smirk stupidly. For the first time in his life, such a ridiculous smile bloomed on his face. Probably, if he knew how disgusting he looks now, he would not hesitate to go into a rage! And surprisingly, he suddenly succumbed to these bewitching feelings…
Hatred! Shattering and insane malice! His eyes became bloodshot and then suddenly defocused and the eyelid drooped halfway down.
Everything has changed again…
The look of the Hokage at that moment was a mixture of calmness and cold indifference.
Again and again, the various masks changed on Naruto’s face to match the next wave of uncontrollable emotions. He seemed to be drowning in them and could not break free, as if possessed by demons. It seemed like he just went crazy.
“What the heck?!”
Kurama watched the situation with disbelief and concern. He quickly realized what was happening, as soon as he felt that strange golden energy in the body of a friend again, and this made him a little angry:
“That brat… He didn’t warn me again!” – True, although he growled, but a huge excitement did not leave his shining scarlet eyes at all. The last days he was preparing to complete his technique and tuned in to its application, and then he was again distracted …
“I’ll remember it for him!”
All this time, undergoing a mixture of emotions and genetic changes, Naruto was sweating and changed his expression dozens of times, but as it turned out, these were only external changes. The internal ones were completely different and very significant. Deep in his subconscious, Naruto arrived in complete serenity, slowly realizing the whole situation.
First of all, the mutations that covered his body concerned genes, the brain and chakra channels throughout the body, the formation of new ones and the strengthening of old ones. Each organ was enriched with a special mystical energy.
“What is this…” – Naruto couldn’t figure out where to be or even hear himself. Naked, he hovered in a snow-white space, unable to open his eyes. As if collecting natural energy, he was completely focused on this process, moving away from the whole world, like an unearthly being.
Something new was born into the body, forming a connection with his soul.
And he couldn’t do anything…
This situation is quite understandable. Since he hardly understood anything – his body acted for him, and mystical energy played a major role in his changes.
This time, Naruto didn’t just change, he received in his body side mutations inherent in the unique flows of Kaguya Ōtsutsuki. For example, members of the Kaguya clan, Hyuga, and even Kinkaku and Ginkaku, as well as many others, stood out among them. Notably, the list of offshoot genes did not include the Enhanced Uchiha Genome. Although, for this moment there were also some reasons. Since Naruto was directly related to the Uchiha and Senju, they could not be considered offshoots, like the same Hyuuga descended from Hamura Ōtsutsuki.
[Branch Genes Fusion]
In any case, he had to go through significant changes in his physical shell, as well as undergo changes associated with the chakra, since the “Law of Essence Condensation” changed this particular component, or rather improved it.
[Law of Essence Condensation]
Instead of the usual chakra channel system of ordinary people and limited reserves, this incredible ability allowed Naruto to collect chakra and concentrate it in a special core and thus accumulate it endlessly! He could build a reserve equal to the nine-tails or even more just by collecting chakra daily! Accumulating it in the core of the essence, which was being formed right now in the area of the main branches of the chakra channels, he could surpass anyone! Such an ability justified the “Law” postscript, since all spiritual abilities turned out to be surprisingly useful in the end.
There is no need to explain how terrifying this power was!
While Kurama watched the changes in Naruto’s body with bated breath, Sarada was just beginning to wake up. Evening came. Around the same time, the effect of the changes to the Hokage’s body finally began to subside. Mystical energy began to dissipate in golden streams, then dissolving in his body.
Naruto hardly felt any pleasure this time, all that was left was a slight pain piercing through his head.