The common room in the pack house had been cleared of all furniture, and it appeared so much bigger than what August realized was possible. Glass doors that lined the back wall were slid fully open so as to open the space entirely to the land out back where the fire had been lit that morning and was now transferred and roaring in a healthy bonfire off to the side.
There were steps down from the entryway, and August and Graeme paused there to admire the way the space had been decorated. Candelabras were set up around the perimeter of the room to add a romantic glow and chandeliers hung elegantly from the ceiling. A stage was set up off to the right with the small folk band playing that August recognized from the last bonfire, only this time they were dressed up in velvet suits and top hats and romantic, flowing dresses.
Despite having a mask on, August recognized Clementine’s sister, Indigo, as the one playing the violin by her black dreads that were jolting and swaying with her impassioned movements, an artist of her craft surrendering to the relationship between herself and her instrument. And that energy created by the band was buzzing throughout the whole space. Everyone was excited, laughing and talking happily in groups, holding plates of food or drinks and admiring each other’s formal attire.
“Where are the pups?” August asked, searching the crowd for the familiar masks or faces of her students.
“They are likely outside by the fire or doing activities that are arranged for them out there. There should be long tables set up outside for dining now as well, if you’d prefer that,” he turned to pull her closer to him, removing her coat and stealing this last moment together before being taken over by the sea of people below.
Greta, Sam, and Sylvia had already gone down to join the others, and Sage had run off to find his peers outside.
“Luna August,” a familiar voice called, causing both her and Graeme to turn.
Finn stood at attention, dressed in a grey suit with a black bowtie and mask, his curly light hair teasing the formality of the rest of him and giving away his identity. There was something distinctly playful about the young lycan, and August wondered if it wasn’t the bounce of those curls that had something to do with it.
Graeme took a step forward to be aligned by August’s side and placed his hand at the small of her back. “Thank you for meeting us, Finn. I expect you to help protect your Luna tonight, but that doesn’t mean you need to hover. Just stay within her orbit if I get pulled away.”
“Understood, sire,” Finn bowed.
It was then that everyone below became aware of their presence as well, as the chatter quieted and eventually fell silent. August looked down to see every masked face turned and angled up toward where her and Graeme stood. Even the band slowed and then stopped their music, turning their attention to the Alpha and Luna perched at the top of the steps ready to grace them.
What must she look like to them? August gulped. Exposed in this fitted, glittering dress with her skin glowing like moonlight. She couldn’t even imagine. At least she had the mask—its plume of feathers and glittering lace feeling like a crown. Her head remained poised to maintain the slice of grandeur it loaned her for the night.
There was a collective intake of breath that she could feel, although it wasn’t entirely audible. Those who had only heard of the visible evidence that their Luna was with child but had yet to see it for themselves were now beholding her for the first time, their eyes assuring them of this fact. Graeme had his rightful mate. Their Alpha had returned to them, and the union with his female was blessed by the Moon Goddess. There was no denying it when the evidence was before them in such a spectacular way. The Hallowell heir, the next in line to take leadership amongst them, had been conceived.
August became aware of her mate’s warmth next to her, steadying her, his hand holding hers—the power running through his veins as his birthright flooding her as well. They were a pair. They were together in this. The Veiled assured her of this as she opened herself to it and saw the gold of their mated aura thrumming powerfully around them. It was dazzling to see, realizing it was something they created together. And while others could not see it, it was apparent that they too felt it.
Eyes were alight with hope and wonder and awe as a gentle hum of whispers greeted their descent on the stairs to be amongst them. August kept a gentle smile on her face, her hand trembling slightly in Graeme’s who squeezed it, reassuring her that all was well. He was here. This was family, and he was their protector as well as hers.
“Our Alpha and Luna have arrived,” Indigo’s rich feminine voice announced through her mic, and with that, the quiet hum of whispers broke into applause.
The band started again, fingers plucking guitar and violin strings and the harmony of voices rising around them.
“Welcome,” Calix was quickly by their side with his slicked back blonde hair above a red mask, hands clasped together ready to please. “Everything has come together as expected. Please let me know if there is anything lacking, and it shall be taken care of.”
“Thank you, Calix,” Graeme told him, withholding his compliments or praise until the night was further along.
August noticed this as one difference between them—she felt moved to congratulate the male right away on the success of putting all of this together. It was an impressive feat after all, but it would be premature. The night had just begun, and there was still much to happen. She could feel a deeper reluctance in Graeme toward Calix as well, as if he didn’t fully trust the smooth-talking male or his trust was yet to be fully won.
Calix grinned, his eyes twinkling with the accomplishment of this night.. This was something he found a great sense of pride and purpose in, and he bowed to them both before turning to deal with the next pressing issue as a sea of bodies swallowed him.